After I got my .44 spl. shooting where I wanted it to- I went to Ruger's site and was just looking around- seens that they make a 5.5 inch stainless, Bisley in .45 Colt for Williams Shooter supply. I just couldn't help myself so I order one- I also ordered a set of Desert Ironwood burl grips from Bearpaw grips in MO. They both arrived at the same time but the gun just looked so lonesome- I went to Bark River Knives and ordered a Loveless Drop Point Hunter with Ironwood scales- got it today and found (like it was lost) a gunbelt on ebay, a holster from Henry Cassaday leather and I guess I'll be residing in the garage for a while. Like I said- I'm blaming you folks! The belt is a Desantis lined with 20 loops and I gave 45.00 for it shipped- I just looked at one like it and retail is $235.00 The holster came from H.C. Leather in Alabama- this guy is going to have to raise his prices soon so- if you need or want a good holster- you can find him on ebay too. The knife- we won't talk about here since I had to use some egg money to buy. The whole rig looks nice and I'm waiting until fall so I can strap it own and go hunting with it. Our Whitetails here are usually taken fairly close and I've always wanted to take one with a handgun. Like I said before- you folks caused all this!
I did it again and it's all you folks fault!
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Tue, 08/28/2012 - 20:00
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