13th annual shoot
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Hello Handgunners,
Here are some random shots regarding this year's event:
1. The date, Saturday, June 1, 2013, should be emblazoned on your calendar.
2. Attached is an updated invitation with rules. There are a few changes worthwhile reading.
3. I'm forecasting the current shortage of ammo will alleviate before the shoot. Maybe not. If you shoot something odd like 45 AR, 41 Magnum or 44 Special; you may find some dusty boxes if you hunt hard.
4. Currently, our sponsor, Buffalo Bore Ammunition has good supplies of the items most of us use, but at current rates of sales, they don't expect that to last more than a few weeks. Contact them at https://www.buffalobore.com/index.php?l=product_list&c=1 to place your order.
5. If you have some empty brass, powder, primers and bullets; you may also try being really nice to someone who reloads.
6. The range will be planted in a barely emerging spring crop and skies are forecast to be cloudless with light breezes from May 25th through June 9 (Morgan's graduation party), so shooting conditions will be superb.
7. Additional intermediate targets will be added for new interesting choices.
More updates to follow.
Good Evening Shooters,
A source of bullets to consider is Kelly Dick, the proprietor of True Dog Bullet Works. He has begun hand casting original design Keith Style bullets after a lengthy search for the correct molds. He joined us briefly at last year's shoot. A few of you had the pleasure of meeting him. No, he didn't have time to shoot.
I recently gifted him a couple hundred pounds of wheel weight ingots I'd hoarded for too long and he turned them into some nice looking bullets. Several dozen have been sent down range from 44 Special and 44 Magnum cases and they land where I look if I'm able to yank the trigger properly. Leading was unperceivable and lube residue easily removed with a dry patch.
Kelly has good sources of raw material, but can turn your hoard into something useful too. He will also size them to your specification.
While he keeps some on the shelf, dust doesn't get much time to gather, so order early.
Here's a list of what he can make:
158gr .357 or .358 Keith SWC (Lyman #358477)
170gr .357 or .358 Keith SWC (Lyman #358429)
215gr .410 Keith SWC (Lyman #410459)
245gr .429 or .430 Keith SWC (Lyman #429421)
255gr .452 Keith SWC (Lyman #452424)
Loading data is available in the 49th Lyman Cast Bullet load data book.
Kelly has a day job, so it's best to email him at truedogbulletworks@gmail.com.
Good Evening Shooters,
Finally, a calm, cogent voice has provided common sense solutions to the current gun control hysteria. Take a few minutes to absorb Steve Sanetti's message and then take action. Together, perhaps we can quell the storm.
Regardless, I'm looking forward to seeing you Saturday, June 1.
Hello Shooters,
This history of 44 caliber bullets and cartridges citing Elmer Keith's role in their development may be a bit deep into the weeds in places, but fascinating nonetheless:
Regardless, non-history buffs interested in current renditions of the efforts of many over the years can find examples here:
You can experiment and test the results here on Saturday, June 1.
Good Morning Shooters,
The tide may be turning!
This morning Charles Osgood, no rock-ribbed conservative he, reported that recent polls on gun control have dropped below 50% and prospects for federal legislation is likely dead. He suggested if an event like Sandy Hook doesn't support public opinion for gun control nothing will. Further, he said it's likely time to look at people control for a solution and quoted the president of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, Steve Sanetti's suggestions (see Update #3) for keeping guns out of the hands of those who shouldn't have them.
We owe a debt of gratitude to NSSF, NRA, GAO, SAF, CCRK&BA and many others. Meet here on Saturday, June 1, for an opportunity to show your appreciation.
Over the years we've noticed an increasing number of women participating in the ELMER KEITH Memorial Shoot. Ladies, in fact, have won the grand prize gun in three of the past four years. Ann Coulter may have an explanation.
This morning I heard on the Northwest Outdoors radio show that the Idaho wolf season has been extended! Being only half awake while listening, I fired up the Dell and confirmed the season has indeed been extended in four GMU's until June 30. See: http://fishandgame.idaho.gov/public/hunt/?getPage=121.
Wolves are the least expensive big game animal a non-resident can hunt in Idaho. A license is $154.75 and a tag is $31.75. You may buy five if you like. This year, a 3 - day fishing license is included. Based on reports, trapping is a particularly effective method of collecting wolves and a non-resident license to do that is $301.75; but one must first take an eight hour class which costs $8.00.
Additional predator control opportunities are available with Non-Resident Reduced bear and mountain lion tags for $31.75 in several GMU's at specified times. These hunts are well suited for handgunners. See: http://fishandgame.idaho.gov/public/docs/rules/bgBear.pdf.
Offers by Eastern Washington pols in the current legislature to accelerate the education process by re-introducing wolves to the western communities of Bellevue, Kirkland, Redmond and Queen Anne notwithstanding, legally controlling the plague is in the distant future. The only hope of preserving our ungulate populations, livestock and pets is by killing predators before more get here.
More than a sport, predator hunting is a responsibility hunters and firearms enthusiasts need to spend time afield addressing. Yes, the tools you paper punchers use will work just fine.
We'll talk more about this matter when we gather here on Saturday, June 1, 2013.
This morning I had the pleasure of talking with a fellow who has taken fourteen (14) wolves in Idaho since hunting and trapping began. One was taken with a rifle, the others were taken by trapping.
While I learned more from our brief conversation than I have over several years of reading and roaming the back country. He referred me to a couple of resources that may expand the horizons of the subject.
The first is Paul Trepus, who produces the texts and DVD's used by the IDF&G in their mandatory eight hour wolf trapping classes. His materials are available at: http://www.wolftrapping.com/. I checked with offices in Boise and Cd'A for surplus copies; but alas, they're out of stock until this fall.
The other is the Foundation for Wildlife Management, Their website is: http://www.foundationforwildlifemanagement.org/. It's self explanatory.
Just in case you wanted to know.
That's how our Imperial Ruler referred to us during his speech yesterday in the Rose Garden. Someone should mention to him that we number somewhere between 80 and 100 million and are heading further north each day. His tragedy of the flock of anti-gun bills dying in the Senate was that they were supposed to assume room temperature in the House so he could demonize us all next year. That's my view.
It's incumbent on us, therefore, to thank those who withstood the tear jerking appeals and stood up for us. Don't forget Democrats Harry Reed of Nevada, Max Baucus of Montana, Mark Pryor of Arkansas and Mark Begich of Alaska. Atta-boy letters will do.
While you're at it remember NRA, GOA, SAF, NSSF and others who did yeoman's work to protect what's left of the Second Amendment. Atta-boys are nice, but these folks deserve our checks. The fights are far from finished.
We'll have a terrific opportunity to express our appreciation and have some fun HERE on Saturday, June 1. Bring some guns and ammo, but especially your checkbooks.
Someone attending the ELMER KEITH Memorial Shoot HERE on Saturday, June 1, will be going home with a very special prize.
It has a history. Manufactured in 2007 commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the Smith & Wesson Model 29, it was acquired from AllAmerican Arms in Spokane for our eighth annual get-together. Coincidently, the fellow holding the last card of the friendly game of chance we play for such things that year was the proprietor of All American Arms, Terry Rogers.
Not long thereafter, his prize was observed lounging in one of display cases in his shop with a big price tag attached. Terry's not sentimental about such things. Besides, it didn't have the high gloss bluing S&W puts on the guns they portray in their brochures. The over-sized gold 50th Anniversary emblem on the side plate was also a bit gaudy.
Consequently, it gathered dust for months. Then one day; I stopped by to caste a reckless eyeball around the place, spied the gun, caught Terry in a very weak moment and walked out with his prize.
I contemplated what to do with it for about a year until I decided I may not live long enough to see it appreciate to the lofty status of Triple Locks or early Model 25's and 26's. So, it was sent back to S&W for their "High Bright" bluing and "Outdoor Revolver Action Package" described here. Yes, the ugly gold emblem was lost in the process. When it returned, it really wanted to shoot, but alas, it remained virgin and slept a couple more years in storage.
Then, earlier this year, I met, Paula Biesen-Malicki, a lady with a rich firearms legacy. Those who grew up reading Jack O'Conner's hunting stories in Outdoor Life, Field & Stream and Sports Afield as well as several books he authored may recall the numerous times throughout those pages he talked about his custom rifles made by Al Biesen. Al's retired now and his son, Roger Biesen, runs the business. Roger's daughter, Paula, does the engraving. Read more. Her story about working into this heralded enterprise is best told around a campfire. It's fascinating, her work is meticulously executed and the finished product speaks for itself.
By the way, the engraving was not left "in the white" intentionally. It is so striking, courage has not yet been summoned to have it re-blued. That will be left to the one who wins it. Yes, it is protected from corrosion and dust by very simple, but effective methods recommended by Paula.
Yes, it's difficult to part with something that's evolved over time as this gun has. But a generous sponsor provided the incentive, and I'll look forward to presenting it to it's new caretaker.
Although a fancy S&W presentation case is part of the package, this work of art is also a tool that deserves to be frequently taken for walks in the manner ELMER KEITH used his. Many of his every day working guns were richly embellished. As an old Browning advertisement read, "The scratches of time only enhance their inherent value."
Meet me HERE on Saturday, June 1. You may get lucky!
It's time to begin final planning for this year's event, now barely more than a month away. Based on casual conversations and correspondence over the past several months, it appears we will have a record number attending. Therefore, it's necessary to turn the "if's," "possibility's," and "maybe's" into firm commitments.
Accordingly, you'll find attached a registration form to complete and returned to me no later than May 22. Complete a separate form for each immediate family member (wife, father, mother, brother, sister, son or daughter) who will be shooting. The names of non-shooting family members who will be attending should also be listed on the reverse side.
Print the form, complete it and send it with your check to me at the address below. Please DO NOT fill any of the blanks below the ***Official Use Only*** line.
Friends, long time shooting/hunting buddies, including spell binding story tellers, liars and braggers should have already been vetted and received their invitation plus updates. If there are renegades you want bring along, but who have not received invitations directly from me, get their contact info to me post haste.
Regarding donations, please include a check made out to the NRA Foundation for $50.00 or more. Immediate families registering together may include one check. Donations of items suitable for auction may be made in lieu of or in addition to cash, but must be on site no later than Friday, May 31.
If you are not able to attend, but wish to make a donation; complete the top portion of the Registration Form and send it with your donation. I want to have the bookkeeping complete shortly after the event, so please have these donations to me ASAP.
This year's ELMER KEITH Shoot is shaping up to be another great one. Your help in making the planning a bit easier will be sincerely appreciated.
Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday, June 1.
PM me if you want more info--
The next few Updates will spotlight sponsors who have helped make our gatherings more enjoyable and successful. Today's featured sponsor is Emtman Brothers Farms.
The Emtmans are neighbors who have generously furnished the protein making the clear eyes and steady hands that have resulted in the Herculean feats of long range handgun shooting we've accomplished. This protein was in the form of Piedmontese Beef they've furnished for the meals we've enjoyed. Details here.
In addition to the product they've donated, they've had a representative on-site with samples of their various products and taken orders for items many of you have taken home. This year, you'll have the opportunity to place orders in advance and have them ready for delivery in cold packs suitable for your trips home. Of course, you may use your own coolers if you like.
Contact Sharon (PM admin if you want the phone number). She's a busy lady, so you may not reach her when you call; but leave a message and she will get back to you.
Looking forward to Saturday, June 1!
One of the sponsors supporting us since the beginning is Rainier Ballistics LLC. Owners, Donny and Trish Shride, have attended each year, bringing with them generous quantities of their wares. A description of which resides HERE.
While most folks must now wait in line at Cabela's, Midway USA, Nachez Shooter's Supply or another of their dealers; I swept the floor of their plant last week securing a modest supply to share with you here on Saturday, June 1.
By the way, the Rainier 44 caliber 240 grain Flat Point bullet has the distinction of being the only bullet to hit the 675 yard target twice each by two shooters during the weekend of EKS-9, Paul Bodeau during competition
Paul Bodeau with the High Score Platter, EKS-11 (Photo by Larry McMillian)
Join us to see if you can too
We have new sponsor! Olympic Arms of Olympia, Washington, has joined us in support of our cause. Check out their catalog HERE. They've made a generous contribution of one of their products that will undoubtedly generate substantial returns for the Elmer Keith account with NRA Foundation for the protection of civil rights.
In addition to leading the revolt against oppressive new gun control laws in several states, Olympic Arms has a long and fascinating history of innovation. I'll bet you didn't know they were the first to produce flat-top upper receivers, free floating aluminum hand guards, pistol caliber conversions, and AR-15 based pistols.
They are also mighty nice people with whom to do business. You will enjoy using their products.
Be here on Saturday, June 1, to join the fun!
Good Evening Shooters,
Our effort this year was another giant success! A record amount of $8,553.00 will be sent to the NRA Foundation for their Civil Rights Defense Fund in an account named for ELMER KEITH. According to their recent report, this contribution will bring the balance of the account to a bit over $46,000, and the total we've generated since the beginning to near $60,000. My records for a couple of the early years when the proceeds were sent to NRA's General Fund are hiding somewhere in my miss-files.
It became apparent this year that this is becoming as much a social event as a shooting competition. Weather and range conditions were perfect. Nearly fifty shooters participated and almost as many contributed without shooting. It was challenging at times to get folks to interrupt conversations to shoot. Here's a photo: please tell me if you were the one of the shy ones standing on the right.
Photo by Shawn McMillian
Additional photos taken by Shawn may be found HERE.
Once again, the last man standing with the winning card for the grand prize was a woman. It was built to be a shooter and so she did.
Jeanette Maakad with her new six shooter
She handles it well
Another lady, a perennial winner, Dawn Malone, walked away with the Olympic Arms Whitney Wolverine 22 Semi-Auto:
Lee Webb, Retail Sales director, Olympic Arms, with Dawn Malone and yours truly.
While six hit the far target set at 592 yards during practice, Steve Fletcher was the only one to hit it for score; giving him the long range high score honors for the day. Julie Parry and Dave Coffman were the winning team in the Twenty-Two Tin Can event. This was the second consecutive year Julie has been so honored. A commemorative platter will find it's way to Steve and saucers will be presented to Dave and Julie; all made in the studio of Bob Schmidt.
We couldn't have been as successful without the assistance and support of our many sponsors. Many thanks to all:
BAT Machine
Buffalo Bore Ammunition
Eljay Oil Company
Emtman Brothers Farms
Albert Fernandez
Fishhawk Guides
Steve Fletcher
Peter Ice
Kum Duck Calls
Larry McMillian
Les Schwab Tires
Looper Law Enforcement
Jennifer Maakad
Guy Maakad
Meenach Farms
National Rifle Association
Olympic Arms
Jack Pearson
Rainier Ballistics
Regal Veterinary
Ruth & Bob Schmidt
Sharpshooting Indoor Range & Gun Shop
Spokane Huttarians
Tannerite Targets
Ralph Voss
Penny Jo Wagner
Warren Sly
We'll do it all again on the first weekend in June, the 7th, 2014. Your suggestions on how to make it even better will be sincerely appreciated. Until then, I am
That was great Al, thanks for the report and the good work for the fund. I think Elmer would be proud. Chris S
Good food, friends, and gunpowder. Winning combination every time. And extra thanks to Will, putting this on 13 years running.
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