Articles by Elmer?
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Curious as to where I can find online copies of articles that Elmer had written while with the many magazines he wrote for.
Is there an archive?
We have started to assemble a collection, if you have any links, let me know. Big problem is Al Gore invented the internet way to late for most of Mr. Keiths articles to be online, except as photocopies, making searching them out a hit or miss. Here's the few we have come up with so far:
American Rifleman April 1929 Last Word by Keith
American Rifleman June 1932 Sixguns by Keith
American Rifleman March 1934 Coyote Hunting by Keith
American Rifleman Feburary 1941 Pumpkin Rolling by Keith
American Rifleman November 1935 .357 by Keith
Got to be hundreds more, just need to track them down, and scan them in.
I may have mentioned this site before, if so, please forgive the new post. There was a website that had some articles about African hunting etc. written by Elmer Keith. They are a little hard to read through the copyright name but still worth reading. Just look down to the Magazine Articles from the Past section. Chris
The thread on the Six-guns forum "Whats so .44 Special" got me to thinking about some of EK's writing early in the 44 Magnum era. I have a good scanned copy of the article from the 1958 Gun Digest," The .44 Magnum... One Year Later." Should I put it up so you can see if it is suitable for the articles folder?
I'm a little behind, but I'll get to it eventually.
Here is the article. I have just about every copy of the Gun
Digest books and recently bought them on CD. If you watch the Gun Digest site
they CD’s are sometimes on sale for $49.00 – a good buy.
Charles Askins Jr. beat EK to the pages of Gun Digest with a
44 Magnum article. Askins made it into the 1957 edition with his article, “A
Man’s Sixgun.” Askins took jabs at every one in this article he hit Hatcher due
to a comment he made in his review of the 44 Magnum in the American Rifleman.
Hatcher mentioned the sharp checkering on the Smith & Wesson grips peeled
the hide from his hand. Askins wrote: “This Magnum is a man’s gun. It ain’t for
boys. Word reaches me that some joes, probably with lace on their panties, are
putting on gloves to shoot it.”
EK wrote an article for the 1959 Gun Digest titled :Handguns
for Hunting.”
The Gun Digest on cd is a great buy as I have spent considerably more money on the hard copies than I did on the CD's and the CD's are clear.
I left the images large so they will show up well.
Never knew him, can't comment other than to say from what I've read he was a character to be sure. Chris
Love the article, William.... Chris
It is a good article and it just goes to show that a lot of what
we know from reading the internet is not necessarily true.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
When the admin has this one in hand I’ll put the others up
if he wants them.
If you have this one I'll pull it down and put up another
I've got a copy, just haven't had time to do anything with it yet.
Here is one from the December 1959 issue of Guns Magazine
titled: “We Call the Long Shots.”
I hope this one readable as my copy is not that good.
Yhis is a good article, even today.
Well, it looks readable.
...enough resolution to work with.
If you have the Long Shots article I’ll pull it down.
I would like to contribute a few of Elmer Keiths early 44 Magnum reloading pieces. Many young shooters today have a misunderstanding of Elmer Keith and his hand loading practices and philosophy. I would like to see some of these early magazine articles up on the web so we can all be reminded that Elmer Keith had a practical understanding of how to load for the new magnum cartridge and that he felt the Remington factory loads were loaded to too high pressure.
Take a look at this introduction of the Ruger Super Blackhawk and see if it will be readable on the web page - I believe it is marginal. I could convert it to a word document but it looses some of its “bonifide” if I do that.
I figure you have these so i pulled them down.
These are a few scans of Keiths Elmer Keith Say's column in Guns magazine.
First is April 1968 and is about the 235-grain Keith Hollow Point.
Next is about his long shot on deer from the February 1960 issue of Guns.
Next is the best one. This is from the August 1959 issue of Guns. These are some good thoughts on 44 Magnum dies.
Well, I forgot page two.
Anyone beside s me interested in 22 Magnum handguns? Elmer wrote a little on them when they first came out. Also, Art Bevan wrote the article: "Elmer Keith's Little Cutie"
Slim, I have a Colt Scout .22 which I also have fitted a .22 Magnum cylinder to. I know the frame is alloy and probably not designed for heavy use with .22 mags but I dearly love to shoot the .22 WRF ammo through it. It is a dream shooting those and pretty accurate too. Chris
We have a Buntline with the Mag cylinder, it is a lot of fun to shoot too.
Up through scan 25, may not have time to do anything with them for a while but I will eventually.
I didnt figure you could get them up quickly. I just want you to have them for the future.
I'll pull this one down this week and put another up.
So much of Elmer's writing has been lost to us and what the internet circles is not all correct.
I was thinking that the article from the American Rifleman "Elmer Keith's Little Cutie" about the S&W 22 Magnum Kit Gun would compliment his early writing on the 22 Magnum cartridge.
Thanks again--
Here is another that is interesting from the 1984 G&A Annual.
Cuban cigar and a havana7 on ice, alls well here.
Got things under control up in the states?
Get back to admining next week.
Thanks s for the scans, leave em up for a couple weeks --
Nothing under control here: Free Bubble-Up is flat and the Rainbow Stew is salty. No smoking in public.
Will leave them up until you say you have them.
Don't seem to be too many problems Al, keep having fun, we'll be here when you get back. Chris
I have been traveling quite a bit, then the problem of rounding up a few magazines to scan the articles. There are a bunch of goo ones but here is Hip Shooting from the Septempber 1939 issue of the Rifleman.
Then a cpair of pictures cropped from the article for fun.
Here is Elmer's Speaking of Bullets.
Al, are these all going in one place so they can be read without clicking one at a time? Chris
Here is Elmer's Speaking of Bullets.
Chris, I'll combine as many pages as possible, file size limiting. Probably get 3-4 pages with most of these scans.
Thanks again, William---
I really like these old articles, keep up the good work. Chris
Is this the kind of thing you could store off-site on a photo server with the link bringing it up or do they have to be stored on your site?
I certainly agree Elmer’s articles need to be available - most of what young readers know about Elmer is hearsay and it is best to have his words to set the record straight.
I would like to post the three or four articles on the OKH cartridges with information on the actual Duplex loads - different powders used in the same load. And then the flash tube ignition that Elmer later describes as Duplex loads. Then the later article where Elmer writes Duplex and Triplex loads are not necessary for high performance loads. We all grow over time and Elmer grew over time and refined his ideas.
I store them on a shared server and put the links to them on this page on our site:
and I have a lot of catching up to do.
I'll do my best to keep you busy...
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