Deer Season
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Michigan's gun deer season opens on Monday the 15th and it's been raining steadily most of the day. The forcast for Sunday is snow showers and for Monday, no deer for me! Actually I had to quit hunting several years ago due to illness but I am aiming to snap a picture if I see one in my yard! Will see what happens. Chris
2010 deer season was the best and worst that I have had in many years, in New Hampshire muzzle loader comes before regular rifle season, the orange army met a my house at the pre dawn hours to go over plans and where everyone is planning to go to get something started as a few of you know I had a bad time in january thru march lost 40lbs mostly muscle I move a little slower than I use to but I still wanted to get out and hunt,the best part of this year was I surpassed what I planed to do every day more miles than anyone would have thought, I was bushed at the end of every day but satified knowing I was getting stronger.
The worst part of the season is I olny saw 2 does during shooting hours, no veninson this year but a renewed hope for next year. one of the does we all saw at the same time, we had hunted hard from dawn to 11am we were getting hungry we all met back where we parked the trucks and had a tailgate lunch the grill came out the hotdogs were cooked and we were standing around filling our mouths and a lone doe came trotting down the road to us 5 of us had there backs to the doe one guy looking at the deer mouth full of hotdog he can`t speak, pointing and jumping around the rest of us tunr only to see that the deer just then figured out we were there a jump to the side and she disapered into the woods gone we just shook our heads and said only in Pittsburg and finished lunch.
I'm sorry your season resulted in no venison but as you said, better luck next year. Also glad you seem to be recovering from whatever slowed you up. I, because of health, have not hunted for several years and do sorely miss it but at least I can still get out back and shoot a few rounds at a target once in a while. Good luck in the future. Chris
Good to hear from you Marksman, Havn't heard from you in some time.Tried to E-mail you around the holidays. Glad your back. Don
Trying to get use to the new forum and site, its harder when you don`t know.
Even after all the medical crap that happened last year I was still able to compleat a project, my S&W 500 is now hunting ready a new mossy oak break up camo over coat, taller front site with gold for quicker site accuisition and a factory tuned action,,,, sweet ,,,,I carryed it or a old pre 64 m70 but as I stated before no luck.
Thanks and be safe Marksman.
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