Dreary Weather!
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Geez! We seem to be having a bout of NW Washinton state weather; it's completely overcast and has been steadily pouring for the better part of last night and it's supposed to continue throughout the day. It's so bad the salmon are jumping out of the puddles in my yard onto my deck and I live over 3 miles from the lake!
...the weekend around here.
.really raise hell with my wireless uplink, its been dropping out all day! Dogs are even going nuts cause they don't like getting their dainty feet wet. Chris
Chris, Ya ready for a GPS? Welcome to our world out west.Get a tanning bed it helps.
What's a tanning bed? Back here we tan by throwing a blanket out on the beach and laying there for a few minutes until we turn red. Now that GPS thingy is something I may have needed if my old GI issue compass stops spinning. North is still that way, right? Glad to see you're not lost yet on the road. Chris
I haven't seen the sun for so long! Up in da U.P. we don't go vry long without sunshine so I'm beginnig to feel like a Washingtonian! My daughter lives out there by the Columbia, fish biologist, and I tease her all the time about the rainy weather but now I guess the shoes on the other foot! No more teasing, I'm rained out. Happy go lucky sunny people get kind of squirrely when there's no sun. CHRIS
A break in the rain! This is more like our regular fall weather. The red leaved tree is a MI Ironwood. I'm not much of a tree expert but the Ironwood is aptly named, it's wood is very hard, so hard that the early loggers wouldn't cut them because the wood dulled the saw blades so fast. It has seed pods that look like berries and in the fall when the leaves drop the partridge like to sit up high in the branches and eat them. So there's a history and botany lesson all in one shot. Chris
The RAIN has ended for a while, as evidenced by this rainbow. I hope it will be gone now for at least a few days. I'm not cut out for Washingtonian weather! CHRIS
What camera do you use?
An Olympus Camedia digital D-580Zoom. It's one of two digitals we have used and it is very good with the exception of the zoom, which is somewhat limited, lens has something to do with it. If I get another one it will have better zoom capabilities and all the rest of the bells and whistles these kids think we need on a camera. I have the luxury of being able to watch the world pretty continuosly so when I see something that looks interesting I snap a shot, kind of like hunting with no gun! Don't get me wrong, I would rather be hunting, but this is OK fun. Chris
The first picture is a nice moon flanked by con trails, and the second is a beautiful sunset. Chris
Finally got through to the guy that knows what's going on up at the hosting company, the picture upload problem is on them, they know about it and they are trying to fix. Also fixing a few things to improve performance.
Good deal! I played around today uploading and deleteing and over again and got some results. Thanks for staying on it. Chris
Just in case anyone is interested, it's raining here again! I swear this is the rainiest fall I've seen in years. Chris
This is definitely a hard frost up here in the U.P. I don't have pumpkins but it sure frosted the apples left on the tree! Chris
...did the image take?
This was a new pic I took right after trying the other post for the B-B gun. Worked first time right away.Chris
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