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Elk hunt, Washington State '08ELK HUNT 2008Elk Hunt, Washington State 2008
Terrific elk Don! Why did you wait so long to post it.
P.S. I thought we had lost you in the Great Plains. Good to see somebody is still out getting those animals out of the trees! Chris
I guess I was too awestruck over that elk to ask any better questions. First of all it is one terrific animal and I really like that rack of antlers, is it seven by seven, I can't quite see? But what did you use as a weapon? What range? Us chairbound oldtimers love details so fill me in. I have been fortunate to hunt and bag animals in many places around the country including caribou in Alaska, whitetail deer and antelope but my few elk hunts were unsuccessful as to filling my tag but the experiences were priceless. I am in awe of the magnificent animal and love seeing them or even pictures of them. Best to you, Chris
We'd call that a 4 point triple eye guard, or maybe a 5 point double eye guard, Just to start an arguement! We'd also call it a very fine bull, for sure!
7x7 technically, But his left side didn't develop past an inch and a half.Lots of mass very heavy. Here are some cool things about him.I've been a taxidermist or involved in one way or another since I was ten.I've shot a few Elk,but this one had his ivories worn to nothing,small head in relation to body size.I had a bioligist in Vancouver try to age him with the lower jaw,he estimated at a minimum he was 10 1/2yrs.He was with another bull of similar size and a cow.The shot was about the most dificult I have ever taken,sun coming up over rimrock they were in the shadows.Using my friends bipod,I had to hold the bipod and gun while holding my fingers up to block the sun at that end and have my hat on crooked to keep the sun out of my eyes.A little over 400 yards Ruger NO.1H tropical .375 H&H. Barnes 300grn TSX 65 grn 4064.I think there were 15 tags drawn for that area.Honestly, a year like 2008 will never happen again for me.My family and I spent two weeks on safari in Namibia where we took 16 animals then I got home to find I drew that tag.I've had a rough year this year but after 08 I knew it would happen,the great luck can't hold out forever.Oh,that was the best eating Elk I have ever had.
Points or no points I would be very proud of it too. I am pleased you got to use a 375 also. It's one of my favorite calibers and I posted pics of my Rem 700 on this site before. Am sorry to hear about your bad year, I too have enjoyed many good years and now some not so good, but I now view every day as a great day no matter how bad a time I,m having. Maybe that's why I'm kind of a smartass. I look back at all the places I've been and the trips I've been on, whether hunting or fishing or just camping with my family, and it still thrills me to this day. And I still have my guns as The Duke said in one of his movies! Best to you and keep on trucking. Chris
I'm glad to hear you have that mentality.I'm 44 this year,I've had more cervical spine surgeries than I care to remember, and the discomfort seems to get worse.As for the points on game,I don't care how many.I've got some whoppers.I have a couple mule deer that push 32" and mounted next to them are some puny Blacktails.They are the photos to me in 3d.I'm an arrogant SOB at times but if the hunt was a great memory It'll end up on the wall.I guess it helps being a Taxidermist.And man, can you tell the way people are when they make a comment about the small animal and "why did you mount that little thing" its like the old saying"If I have to explain you still wouldn't understand" And the .375? Bought it new around Christmas 06, its by far my favorite!Just got back from taking my son to shoot tonight.Put some more pics on,love to see em.Don P.S. You don't have any regrets it sounds like,I'm proud of you.
Thats is one hell of a damm good bull elk......Congratulations, James
Honestly, Thats the results of having people that care more about others than themselves. Can't wait to do it again unless ofcourse Washington screws up their seasons again.
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