- Login to post comments still looking for a new computer, says howdy to everyone.
Get a laptop, you can take it shooting with you. Chris
Al, Tell him about the Geek Squad next time you talk to him! He may already have a VW bug in his driveway, no body will notice!
Warn him not to shoot that VDub with that cap and ball thing he uses, it will bounce off a GEEK real quick...... Chris
Theres no way a geek is that tough. But the little bastards are quick. We had one at the house last year and I havent heard the end of it yet. Must had got a heck of a deal on the bugs. Kinda fortunate to have a driveway full of fullsize four wheel drives so when he parked he was hiddena bit.
Did he go to China to get a computer? Do they not have stores where he lives that sell them? The Geek Squad refuse to go to his house? Has he been incarcerated?
How did you gain a day on your post?OOPS, now it's back on the correct day, what's going on here????? Do you have a MAGIC computer Don? I'm still on March 29th and you were posting on the 30th and now it's back, Either I'm getting cabin fever or this computer stuff is getting to me........ I think you are the best candidate to help Gunny get up and running on-line again, do some of that magic and getter done!
Whoa big feller, I just learned myself to put pictures on there with help. And I can't go to China, don't know the language(most of em are bad drivers) You though, have an Ipod and an Ipad and put pictures on all the time. We'll take an offering and send you to the Ozarks to help. I heard they pay people to go there. I think they have electricity too. I'm calling Al, He'll help I'm sure. I don't think the Geek Squad has the technology to find him.. Was he the one in that video ? Really though, where is him?
Don, I think I figured out the problem here, it's Al screwing with our brains, he is in control of all those gadgets at the forum headquarters and when he sees us posting he does little things to make YOU look silly, I hate to tell you but I think he has you pegged as a newbie and knows he can get away with it. I have no idea where the Ozarks even are, I thought Missouri or some place but now you're telling me they are in Penns Land! I guess I better go back to geography class and learn my country a bit better. I knew I could count on you to set me straight and that's why I had the bus tickets made out in your name to go see Gunny and help him get back up and running. You know your geography since you've already been all around the country twice or three times. Keep me posted, Your Ole Pal, Chris
Chris, Do you remember last December? The pics Al posted? Ya really think Al is that umm...(intelligent)? This here is a thinkin mans game. That why you an me are the smart ones. As for heading to wherever The Gunny is, well, I can't. Its the house arrest thing, it'll be over in a few days and I'd love to help him as we all have come to rely on his help. But after this stay with the attorney fees and state restitution and all I'm a bit low on federal reserve notes. Honestly, I didn't know a silencer was called a suppresor. I knew that silencers were questionable but the suppresor? Hell, I thought it was a recoil thing, bought one for all my friends. Oh well, call ya when I get outta here.
You do get yourself into a lot of binds now and then. Maybe we should get Gunny to go bail you out! I think Al is just sittin back keepin an eye on you and laughing, and laughing.........I have to go watch snow melt so I'll be back later. Your Ole Pal, Chris
I'm BAACKKKK. Glad to re connect. I am using my wifes laptop.
The CDs are great. Take some getting used to.But old croaky is there,sparky as hell.
I have been working on my 44 MAG Smith Classic. the more I work on it, the more I realize what a peice of crap Smith is turning out now. No comparason with the guns even in the 1960s. The barrel machining on the outside is as smooth as the atlantic ocean in a hurricane. Smoothed with a power buffer. The same with the frame. Ripples ferom the power buffer on the frame by the trigger guard. and the top of the frame. I love the gun as it was a gift from a special person, but it is a kit, needing finished to be a real Smith.
Glad to be back.
We been waiting for you, no body to have lively discussions with like you. We really want your opine on the Rhino handgun.... Chris
Glad you are enjoying the CD's, many thanks for your contribution.
Testing the new Rhino that Chris bought?
Gunny, I think you should consider registering on sixguns forum too, you should get along well with several of the guys over there who love S&W handguns and swear by them. I think you could have some lively debates with them. Al can always referee. Later. Chris
The Rhino is a soution to a problem that does not esist, in my opinion. That and after having a gun come unglued on me once, i want the top of the the thing coming off and going up, not the bottom and going down. The former leaves you holding a ruined gun, and able to shoot another. The latter leaves you with a ruined gun, ruined hand, and a stump athe the end of your arm. No thanks . There waa another gun, a semi auto revolver that fired the same way. It went belly up after some insidents. If recoil bothers you do 2 things. Take lessons from someone that really knows how to sh9ot, and start on a lighter caliber gun. Even I shot the 22 and 38 special first, before the 44 mag. Way before.
....that Don bought one and not me, now I can laugh at him! Chris
Chris said it looked cool and Sylvester Stalone had one. So he had to have one, and wanted me to get one too. I told him I would if he did I just thought he was joking. Who in their right mind would have one of those? Just saw that Charley Sheen makes his bodyguards carry them. And he's of sound judgement right?
Enough said when Charlies name came up. What a dip stick. His lower head is larger than his top one.
Just did a comparison in penetration with the 44 magnum, Elmers bullet, with the 500 smith and wesson. Guess what? the 44 mag blew the doors off the 500. 42 inches of penetration, conpaired to 10 inches with the 500. If you cannot put a hole in it, it is no good. The 44 mag is still the KING of handgun cartridges. Hands down. That was Elmers load of 22 grains 2400 , molk 429421. 1400 fps. The 500 was a factory 325 grain. What a POS. My friend that has it is selling it a buying a good 44 mag, and having me tweek it so it soots well. I hope he does not buy a Tauras. Or a Tar ass as I call them.
Gunny, I thought you retired to take up writing and commentary.... What kind of handgun work were you doin? I really am interested. Don't mind Don, he's just mad because it never stops raining out in War-shin-ton where he thinks he lives. Chris
They must make plastic guns for us out wet....west. For the record its Chris that bought the Rhino I totaly agree with senior`Gunsmith on the way it functions potentially dangerous. We'll see how they sell then we'll see how many will be given away at the gunshows. Sorry you bought a lemon Chris. Put a scope on it? Give us a report on it we could be wrong......?
I smooth the action, replace the locking plunger,fit the gun to index perfectly on all cylinders,test repair the barrel if constriction exists, mic the chambers and barrel, to give you the proper sixing die for your bullets, and test fire. I have been pretty successful, as I was nominated for the American Pistol Smiths guild 7 years ago. Did not have a gun to show them at the time, as all are customers guns. My own personal did not meet the quality thery were looking for. Oh well. Some day I will be flush enough to buy a gun just for myself to customize for them. Look at the Indy Gun forum. I go by guunsmith there also. search under Bapty gun. Some of my work is on there.
We have had 9 days of solikd rain here in Pa. I feel like a duck.
Just shot a good group with my Ruger custom 357. 1 inch, not counting a flinch flyer(no idea wehre that came from.) at 20 yards. put them on one of my trees in the woods. If I could figure out photobucket, I would show you guys the gun and group. Maybe even make a video of me shooting.
you could mount a scope on the rail under the barrel. Everythhing else is back asswards, so it would look right at home. Maybe a set of over and under rings for a Weaver base. A 36 power scope should work well. What a POS. Just shows you that some guns are made like fishing lures. not to catch fish but to catch fishermen. One again WHAT A POS. Oh the other gun was a Mateba. Another POS.
I found an In Forum with a gunsmith as a member but I didn't register so I couldn't view any posts.... I'm on tooo many forums already! Was just curious as to what kind of work you do. I was teasing about you being retired..... I am just a rabble rouser, but you have to keep an eye on that Don, he's always causing mischief! Chris
P.S. If you are using a digital camera just upload your pictures to the picture libray folder in windows and then copy the picture as Al describes in his tutorial on posting pictures, or you can cheat and right click on your picture click "copy" and then go to your post preview and right click again and hit "paste" and it should put that picture in the post. There are a lot of ways.....
Just found out theat the Mateba was made by the same person that is making the upside down gun now. Some guy in Italy. If at first you don't succeed. The rhino is an accident waititng to happen, especially in the U.S. where handloading is so popular. Ask Smith and Wesson about blown up guns coming in for repair.
Hope you guys undersood what I was tlaking about with the 44 mag info. What an EYE opener. John Linebaugh did the szme testing, and came up with exactly the same results. I was using wet phonebooks by the way. To give you an idea, my 30-06 220 grain round nose only went 15 inches into it. The 44 mag is the most awsome fireame, atleast with lead ammo, in my arsonal. Maybe no sex appeal, but like an old farm girl, gets the job done every time.
I don't know if I skeered him off or he just got lost.... I was hoping for some new topic to debate. Chris
well come up with one and I will do my best. A friend of min just got a Ruger 44 special flat top bisley. Haven't seen it yet, but hope it is as good as they say. I realy talked it up to him, and convinced him that he needed it. Cost was not bad at all. He says the rosewood grips are beautiful. Any one have one of these, and how does it shoot? What sixe bullets are you running, I told him to run 431 dia. in a 429421 mold. He is loading 17 grains 24oo, or 7.5 grains unique behind the same bullet. He has a 5 1/2 inch barrel job.
What does anyone think about the 32 auto in the Savage model 1910. I carry one all the time, and it is very reliable. My not have a lot of power, but in a few seconds, some bad guy will look like he ran into a load of buckshot. It will get your attention then. Bouy thay really make good guns then. THe machining is un beleivable. I wish thay could make a gun like that now. I guess the savage model 99 is also a good one, although I have never fired one.
This is the Indy gun that I make. What a sweetheart of a revolver.
I just guess I will start with the last post first.... just like I do everything else.... Ok Gunny what is special about your Indy gun? Is it a true representation of the movie gun, I was under the impression the movie gun was altered cosmetically to add spice to the movie.... Is your interpretation shootable and accurate, and why is it a "sweetheart"?
Ok next topic. 32's, the topic was discussed over on sixguns forum but we may as well go over it here and make a good showing of ourselves.I commented that we often overlook the fact that 32 caliber handguns were quite popular in the early days of the twentieth century, my great grandfather carried a 32 when he deputy sheriffed in old Wisconsin. The 32 acp may be a bit lacking in stopping power but as you point out, it could be a little stinger if you pump enough rounds into one target in a soft spot. I think that I would probably opt for a bigger gun if I am planning ahead and isn't that what carrying is all about, planning for an emergency that might beset us? So do you have a specific reason for the little 32 acp other than it's artful mechanical perfection and workmanship? Is it the gun you are most practiced with, or most comfortable with? Perhaps you carry it for nostalgia or some other reason besides pertection?
Ok, next, the 44 Special Bisley Blackhawk, I have never held one, shot one or been anywhere near one and feel very unfortunate for those statements, I have longed for one but never made the leap for other reasons... Mainly, because I have a 44magnum Super Blackhawk and I am at that point in my life when I have quit buying guns and other stuff because of health issues, so I now have to rely on my past purchases to sustain me and my shooting, which is why I love my Colt New Frontier 45. I will probably never get any new guns so I'm enjoying the hell out of the ones I have. So, I will leave any comments on the Ruger 44 Bisley to those who own or have owned and used one. I think that should be enough to get a good debate going, what say you Gunny? Chris
Yes the Indy gun is screen correct. It is a good representation of custom guns of the 1930's. yes it shoots dead on at 25 yards. Why is a sweetheart. Accurate,easy to handle, comes out of a holster well, and has a big punch. The 455 Ekey round is a manstopper, tried and true. So is the 45 auto, but not as much ss the bullet is FMJ vs the lead bullet of the Eley.
I carry the 32 because of the reloability,accuracy, and concelability of the gun. 10 rounds fast is the old ad. and it is certainly true. If i was going into a bad area, I will carry my 629 with Elmers 250 grain stoppers in front of 7,5 grains unique. If I am at church, I carry a small derringer, over and under, with 6 extra in my pocket. If I know I am going to be faced with a shtf situation, I would carry my M1 Garand and 80 rounds in clips, in a bandoleer around my cheest, and as many Marines as I could find to back me up.
Hey Gunny, I am moving this down to the open topic since we are done noticing that you're back! Chris
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