rifle scopes
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In my price range I've had good luck with Burris and Leupold. Modern Rifle season around here consists of 200-500 yard shots in less then prime lighting conditions and needing to be able to count points on the fly, couldn't do it with open sights.
Pros: Visibility down range foor poor old eyes
Cons: Off Hand shots pretty tough. Always need to find a branch or stump for a rest.
Modern rifle scopes are technically all JUNK. That is because they are all image moving. That means that the image is distorted to line up with the point of impact.
That means you only ttruly have a 100percent light and image condition at 1 point in the adjustment range. What happens is your brain straightens out the image to what it thinks it should look like. And you fire a round into a bunch of brush that really looked like a deer lying down.
That is also why your eyes strain after looking throug a scope for a long period.
When I was young I had the oportuninity to listen to Mr.Unertyl. This is the jest of his lesson.
There is only one make of rifle scope currently made that does not distort the image and has full light transmission though out the entire range. That is Unertyl.on the target scopes the entire scope moves to align with the point of impact. On our internally adjustable scopes the cross hairs move. This also allows for 100 per cent light transmission
There is also the problem of vertical and horizontal adjustment. The other companies will tell you of there wind age and elevation adjustment range. This is only true at the mid point of the travel. Because it is moving a round lense system in a round tube the more elevation or wind age that is uses the less of the other is available. Think about it. We have all had scopes that would not zero. The Unertyl system allows for full wwind age and elevation adjustment by using a square adjustment ring in our targe scopes,and independent cross hairs in our internally adjustable scopes. Only one hair moves independant of the other.There is no cramping
The reason the other scope makers use the image moving system is it is cheaper. I have more money in raw glass than a Weaver scope costs in its entirity.
This is the basics of Mr John Unertyl talk to me many years ago. Very true then and now. This is why the new scopes do not hold up with repeated firing. I know JoeDeerhunter will say his scope has been good for 20 years. Yes and he maybe fired 100rounds out of it. All at 100 yards. This is no test for a quality scope. Take that same scope out and fire a 600 yard match with it for a year on weekends. Then see if it tracks true or the image is distorted. See if your scores are consistent. Or are they falling the more your scope is used.
Bottom line is this. We are being fed shut and being told its steak.
No matter who makes a modern rifle scope,if it is a variable it has problems. Moving the ejector lends in the tube requires some free tolerences. These set up point of impact changes as the power is adjusted. It has to be. Some scopes have springs to take up the slack. Springs loose tension over time.
This is why the U.S.Marine Snipers use a straight 10 power Unertl. Or at least they used to. Until the bean counters took over and Unertl lost the contract. If they were no good,try and buy one on line.
the inventor of variable scopes.mr.weaver knew that the less the multiplication factor of the scope.the truer it was at all settings. That is why his first v scopes were 2 1/2 to 5. Less change in poi.
Also believe it or not. You cannot see any more at 3 power than you can at 10. It has to do with reselution. The lenses actually allow less light in at 10 power than at 3
I hope this makes people think and discuss these problems.
Scope adjustment centered, try to get as close to bore sight as possible by fitting the rings without changing the scope. try to stay little bit low of bore if anything. Bed everything in locktite blue. Then sight it in at the range. Not shooting bullseyes at 1000 yards from a sandbag but year in, year out shoots straight enough for me. Maybe every couple seasons I'll fire couple rounds at the range to confirm, so far neither the 308 deer gun or the 338 elk gun have ever needed a tweak. When I run out of loads and make some more I'll probably shoot half a box and re-zero to the new rounds.
My point exactly. If you fired the gun every weekend at various ranges and wind conditions how long would that scope last? Not long I am sure. The companies are making scopes like fishing lures. Not designed to cat h fish but to catch fishermen. Think about what I wrote. Eventually you will see the wisdom in it.
If they made square scope tubes the internally adjustable scope would have something going for it. But as it is I can ruin any modern scope by turning 2adjustments. Everytime. I did it to the Swarovski rep. I said in one minute or less I will make this scope junk. And not do anything wrong. I turned the elevation all the way up. Then I turned the windage. 8 clicks and it snapped when I applied force. He was hot. Then I did the same with my Unertl Hawk. All the way up and 40 clicks right and 80 left. Return to my zero and put the round right where it was shooting before. That is the difference.
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