Science Lesson
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This picture was taken on the shortest day of the year for us up here in the Northern Hemishere, God's Country to be specific. The sun is rising as far to the south of due east as it can get. In about three months this sunrise will be just about over the trees in the middle left of this picture and by June, on the longest day, the sun will rise over the trees on the far left edge of this picture. Science 101 by Chris
If I could I'd post pics of the rain in December then the rain in June.The rain in June is much warmer! Pretty pic though.
... as snow with deer tracks! Now if you could see the deer tracks in the rain I would like to see those pictures, smarty!
Or dog tracks!
or a squirrel! A wet squirrel would look like a RAT!
I get it, make fun of us on the wet side.Does it make you feel better? Christmas is over Mr. Grinch? No more reason to be nice? And yes, your very right. Someday very soon we will be comparing pictures.Mine will in no way resemble Al's though. I will never be as good as him with photoshop.Mine will be of snow bunnies scantilly clad snowbunnies in a hot tub. MY HOT TUB(please don't tell the wife).There will be snow and steam and snowbunnies did I mention scantilly clad snowbunnies? Then we'll do some comparisons.But for now your pics are pretty keep em coming.
This is a little better shot of the deer tracks. They are some of the nosiest animals around when they think they are alone. They sure like to track up fresh snow and then my killer dogs have to go and sniff every track like there might still be a critter there!
How do you hunt snowbunnies? And why on earth would you cook them in a hot tub while you're sitting in it? Do you put veggies in along with the bunnies? Now I saw some Hooters Bunnies the other day and you definitely would not be cooking them! Chris
Speaking of Al, has anyone heard from him, is he back from Nirvana yet? Oh well we been doing OK so far.
When one pursues the bunnies he does so with a checkbook or credit card.The more money the higher chances of success.As for recipes for the cooking,marinade in alcohol again, the more alcohol the better the dish.And as for Al,if he's home he's really upset at what he came home to.I'm speaking of the great N.W. weather.The sister in law is coming from California this week for a few days.Their talking a little snow while she's here. Can't wait to see her face.If you or anyone else needs to know more about bunnie hunting feel free to ask,I'm a pro.Or once long ago was.
Don, you have a knack for getting off topic and directing the conversation towards the female of the species, me thinks you have been in that "Bunny House" with all the ladies way too long! I think we will move back to the Hazards topic and continue this line of discussion in a venue more suited to your leanings. Chris
Sorry, I do drift at times
From a snowy, damp night....
To frosty trees and 3 degrees!
I just can't resist showing you snow pics, Don, cause I know you want to be in paradise like us up here in God's Country! Nothing like a nice little 3 or 4 inch snow to make everything seem so clean and nice. Chris
Hey Ol'buddy, I seem to have dropped my wallet out there New Years Eve,when we were spot lighting the...umm, watching the fireworks. Ya wouldn't mind going out and looking for me wouldya? Pretty pics, keep em comin'
Hey Ole Pal, you must have had a real good New Years if you think you lost your wallet here, YOU never made it here so I'm thunkin you must have lost it somewheres else????? LaLa Land???? won't even begin to imagine where, hope you eventually find it cause I know you would be lost with out ID, they may be after you for crossin the border from Canada and all. Didn't you say you were from the Yukon or some such territory? Oh well, never mind, you can apply for a new license and stuff at the DMV. I think that's what it's called. I don't know much about Warshinton state but it shouldn't be too hard to do, or maybe it will be???? I know you wish you could play in the snow but.......
Way back in December I snapped the pic of a sunrise on the shortest day...
This morning I took this pic, notice how far North the sunrise has moved since December.
The bench is in the same place in both pics so the suns movement can be clearly seen. Now aren't you all glad you have a weather expert in your midst???
In just a few days of 50 degree weather the snow is rapidly melting and the wildlife is abundant. Sandhill cranes are flying up and the robins have been checkiung the yard. All I need to declare spring officially here is the bluebirds return.
And for a nice touch a full moon over the trees.
Mother's Day, and sunny with this temperature, first time this spring that it got this warm! Chris
...your finally thawing out!
The big ole tamarack is sprouting new needles. Chris in the NW...
Chris, It hasn't rained here in months, the gardens are doing great, I have a bumper crop of mushrooms they are growing in the yard, on the side of the house, the roof on the backs of slugs and snails Speedos have given me a great tan line or rust lines?
I shudder to envision a Donald in a speedo that is all rusted up so bad you cain't even walk.... I think I must go chase some fog away from my deck so I can see to shoot at my floating target. After the nice sunny day it has poured three days straight and lightning and big thunder boomers are driving my poor girls to the point of howling! I sure wish you boys would keep that wet stuff out there where it belongs.... If I ain't not careful I just might float away in the lake behind my house, hope my bilge pump holds up!.......Chris
Rose Breasted Grosbeak
I am trying different sizes etc. and uploading some oldies...Al, if you can see my file I am still getting some red X's once in a while, two are in the file libray now. I think I re-loaded and they worked,? I am still abit confused!!!!! I am getting better though. Chris
Eider Duck
Picture by "Unkown" off web.
Al....I suppose I should be posting all these on Facebook so all my "Want to be Your Friend" peeps could be oohing and awing.... Chris
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