Sixgun Sights
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Since my eyes are aging as fast as my old body, I've been trying all kinds of combinations of sights on my Ruger SBH. I've been using this gun bcause it has a Weigand front ramp I installed so I can change front sights at will thereby making experimentation easy. I also have used my Python since I can change the front pretty easy. I have tried all types of front beads and types, gold, silver, blade; even fiber optic both red and green. For the rear I have tried square notch, shallow vee, u-notch and flat blade with a solid line down the middle. I even tried a round ghost ring rear on the Ruger and it was not that bad. My question is this: Has anyone else experimented with sight combinations and come up with a preference? I have pretty much settled on a square notch rear with a blade front or blade front with a fiber optic near the top of the blade. On my Python I have been stuck on the u-notch rear with a toss-up choice of a fiber optic bead front blade or a gold bead. Either seems to work for target shooting. I'd like to hear some other ideas if anyone has some. I have stayed away from scopes for no reason other than I don't seem to want one on a sixgun. Thanks Chris
I tried something different with my Model 25-13 Mountain Gun. I added the fiber optic front sight and also added the white outline rear sight. With my Smith 624, I replaced the front sight and what I did was put the blade in a vise and slowly drilled in a small recession and then added to that glow in the dark paint. It was a cheaper solution but it worked.
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