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Welcome to the forum. Chris S
I am looking at Bisley Blackhawks. One is SS in .45LC, the other is blued in .44 Spl. The .45 has a 5.5" barrel, and the .44 is 4.6" (which I really like). I currently have a 7.5" Blackhawk in .45LC and a S&W 629 8 3/8". I want a "toting gun" as well as a shooter- I shoot 1 to 2 times a week. Any suggestion on size? I have never has a .44 Spl. but I have read a lot on the variety of handloads available to me. Thank
Get the 44 and never look back. More accurate stronger cylinders and better balanced loads. It will do anything you need a sixgun to do and is a size that you will have it with you if you ever have to "face the elephant".
Not to steal a post but.....
Hi Gunny, glad to see you back on-line. Yep, 44 spcl is a great choice, read some articles about it. Skeeter is best.
Chris S
.44 Special Blackhawk Bisley, I think is the way to go. I have found one at an LGS about 90 mile away for $550. I think I will buy it. Thank You for your advice.
Have been doing a lot of tinkering with rifle scopes. Here is what I found. We are WAY over powered. I am making sub moa groups at 400 yards with a Lyman Alaskan ,tapered post reticle. Can see an 20 inch box I am shooting at perfectly. The taper is from 5 mils bottom to 1mil on top. That is for the new shooters 18 inches bottom to 3.5. On top. Built in rangefinder. Draw a square on Mr deer from chest to back. If he fills the bottom he is 100 yards away. If he fills the top he is 500. In between 250 etc. The eye relief is 5 inches. That way the scope is out of the way of the bolt handle,safety etc. And you stock crawlers won't get scope eyebrow. Learn how to adjust your scope for clarity and you will throw those high power scopes where they belong. In the trash. Any more than 4 power and you are wasting your money and time. Next time I will explain how to adjust your scope. And I do not want to hear someone say "but I need power because I have bad eyes" I have cataracts and am shooting sub moa all day long. And I am very near sighted with astigmatism. Does not bother my shooting at all.
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