Will is getting warmed up!
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Good Evening Handgunners !
The hibernation has been extraordinarily protracted this year, making it difficult to become motivated about the usual springtime preparations. However, confident that a bit more sunshine will eventually arrive prior to the next ice age, we'll march forth and like our hardy forebears demonstrate our prowess at firing hand held firearms over ridiculously long ranges at impossibly small targets.
There have been those who claimed they saw no target to shoot at in the vast expanse of the shooting field. For those we have photographic evidence including evidence that a fair number scored their "1,000 points per shot by hitting the hillside in the vicinity of the target."
Also, notice marks on the 3" and 4" targets. Those are the high pointers. If they called those shots, they were REALLY high pointers. The folks who can see those, I believe, can also see stiches on a fast ball.
This is all we had to play with until Al Fernandez brought a 30" X 30" steel plate out a couple years ago that he set out about 675 yards from the firing line. Folks banged away at it for quite a while, raising lots of dust until someone hit it. Then someone else did. And then a couple more. Suddenly, we understood how cavalrymen could keep Indians at bay with their Colt 45's while they reloaded their Sharps.
The ELMER KEITH Memorial Shoot isn't all about shooting. It's about meeting like minded people, enjoying good food and raising funds for the cause we support, the NRA Foundation.
We have help from a number a generous sponsors whom I'll highlight in this and following updates. Each year we've presented a participant of the event a special firearm. This year Smith & Wesson has made available to us an engraved Model 29 44 Magnum revolver very similar to the ones favored by Elmer Keith.
Will DeRuyter
I truly wish I could get there but the Fates won't let me so ya'all have a grand time. Chris
What date is the annual shoot?
If you want an invitation let me know, I'll put you in touch with Will.
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