I bought my SBH back in 1979, its in beautiful shape. Soon thereafter I found a S&W mdl 29 and the SBH was put away until recently. Now the 29 is resting and my SBH is back in action. What I've alway thought of doing was to change the 7.5" bbl to a 5.5" er. I've checked around (gunbroker etc.) with no luck.
Ruger won't sell bbls. to the public because of liability which I understand. Changing the barrel in not that difficult with the right tools which I have access too.
Can anyone put me on the right track in locating one?
Thanks in advance.......Carl
Barrel change
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HI Carl: In case you haven't looked already you may want to check out the Ruger forum under the revolver section or the Ruger Smithing section for help locating a barrel. Chris
...report back!
Guys I appreciate the info. I'm still checking Ruger's official forum, alot of good info. I can't believe how many guys are inquiring about the 5.5" bbl. I came across someone who posted back in late 2011 re: a 5.5" and was looking to trade it off; I took a chance (long-shot) and sent him a msg, maybe he still has it.....right, I tried. Waiting for feedback.
What I'll probably wind up doing is have 2" hacked off the bbl and recrown it, removing the bbl. is not a problem as long as I stabilize the frame in my vise before wrenching on the bbl. I'll dimple timing marks on the bottom of the bbl at the frame and not have too worry about cylinder to forcing cone gap.
There's a new indoor range that opened in Ocala, FL; the guy who owns it also has a machine shop, I'll talk to him to see if he can cut and recrown it.
I'll p/u a front sight kit from Jim Stroh (Alpha-Precision) he gives the directions on installing the sight..... very straight forward; not difficult at all. I have the equipment; now all I'll have too do is grow a set of bulbs before attempting it.
Chris, I'm also going to peruse the Ruger unofficial forum you sent, maybe I'll get lucky.........Carl
Carl, looks like you are on track one way or the other, would love to see before and after pictures if you shorten your old barrel. Chris
Chris, yeah this gun will get done one way or another. As far as DL pics I've never tried too, when it comes to all this high tech PC stuff I'm somewhat apprehensive to attempt it. Guess I have to grow another set of balls.
Right now, picture an ordinary 7.5" SBH no frills, just a set of Pachmyers, had trigger work done right after I got it in 79. Other than that its a plain jane. Oh, one very important aspect.....it doesn't have all that warning stuff on the side of the bbl. just Sturm, Ruger logo and Southport, Conn. is all.
I'll keep ya posted.......Carl
Guys its been a long time, my SBH is 99% finished and I have a ton of pics to post.
Tube cutter scribe line.... like you didn't know that. See that black stripe along the
top of the bbl, that my F/S guide line.
As you can see I did a real hi-tech job of making it level. That masking tape covered piece flat stock is what I used to polish the muzzle by wrapping the Emory clothe around it.
Part way through and the diamond blade is tracking straight.
Here's my jigsaws... I started out with the Bosch but when the diamond blade dulled I had too turn to the Craftsman with a 36tpi blade.
All done...you'll notice on the far side of the muzzle is where I went off line.
The filing begins, I used the edge of the vise jaws as a guide for the file.
The filing is done. On to the Emory clothe.
Before I finished polishing the muzzle with the Emory clothe I became anxious and crowned the bore; it looked Ok.
I used a carriage bolt as a crowning tool and as you can see from the impression on the bolt head it is very concentric. I have to thank brimic for that idea; it worked out great bud.
Here are several pics of the muzzle and crown all polished and at different angles.
Here's my baby all cut up, it feels so much more balanced in my hand.
I took the sharp muzzle radius look out for this very subtle radius. I used a 3/4" deep socket; I cut medium emory clothe into 1 1/2" squares and held in place with my hand, I pushed the muzzle into the socket and turned 180 deg. each way until I reached the radius I liked.
Now for the F/S.....?
I used light cord to align the F/S, I slip-knotted it to the hammer and ran it through the rear to the muzzle, marked the top of the bbl. and there you have it.
Here's my marks.
I think this is as good as its going to get IMHO. The sight is sitting there its not stuck yet.... wish it was.
The bottom of the F/S is nice and clean.
Heres the stub, the pin is in the hole just for safekeeping. Too small, almost lost it yesterday. If I couldn't get the pin out a 3/32" bit would have been a donor... fits nice and snug.
I had the SBH plumbed every which way, I wasn't taking any chances.
What you see sticking out of the F/S is a transfer punch, I've had them I don't know how long and never used them. It did come in handy.....
Here's the dimple from the punch.
No, you're not seeing things.... after dimpling the bbl. I chucked a 3/32" bit in my D-press; it held, when I lined everything up and lowered the boom (can't remember the name) the bit didn't move, awe crap the chuck won't tighten up on the bite. Now I'm racing, what am I going to do.... well, that's my Dremel chuck there.... worked out great.
I couldn't use the original pin the hole was a little oversize, so I cut about a 1/4" from the top of a #40 or 41 drill bit (can't remember which one) but it worked. The pin is JB'd in.
Here's the F/S JB'd in place....
The F/S is wrapped in electrical tape, the elasticity of the tape places a lot of downward pressure it works well. I have to thank BRL for that idea...
Guys I tried like hell to align the sights and take the pic... this the best I could do... you get the picture.
Now, what am I going to do for an insert.... fill it in with JB, or another red insert?
Next it goes to the range this coming week, hopefully the F/S height (.500") is correct. I'll post the targets then.
Stay tuned.....Carl
...milling fix for the week, thanks for the great photos.
Thanks Al, it was a labor of love. I've had the SBH since 1979 and always wanted to chop the bbl. it took all these years to grow the stones big enough to do the job.
As I said, I hope the F/S works out height wise so I can finish her off. Its so much more handier with the 5.5" bbl.
Can't wait to shoot it.... I'll post pics after the range..... Carl
Al, I need your advice why does the first several words of my sentence appear twice in the thread. What am I doing wrong?
It's when you type in the subject box. It doesn't really bother us, and the barrel pics are great. I too have contemplated a barrel shortening project but haven't gotten around to it yet, maybe! I did wonder if J-B weld is as strong as a silver solder for the sight but I have heard others say it is so ? Chris
Chris, I thank you and Al for the kind words. For many years I've heard JB Weld is the best epoxy going. I did research on the other gun forums which convinced me to give it a try. Some of them should have been testimonials, two come to mind, the guys used JB as temporary fixes on the front sights on their rifles.... that was 10 and 15 yrs. ago..... temporary my butt.
I don't know if JB is as strong as SS, but, I'll find out this coming weekend. I'm going to this new "state-of-the-art" indoor range in Ocala.... if the F/S takes flight at least I'll be able to find it, but I think it'll hold. Before mounting the sight the F/S pin Ruger uses was JB'd in and cured for 3 days before JB'ing the F/S and its been a week since then. I feel confident and if not I'll SS it on.
I'll post targets one way or the other, stay tuned..... Carl
when you DON'T put anything in the subject box
enjoy the forum
OK Al, I stand corrected. Chris
Carl, I was wondering when you used the carriage bolt to crown did you use any abrasive or just run the bolt until the barrel was crowned? With no abrasive it worked as a burnishing tool rather than a grinding one, am I correct? Thanks for the great post again, Chris
Chris, I used Permatex Valve Grinding Compound #34A. I used this stuff for years in my other life at FORD.
Just use a little dab at the center of the bolt head just to cover the bore area. Chris this stuff cuts fast; don't press hard on the drill
press lightly at low-med speed and check after every few revolutions until you're staisfied with the crown. The bolt head will self-center
so you don't have too worry... let the bolt do the work. I should have shown the tube in the pic.... sorry bout that.
So what are you working on... cutting one down?
On the down-side I haven't gone to the range yet to shoot and check the sight height on the 44 SBH.... so pitiful.
On the up-side I bought another toy... Ruger BH in .45 LC 4 5/8" bbl. maybe someday I shoot this one too.
Chris, reach out if I can be of any assistance..... Carl
One more thing, this may be a pain in the butt too do but go to Rugerforums.net; Handgunhunt.com and Rugerforum.com the
thread is also posted on these sites as well... under the same name. The guys may answer some questions you have in their replies
to me.
Again, if you don't have time for that, just reach out, I'll help in any way I can.... Carl
Hi Carl: I am contemplating shortening my Colt New Frontier from 7 1/2 to 5 1/2 maybe..... I won't do it for some time as I am still in the thinking about it stage and probably won't even do it, but who knows. Anyway, thanks for the advise and the offer for future advise if the need arises. I am really curious as to how your gun shoots once you get it going. Chris
Good morning Chris from sunny Florida.
If you decide to circumsize the bbl. I guarantee (I sound like a salesman) you're going too love the way it handles and balances as compared to 7.5" bbl.
It feels so much better too me IMHO..... I guarantee!
Chris everytime I say I'm going to the range something happens; so I'm not going to say it again..... yeah right.
If I get there I'll post the targets.... Carl
Your SBH sure looks great now. I love the way you improvised on gadgets, especially the carriage bolt. I have used brass balls for the same job, and the results can't be denied. Looking forward to the field report.
Mike thank you for the kind words. But, those gadget ideas came from many posters on other sites where the thread was initially posted. Without their input it would've taken me somewhat (a lot) longer. I planned the job out months before starting it, and also too grow that set of balls necessary to do it.
If you're interested in the help I received on the other sites here they are: Rugerforum.net; Rugerforum.com; Singleactions.proboards.com.
I should've had a range report long ago, but, for some reason there's always an obstacle in my way. Now that the holiday's are over things should lighten up at home the kids are back in school I'll have more time. Especially since I just bought a BH in 45 LC w/4 5/8" bbl.
Thanks again..... Carl
Most of us gather info from lots of sources. I learned a bunch about guncrafting working in the University library when I was in college. The new weenie in charge of the library decided we should dump all the books not signed out in the past six months. That meant most of the technical area since people didn't sign them out, they just did research and put them back. Somehow, I conned the idjit into letting me take bushels in the gun section home: Howe's two-volume Modern Gunsmith, all of Phil Sharpe's stuff, General Hatcher, Major Askins, etc. I read most of them before I even had a gun to work with. Luckily, some are being re-published. They are gold mine's of knowledge and ideas.
Good luck on your project.
And, JW Weld. That's the Philosophers' Stone for gun guys. Who woulda thunk there could be so many nasty jobs made easy by sticky gray stuff.
Mike we gotta be from the same generation. Only thing is, I'm not a grouch... yet. Give me time.
Those books and authors are a gold mine and possibly worth some $$$$. I've managed to come across a few myself over the years, O'Connor, Ackley, Nonte, Askins and few others. Our books are priceless.
Now, here's an author whose still alive and his book is going for big $$$.... John Taffin.
Some time ago I happened to be looking through Amazon for Keith's book and what they were going for
(don't know if you're aware but his Sixguns book is back in print). I happened to come across Taffin's book
"The Book of the 44" I thought I bought the book when it first came out in 2006 but I wasn't sure. The prices for new
and used were unbelievable; new ranges from $125. to $376, used from $125. to $293 and higher. I almost crapped my shorts.
When I got home from work I went right to the my library and there it was. I pulled it out, it was in (is) like new condition.
I was telling my wife about it.... she tells me to sell it, I told her I'd sell her first.
That didn't go over to well, no sense of humor...
That's life.
We do need those weenies don't we....
Stay safe Mike..... Carl
I was lucky and found The Book of the 44 at a quite reasonable price last year and snapped it up. I also found Big Bore Sixguns or whatever it is a short time later. It's just a matter of being patient and persistent. I did see that Sixguns is back in print. I need to get a copy for my son to keep him on the beam. That's the book that got me back into SAA's. I used to call Mr. Keith on the phone from Montana to ask about this or that. He was always patient and helpful. He was the reason I looked long and hard for a S&W 1950 Target in 44 Special. What still pains me though is that when I was at the University of Maine. I went into a second-hand store in a small town and found a New Service 45 Colt and a Triple Lock 44 Special both priced at $40. I bought the Colt because I had a load of old black powder ammo for it. I think about that one often.
Mike my apologies for not getting back sooner.
Mike did you mean Big Bore Revolvers by Max Prasac? I enjoyed the heck out of that one; and very informative. Once I get past a few more books on my list I'll get back and reread it again.
I would give whatever to have been able too chat Keith. I have a book by Timothy J. Mullin called "Letters from Elmer Keith" which I'm still in the process of reading, if you don't have it, find it, its great reading. Ya know there was one writer (actually an educator) Jack O'Connor who didn't like Keith I believe because of the way Keith wrote; not refined and educated as he was... maybe there's more that I'm not aware of between them for O'Conner to criticize about.
But, we now have John Taffin... GOD please keep him healthy.
This is ironic, many decades ago (I used to say years) I came across a Colt New Service .45 a friend wanted to sell, it was in excellent condition. If I was in the know I would have bought it, but I wasn't. A gunsmith friend bought for $200. When I think about it I could kick myself...
Later my friend..... Carl
Mike, I also use it and sometimes add a bit of Brownell's black dye powder to the mix to match dark finishes. Seems to work fine. Also have the book of Elmer's letters from Wolfe Publishing, great read. Chris S
Cut my New Frontier to 5 1/2 inches and added a new ramp that takes interchangeable inserts. Haven't quite cleaned it all up but need to shoot it also, waiting for the snow to melt.....Chris S
I meant the big bore sixgun book of Taffin's.
Nice looking work on the sixgun, Chris. I wish it would stop with the rain here in Mudhole, Mississippi before I start to turn green and fuzzy. I really need to get out and do some shooting. My right thumb joint has been dodgy the last few months, and at first I thought it was arthritis caused by shooting 44's and 45's for fifty years. But now I think it's just withdrawal. Also need to cast up a few batches of bullets. Just don't have any get-up-and-go when it's so clammy and cold.
However, I am cleaning up on Ebay with gobs of 6mm and .308 bullet jackets. I have also decided that, since I have at least two lifetime supplies of completed 85 gr. hollowpoint 6mm and 165 gr. .308, I will see about selling the old man's SAS swaging press and dies. Casting is my game; I never got excited about swaging.
Finally got a nice enough day to test shoot my Colt New Frontier 45 since I shortened the barrel. This is at about 15 yds. Five shots with .454 size Hornady lead bullets and Trail Boss. Just a moderate easy load and not trying to get maximum power just a nice shooting load. I will refine this again but for a first test I am happy. I pulled that last one down so it could have been a tighter group but with the way this old body shakes this is not too bad. Chris S
Nice work and nice results. Looks well balanced.
Good work on the Colt
Got bored sitting around so I scrounged up some leather and sewed up a holster for the new short barrel. Serious holster makers need not fear, this is strictly amateur work. Chris S
Come on, Chris,
Why call it amatuer work? When our passion is guns, we learn how to do many things. And, even though I can afford the best stuff now, I am still thrilled to make things myself.
For instance, my wife's old top break H&R 38 S&W quit returning the trigger to front. Several years ago. I went through Numrich, but never could find a schematic that looked right. I guessed at a number of trigger springs, but none worked. It sat on my workbench in pieces for all that time. I started asking for suggestions in a bunch of forums, and finally somebody suggested Wolff Springs. I never knew they make things for old clunkers, but a phone cal got me a nice lady who directed me to the area on their web that had leaf springs for old geezers. She directed me to a gunsmith pack with a bunch of leaf springs since I had no clue about the exact size. Lo, and behold, after they came it only took about eight hours of trial and error until I got things purring again. My wife thinks I'm a romantic old fool now instead of just an old fool. She love the gun. She used it about 43 years ago to run off a punk who jumped into the Porsche with her after we had been married about a year. Her comments, "I never knew somebody could crawl that fast. ..and it wasn't even loaded."
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