Has anyone out there loaded black powder loads in either of these calibers? My CAS guns are Uberti Cattlmen 5.5" .38 special or .357 Magnum and tend to shoot high so lighter bullets and hotter loads bring them to point of aim. I prefer to use .38 cases as my Rifle has an 18" barrel and to load 10 rounds I have to seat the bullets deep (1.540) in .357 cases, which is OK for CAS but prefer to load everything to spec. I have been using 125 RNFP over stout Trail Boss or Unique but would like to give Black powder a whirl. I have a brass drop tube and am also wondering about a funnel. Is aluminum OK or do I have to hunt up a brass unit?
Thanks......Horsetrader Jack
Ps: If anyone is looking for a great price on Quality cast bullets give Rose at Second Chance Bullets in Vancouver ,Wa. a call (360) 696-4999. They are top quality and an example of price is $52.00 for a 1,000 125 grn RNFP .358 diameter and she can fit 3,000 in a $10.00 if it fits it ships box. They are top quality with NO leading problems and she can cast up to a 428 grain 45-70 bullet. Be sure to tell her Horsetrader Jack from Medical Lake sent ya.
Black Powder for .357 Mag or .38 Special
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in a .45 caliber, used the dillion before someone clued me in on static, plastic, and the shearing action of the dillon powder measure. Guess I got lucky cranking out a couple hundred with the progressive! Fun shooting , good accuracy plenty of poop, but revolver gets to dirty to continue shooting after about 50 rounds. I now use a scoop made out of a .44 sp case, seems like volume is about perfect for the .45. I'd stick with brass if possible.
I got the info I was looking for and actually on this sight, in one of John Taffin's articles, he discusses the origins of the .38 Special. It originally was used with black powder so this is a viable cartridge for any CAS shooters out there interested in this venue. The 38-40 would be perfect. Ahh if only the funds allowed!
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