Does anyone have experience with the Buffalo Bore .44 special ammo. Their web-site says not to shoot the .44 magnum out of the Smith. Is the .44 special JHP safe to shoot out of my model 29-2? I know the web-site says it's safe but I would like to hear some personal experience. Also is it a good self defense load for the Smith? Thanks, Paul
Buffalo Bore Ammo
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Buffalo Bore has several types of .44 Mag, but I didn't see a disclaimer on any of them. Please forward the link. They are a supporter of our Elmer Keith fund raising efforts, so I'm glad to see you giving his stuff a look.
I'd also suggest starting with standard magnum or .44 Special loads until you really get the taste, hate to see you develop a nasty flinch to go along with those grooves in your finger. Tim's ammo is pretty much "Full Blow"
Al Let me know if this worked. My wife is helping navigate this stuff.
He says the .44 special is safe for the Smith but not the .44 +P+ magnum. I've read a few of Mr. Taffins articles on BB ammo and he's made it very clear that Buffalo Bore ammo is as you say "full blow".
Am I looking in the wrong place? I only see one .44 magnum offering in the hangun ammo category. He has the heavy .44 special and the +P+ .44 magnum ammo.
Reduced Recoil to +P+ and Dear Grenades in the .44 Magnum Handgun Ammo
And yes, the +P+ is NOT safe for Smiths!
Yea I see what your're talking about. I just didn't look good enough. Bad habit of mine. I've shot a good amount of .44 magnum before just not out of my .44. Is there a loss in accuracy shooting the .44 special out of a .44 magnum? I've read that the larger space between the bullet and forcing cone causes that loss. Is this true or just a myth?
Probably not much (IMAO).
I don't see much of a difference at 50 yards, between my 44 sp and my 44 mag loads, but at 150 the specials spread out.
With my .454, I don't see any difference, with accuracy or the Chrono. My 600 yard load is in a 45 Colt case.
One problem that could be encountered is after firing several specials there could be a powder buildup in the cylinders that would prevent the crimp of a longer 44 mage from releasing as quickly as planned, thus creating a pressure spike. I can hardly get a .454 in the FA after firing .45 Colt brass in it until I clean it.
I'd like to use the .44 special for a self defense load. If I've got to make a 100 - 150 yd shot to protect life and limbs of myself and family I'll probably grab my good ole Marlin 30-30. Also how in the world do I see when a new post is added with out moving from the page I'm on. Ignorance reigns supreme.
Even though this is a sixgun forum I can't help sayinghow much satisfaction I ge wiping down the old Marlin 336 and running a boresnake through it occasionally. I have not shot itin years anditwas purchased when I was 13 in pieces. I managedto get it back together and made numerous 1 shot kills on deer and coyotes and a black bear and then it kindagot retired. I am considering loading someammo with the superformace powder and Hornady leverevolution bullets and hunting woith it this year for nostalgic reasons. I still do use a Browning BLR in .308 (Belgium made) for most other chores.
I have experience with Bufallo Bore in the .38 Special & 9mm, both are great loads, I like it a lot. I've chronographed both the .38 & 9mm & both exceed Buffalo Bores claim for velocity by 15fps on the .38, to 77fps for the 9mm & both are accurate. I like BB.
I'm going to get some .44 special and 9mm. I've been carrying the new Hornady polymer tipped and the Cor-Bon Powerball in 9mm. As I don't carry my .44 as often I carry a 240 gr. jacketed soft point. Lots of lead for the sledgehammer effect.
Paul, I'd try the Wide Flat Nose in the .44 Special.
The 9mm load I like is the 115gr JHP +P+ Buffalo Bore claims 1400fps for it. I chronographed it out of a G19 @ an actual 1477FPS. It's accurate to boot. I think they have a 124 or 125gr load at 1300fps too, that might be a good one to try.
Good shooting.
Thanks Frank. I'm like so many other folks right now, I just don't have much disposable income. I want to make a good solid choice.
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