Hello everybody,
as an avid hunter of wild boars here in Germany I have a problem that might be nit a rela one in the U.S. -
In Germany hunting with handguns is not allowed except when it comes to the "coup de grâce", the finisher on wounded game. The Germsan hunters are allowed to carry only while hunting in their hunting ground. B u t normal people sometimes call the police when they see men (or women) carrying handguns ( perhaps you know Germany has one of the strictest gun laws of the worls).
So most hunters carry concealed but - as you will know - a .38 snubby ain't the right stopper when a wild boar is charging - and they do, sometimes even when they are not wounded. I am an active hunter for more than 35 years and my experience is that the handgun is the "emergency break". So the smallest caliber I would call suitable to stop a charging hog is a .357 Magnum, rather a .44 Magnum.
Years ago I had a 4" 629 but foolishly sold it - I plan to buy a .44 Magnum again, either a Ruger Redhawk in 5 1/2 inch trim or a S&W 629 Classic with a 5" tube. Is there anybody out there carrying one of the said sixguns and which holster you can recommend.I carreid my 4" 629 in a Bianchi 111 Cyclone - but as far as I know a holster for the 5" or 5 1/" inch guns is not available.
(Perhaps I should add that in Germany a unter is allowed to own only two handguns; since I have a 696 and a 3" 686 I'll sell the 686 to change to the .44 Magnum).
Thanks a lot for every advice.
Greetings from Germany
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