Here's the one that got me hooked on Big Bores.
Colt 1878 in 45 Colt that was bought new by my Gr-Gr-Gr Uncle while in Wyoming in the 1890's as a member of the 22nd Infantry. He carried it with him to Cuba and on to the Phillipines during the disagreement with Spain. It was also carried along to the Mexican border when Pancho Villa was having a little fun while he was a Sergeant in the Wyoming National Guard. From there, the Wyoming Guard was federalized and he carried it with him to France to fight the Huns.
After the war, he carried it daily working as a fishing and hunting guide in the mountains outside of Lander, Wyoming. When he finally hung 'em up, as he had no kids, he gave it to his nephew, my Great-Grandfather with the instructions it be kept in the family. It has since been passed down to the first son of each generation.
I first held it when I was about 10 years old and I was awestruck by it's size and that BIG HOLE on the business end. I will never forget my Granddad telling me, "now this one, has been fired in anger". If only it could talk.
Sadly the original holster was lost sometime in the 1950's when it was loaned out to be used as a stage prop in a high school play (try that today!). While Dad says he remembers shooting it when he was in high school, I never have. I just enjoy digging it out of the safe and admiring it, all the while smiling and feeling the history of it's well worn grips. Technically, it's now my son's (he's 11), but it while reside with me for a good while until he's old enough to know better.
Since I bought my first big bore, I've always had three mistresses - the 44 Special, the 44 Magnum, and the 45 Colt, and bounced my whims between the three. However, my heart always eventually comes back to the 45 Colt, a family tradition dating back well over a century.
Colt 1878
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Wed, 11/09/2011 - 10:02
Wed, 11/09/2011 - 19:57
The unique and colorful history you share is exceptional. Hard to tell from photos, but it looks like it would withstand a little moderate shooting. This is what sixguns are all about!
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