I was at my local gun shop with the intention of ordering a special self-shucking,bottom-feeder, and this lonely waif called to me from the case.
She is a 29-2. in about 99% with no accoutraments. Admittedly, she is not from S$Ws best days in production as evidenced by the fit and odd shape to the rear sight assembly
but I have confidence in my experience and tools and I know I can compensate for a bad day at the factory with a little TLC. Best of all, for me at least, it does not have the "future value" of my -2 P&R nickled so putting her in a holster will not cause undue guilt. I rather look upon her as some do with the Phillipine made 1911's. She is a canvas for me to personalize free of the constraints of good conscience. I will be slugging and mic'ing critical aperatures to see if adjustment is needed and working up suitable loads, all free of worry with just shooting results in mind. Due to the era and a slight, but very well known glitch in the internals (trigger return spring binding when the trigger is released SLOOOOWLY, NBD) she became mine for $420 OTD. A winter project that, I am sure, will yeild a very enjoyable springtime.
The wife says that, if I am a good boy, she may let me have the credit card and checkbook back by mid-summer.
The durned .44 cal did it to me again
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Looks like you were having a bit of trouble inserting photobucket images, my friend. The problem may lie with the [IMG] tag photobucket supplies you with the link.
Get rid of it as such:
First, click the image button and paste the photobucket link in
Then delete the [IMG] tag
Dont forget there is one at the begaining s well. Now position your cursor where you want the image and WA-LA
Or just do what you did, I'm happy to fix up the posts for you! No need to worry, my pleasure!
Nice find!
Thanks, I 've posted pics before, but not often enough to have the system memorized. I have to "retrain" each time. (the down side to filling the brain with gun information, there is no room left)
I may just have to go on a photo bender to drive the technique into my poor brain
Don't worry to much about it, no matter what you do, I can probably straighten it out.
You underestimate my ability to foul up with a computer, but it is nice to see such optimism. Thanks
Nice piece, countrygun. I was similarly diverted a few months ago by an apparently unfired 4" P&R 29-2. Best of luck of the "mini-project gun."
there is something about an "N" frame sitting in a case for more than an hour that seems like a crime I must rectify. I guess it's just my nature to do the right thing and make up for the scofflaws that could look at a tragic situation like that and not even lift a finger to help.
My hat's off to you, Sir. You are a gun samaritan.
CG, most here know I'm a Colt man, to the sadness and consternation of family-but I cut my teeth on S&Ws. There was a time when they lived up to their claim of the best revolvers in the world. Now, my eyes are not that hot, but when I look at the photos, two things seem to come to mind.
1) Barrel is not pinned.
2) Cylinder is not recessed.
If it were a 29, second change, it would sport both features. I'm thinkin you have a much later model, but one before the despised sfe-t-block lock garbage. Also, the 29-2, at least the examples I've been graced with, all show excellent fit and finish. Now, don't mean she won't shoot. I can personally attest that even the sfet lock garbage 29s can shoot like a dream, just don't see evidence that she's a 29-2.
Before Iget labelled as a troll again, folks, keep in mind I'm just tryin for accuracy.
there is some confusion here. My other six inch is the nickled P&R -2 this one is a -3 I erred in typing only, my bad
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