It's been a while. Sometimes life just takes you down different trails. Been picking up guns and filling out my old "bucket list" (so old it pre-dates that term). My wife has been trying to push me back in this direction but that list of mine had a lot of those fancy, new fangled, self-shucking bottom feeders on it and I don't generally do things by half measures. When I am trying to complete a project I just kind of "home in on it" . Well pretty much got that shameful chore done and I have those flatsided guns greased up and put away. I am now back to the guns I enjoy more.
I have to say that IMO there are two autoloaders that I think guys my age can relate to. Those of us who grew up reading "Outdoor Life" and 'Field and Stream" magazines older than ourselves might, no matter how dedicated to wheel guns, will remember how often the Colt Woodsman and the High Standard model "B" showed up, almost as often as the S&W outdoorsman .22. I had the High Standard "B" on my "List" picked up a nice pre-war. Probably the only one of my autoloaders of minor interest here and I think hat-in-hand I'm not too ashamed of it.
Anyway, the wife in pushing me back to wheel guns convinced me to buy some more reloading gear, then bought me a hardbound and a softbound copy of "Sixguns". I started getting the hint. Yesterday she brought a couple of sixguns home, a new one for herself and an old one for me. She announced "well, now you've got to get back on "Sixguns" you have something to talk about".
Of course I gave her the universal, all around, most used phrase in the English language---"Yes, Dear".
Well, I will be cobbling up a bit of a review on my "New-old" revolver and her "new-new" revolver. No I am not going to spill the beans yet, but I'll give you a guessing hint.
"Think "carry revolver" of the 1950's" for mine and "The most new-fangled "purse revolver" (no, not one of the .45/410 things, her purse ain't that big)
I've got some catching up to do around here.
I managed to wander back
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Wed, 09/11/2013 - 11:04
Wed, 09/11/2013 - 15:00
Great wife
You and I are two fortunate guys. My wife surprises me like that, also. Treasure them.
Wed, 09/11/2013 - 15:29
Well she does manage to find
Well she does manage to find "a little something for herself" at the same time, of course that's better than her bringing home two purses I guess.
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