Hello and good evening everybody,
I may introduce my self as follows:
My name is TomHunter, I was born in 1957 and live in Germany these last 55 years. I am an avid hunter since 1973 and love not only my wife but also hunting, sixgun and rifle shooting.
I did work as a solicitor for a large German insurance company. I like the classics, red wine and a well made cigar somtimes. Of course I had gun dogs too but not at the moment because of several reasons, above all for the fact that I am handicapped from birth on (mobility problems). The German authorities know this all therefore I see no reason not to tell it to you.
Perhaps you may know that in Germany we have gun laws that allow only two handguns when one is only a hunter and not also a marksman organised in a shooting club. Collecting rifles and shotguns is not that easy as well. I love those old fashioned shotgun/rifled barrel combinations and have two of them, both well used for huntign during the years.
I was tenant of a rather small hunting ground from 1979 to 1988; since this has become rather expensive I am hunting as a guest every now and then. Alsmost every Saturday I am at the shooting range above all for lettin out several rounds with my heavy wild boar rifle, a Sauer 80 bolt action in 9,3x64 mm (similar to the .375 H&H) I inherited from my father nad - of course to exercise with my S&W 696 .
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask them, I'll try to answer as well as my English allows to.
Take care, have a nice weekend and always good shooting
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