Well, this is my first post here. Been on levergunscommunity.com for a while now. I have been looking over sixguns.com for a while now and am enjoying all the information. I just got back from the gunshop a while ago to pick up my first SA sixgun. Its a Ruger Vaquero Sheriff's model in 44 Special. Check it out.
Since this is my first SA revolver, I am not real familiar with the intricacies of them but I am going to enjoy learning and shooting. I reload for 44MAG so all I need now is some 44SPL brass and I am good to go.
My first SA Sixgun - Ruger Vaquero
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A great choice in a first SA, 44 special. I am sure you will have lots of fun working with it. Chris
Thanks for taking the time to upload a photo! I have had excellent service from starline, and their large caliber pistol brass (I speak for .44 mag, .44 sp, .45 colt, .454 Casull) is very consistant in "out of the box" length, polishes to a mirror, and I have lost count of how many reloads I have on my .44 special and 45 colt brass. Stuff never wears out, loose a few in the press and thats about it.
That's a good-looking sixgun, I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun with it!
Beeeautiful!! Great choice of firearm and caliber. Starline is the brass for me. My load is a 250gr Keith from Dry Creek Bullet Works and 5.0gr of Green Dot in a Charter Arms Bulldog. Of course you can go heavier in the Ruger but that combo is a thumper of the first order. Welcome and thanks for the picture.
Still haven't shot this Vaquero yet. Hopefully ordering reloading components today.
Anyway, I was wondering where I could get a different hammer for my Vaquero. I'm not a huge fan of the blued hammer with sides in the white. I'd like an all blued hammer. Maybe even a bisley hammer, something a little more low profile. This is all just for looks nothing that effects functionality. Let me know if there is a place where I can order a new hammer for my Vaquero.
Finally got to shoot my 44SPL Vaquero over the holiday break. Loaded up some 200 gr. Nosler JHP over 5 grains of Titegroup. Boy was that some fun shootin. I'm and plenty pleased with this gun. Now to get a SBH hammer with the lowered spur, a nice set of imitation ivory grips (maybe some scrimshaw) and a nice holster. Any recommendations would be appreciated.
I don't know if you ever go visit the Ruger forum but the link below is about SBH hammer versus regular BH hammer, might help you. Seems like a SBH hammer may be able to be ordered from somewhere, perhaps Brownell's. Don't know if Ruger will sell one to you but you may try them. I also am not sure if a bisley hammer will fit. Chris S
I have a birdshead gripframe heading my way. I worked a deal out with a guy over on Rugerforums.com to trade my plow handle frame for his birdshead frame. Can't wait to try it out. I'll post up some pics when I get it all put together.
Hope you like that grip and am waiting for a report on how it shoots. Chris S
Yea I need to shoot for some groups. I just plinked at a piece of cardboard for the only 12 shots that I've put through it. Seemed to shoot point-of-aim. I need to get ahold of my buddy that casts bullets and cast a bunch to load up and see how this thing shoots. I'll let you know.
I got the birdshead grip frame and it was from a Blackhawk so it was a little over-sized. It looked great and felt awesome in my hand but I don't have the funds to get it fit and reblued so I sent it back to the guy. He is a great guy and very easy to deal with. Anyway, I am still looking for a BH grip frame but having a lot of fun with the gun anyway. I won't cry if I never get a BH grip frame.
Presently working up some different loads and going to the range one of these days to see how they shoot. My loads so far are as follows:
180gr Nosler JHP over 5.5gr of Titegroup
180gr Nosler JHP over 6.7gr of Green Dot
250gr LSWC over 13gr of IMR4227
I plan to try a few other combinations too.
Well boys, here is my holster for my SA sixgun.
Ordered it from a local leather worker here in PA. This holster is modeled after El Paso's #44 Outfit with a few modifications. I really like it. If you are in the market for a fair priced custom leather holster, let me know and I'll give you this guy's contact info.
Like the holster; you can send me the info on this vendor, please...
Simple is always good!
I really like that holster and would like to contact the vendor that made it for you.
Sorry guys. It's been a while since I have been on here. I sent you both the contact info for the leather smith that made the holster for me. Hope he can help you.
Finally got to try out some different loads in my Vaquero. Tried several different charges of Titegroup under a 240gr LSWC. My rest wasn't rock solid but worked fine. Looks like 4.0gr of Titegroup shot the best groups. This is at the low end of the charge weight for Titegroup. Next I will try Bullseye since that is what I have. Alliant's website lists 5.2gr of Bullseye as a good load for the 240gr LSWC. We shall see.
Did you chrono those titegroup loads? I go about 4.2 with the TG for steel plates league, 4.7 to make "Major" Power Factor in USPSA. What book did you get the data from?Thanks--
I did not chrono the loads I tried. The Lee Reloading Manual says starting loads for the 44SPL with 240gr SWC are at 4.0gr of Titegroup up to 4.8gr MAX. I started at 4.0gr and worked up to 4.8gr. Groups got wider as the charge weight increased. Most shot high and left of the bull to some degree. The 4.0gr load shot dead on elevation and about 1/2" left. Good enough for me.
I am going to try some Bullseye and Greendot loads as well. I'd also like to get some cast round nose bullets to try as well.
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