I've just recently started shooting single action six guns. Just barely wet behind my 65 year old ears, so I'm here to learn. Read a lot of Mr. Taffin's stuff over the years and read about Mr. Keith a lot. At the moment, I can only drool over your custom made six shooters, but maybe one of these days I'll spring for one. For now it's mainly Ruger Blackhawks, a couple of lever-action rifles and a couple of S&W double actions. I've been reloading for about 2 years now and just got into casting a few weeks ago. To me, the hobby is a package deal with shooting being the end product. Like I said, I've got a lot to learn and got a pretty late start. This seems to be one of the better places to start. Thanks, Jack
New Old Guy here
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Welcome, fatcpa;
I have about 4 years on you. I quit with single actions after I blew a hole in the Officers' Club floor with my Super Blackhawk. I stuck with S&W 1950's and 25-5's in 44 Spl and 45 Colt respectively and big caliber bolt guns. A few years ago, I got the bug for single actions again. Since then, I've accumulated a Super Blackhawk, two USFA 44 Spl's worked over by Turnbull, a Cimarron 44 Spl Bisley, and a Beretta Stampede in 45 LC. My only lever is a Winchester 1892 rifle in 32 WCF. Out of about 75 firearms, those are the ones I shoot most. They're just more fun. The 32 WCF works great on armadillos and the sixguns get their workouts with cottonmouths and timber rattlers. Sometimes with shot, sometimes not.
Anyway, I'm glad you took up casting. For me, that's a rainy season pastime. My advice is to get 4 cavity molds so you don't have to spend hours at it. Tumble lube with liquid Alox, and size with the Lee sizing rig. I used a Lyman sizer-luber for 40 years. Going to tumble lubing and Lee sizing was like having cataracts removed.
Glad to have you aboard. Taffin and Keith, can't go wrong there. Enjoy the site.
I tell everyone that I'm cultivating my "crotchety ol' fart image". My wife tells me I am very successful at it!
........beware of the man with only one gun cause he knows how to use it. I just change that to beware of me (An Old Fart) because I am a good grouch and can shoot a bit yet also. Chris S
Hey Fatcap,
Its not how many guns you have, its how much fun you have with them.
"Good night Chesty, wherever you are". Semper Fi, Tt.
Old Lewis Burwell would fit right in with the six gun guys. Originally resigned his commission because they put him on inactive duty. Went back in the Corp as a private. Said "I want to go where the guns are". Another Chestyism--The enemy is to our right, they're to our left, they're in front of us, they're behind us. THEY CAN'T GET AWAY NOW!" Five Navy Crosses. Heck of a guy!
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