My wife surprised me the other day and it gave me a kick in the pants to get back to my revolver roots.
I had been thinking about a gun like this since my LGS had an old Bankers Special with stag grips a few years ago. Now I do have other snubbies a S&W 36 LS I can borrow from SWMBO and my Charter Bulldog which is great, but I wanted something a little more "classic". I would have bought that Banker's Special but if I am going to pack something with a square butt, it's going to have more barrel. I can always wish for fancy grips but I am going to try for a 'Tyler T Grip" I had a faint hope of one special detail that was impossible to control. She had no idea it had been rolling around in the cavern of my brain but she hit it. She found an older worn Colt Cobra 2" . Which was what I had in mind for a long time, but even better she hit the little detail I had wanted, it was made the same year I was born. I've wanted something of that vintage for years (if not just to prove that more than blackpowder muzzleloaders were available that year). There really weren't a heck of a lot of good packable pistols back then since it wasn't that easy to get the required paperwork.
Not a big bore ,but it is a sixgun
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I swear I followed all the instructions in the how to post a pic, I really did and even got to the thumbnail showing where it should, but no joy
Go ahead and email me the pic al@six...... and I'll put it up for you.
Pics sent (I think) look for the e-mail addy related to the Garand. I didn't pick the addy, my wife's idea.
Might have been the file size was too large, these were pretty high resolution images. I resized, still look decent.
I can just picture this in William Conrad's chubby paw.
Haha, Yup, in his mitt it looked like an old Crackerjack toy.
It's a darned handy gun and if it shoots anything like my old S&W "J" or the wife's newer 60 Ladysmith I'll be good to go. I have heard that the Colts were supposed to be a bit more accurate, but that may be "Great taste/less filling" chatter.
It fits in the Blackhawk OWB holster I got for my Bulldog (It should, it was a Detective Special holster), but Since it and I are the same exact age, it deserves some classier leather. I'm tossing between the Lobo and the El Paso "Tom Threepersons" rigs. Lined to avoid more rub on the back of a snap and floral carved.
Anyone know of another maker that has a Threepersons ?
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