I am on my second Ruger Blackhawk in 45 Colt. The first one was the 4.58 barrel I had ten years ago. The sights were so off I had to buy an extended screw and cut out the top of its holster to let it fit. Traded it off. Just bought one with the 7.5 barrel a few weeks ago. With rear sight cranked all the way down I am still 6" low at 25 yards. I had a 3 screw 357 that I am sorry I traded off years ago, and have a single six that shoots dead on with either cylinder. Seems my luck is bad with with Blackhawks in this caliber. It has occurred to me to either break out the file on the front sight or trade it off. I kind of hate to file on an adjustable site pistol, and I have had better luck with the Italian Colt clones (it pains me to say that)anybody have another idea?
Ruger Blackhawk luck
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Five minutes after typing this I realized what I was doing. Went out to my range behind the cow pasture. Amazing how much better you can sight in a revolver when you turn the adjustable sights in the right direction.
Never too old to do something dumb. I told my wife "I don't know how I could do something that dumb after 40 years of messing with revolvers". She said, "now you sound just like a senile old fart"
I wanted to be the smart sounding one here but you beat me to it. Lowering the rear sight all the way down and then filing the front sight is probably not the best way to raise your point of impact, is it?!?...
Reminds me of the supposedly true story about two city guys sighting in their fancy new scoped deer rifles. When their rifles were shooting high from the bench, they went out and raised the targets!
Hey CD, I know all about how fickle Rugers can be!
I had a Super Blackhawk 3 screw that hated to hit anything with all the chambers. Had a Blackhawk that shot so far to the left, that Kentucky windage really did seem like a few states away. Also a Redhawk that couldn't hit anything-single or double action. Funny thing about that Ruger Blackhawk-there was one load that it would shoot close to point of aim-BUT ONLY WITH A SPECIFIC BULLET-and no, I could never find those PMC FMJ bullets ever again.
Some guns just exist to drive decent men to drink-or back to women!
thanks mak, makes me feel better. I hated to trade that 45 short barrel, but it just did not perform.
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