I just traded for a S&W 25-8, 45 Colt with 8 " barrel. I'm looking to get the barrel shortened to 4". Anyone know of a reputable smith?
S&W barrel shortening
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I am disabled but I was still able to shorten my Colt New Frontier from 7 1/2 to 5 1/2 after reading the post from the Ruger forum. I used his system and the hardest part for me was hacksawing the barrel but I took it slow and then squared it all up with files and square then crowned it as he recommended using the valve grinding paste he used ( Got it from Amazon)... I then put a new ramp on to boot and can change sight blades if I want. I realized a substantial improvement in accuracy as well as having a much handier revolver! Chris S
If you do decide to do this and find you can't reuse your front sight ramp this company makes a S&W type ramp that takes S&W inserts. Chris S
No way do I have the huevos to try that. Ain't no way brother. You did a great job on yours tho.
No way do I have the huevos to try that. Ain't no way brother. You did a great job on yours tho.
...probably smart too hand it off to a competent pro. SA bbls are not to difficult, but that Smith has the full length lug and would be a lot of work to true up and crown after the hacking was done.
I guess after some thought two possible options occurred to me. Does S&W factory do barrel changes? Maybe worth checking it out and cost of course. Second option would be Gunbroker for a short barrel of your liking and having it installed, you could then maybe sell the long barrel and recoup some expense. Barrel swap might be cheaper than "smith" cost to cut and crown etc. Chris S
I would contact Hamilton Bowen at www.bowenclassicarms.com and see what he can do for you. Barrel shortening is a service they offer on certain packages.
Good Shooting,
Ben H
I had a nickel S&W 57 converted to 44mag shortened from 6 1/2 to 2 1/2 at magnaport
They did outstanding job
Slicked the action tightened up drop the trigger to 3lbs magnaported it and shortened barrel
Still cry alittle thinking bout it shoulda never got rid of that piece
There turn around was great servise to match and a list of servises thatll blow your mind
Speed is just a question of money,how fast do you wanta go?
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