This is my first entry in this forum. And I have to start with a question.
November last year I aqquired my first sigle action Ruger, the Super Blackhawk, square triggerguard, 44 mag ( of course ) without any warnings on the barrel. I happend to read somewhere that this is a collector item. True or false ?
I would like to shorten the barrel to 5 1/2 inch and add a partrige fron sight but maybe this is a mistake. I am greateful for any sound advice.
Further if I can change this to a saftety action and if so can Brownell supply this or is it still avalibel from Ruger. One last question !
Can i change this old grip to a Bisley style without too much gunsmithing.
three screw super blackhawk
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It would be far easier to answer your questions if you included some photos of good quality.
That said, here goes...
I personally do not collect, but for those who do, pre-warning three screw guns are the pick of choice. Do not alter, customize, change, butcher, hack or "fix" anything on this gun-ever. If you need to do these these things, sell it. About $400 will get you a new model with the transfer bar. Another $100-200 will get you a brand spanking new one with the standard round trigger guard and the 5.5" bbl.
Last I checked, buds had 'em at about $500 shipped.
Ruger will also date it for you over the phone. (last I tried)
Rare find in a room of rare finds.
Agreed. Very respectfully, before hacking it up, I mean customizing it, sell it to someone who wants it just the way it is (lots of folks will if it's in decent shape). Then buy one closer to what you really want. Gee...I don't have a 3-screw SBH right now....
Thanks for promt answers.
I am sorry but I should have told You that I live in Sweden and here things are a bit different. If You are entitled to a licence You have to wait up to three months. And to get qualified, at least one year in a shooting club and fulfilling "gold" requirements , 46 points of 50 possible, 25 meters and the 9-point ring is about 3 inches wide and the 10 point ring about 1, 5 inch, so having passed that eye of the needle I cant just buy another gun. Just changing from one gun to another is a costly and timeconsuming process.
And getting a new Ruger is a hassle too. The swedish importer may have to wait 3,6, 9 months to get a shipment always taking a back set to the domestic market.
A new Ruger 44 mag or 45colt will cost me about 1000 usd here. I got mine for 250 at an auction.
So even if Your advices are good they are a bit hard to follow. Aside from that my ideal gun would be a stainless blackhawk in 44 mag or 45 c with 5,5 inch barrel, bisley grip and adjustable sights.
So my first questiones are still valid .
I would suggest in your situation you do what you want and get the gun to be what you want it to be for a shooter. The Ruger world will just have to do without one 3 screw Ruger!!! I put a ramp on my SBH from Weigand that takes interchangeable blades for different heights and it is soldered on. Since you are cutting the barrel it won't be a big deal to solder the new ramp on. If you can't order a ramp like the one I linked to or similar then any competent "gunsmith" should be able to make a ramp and sight to suit your needs. Hope you get it done. Chris
My response is also still valid.
The reason that three screw guns are collectible has a lot to do with their traditional style action. All real Single Action lovers prefer the traditional half cock, open the loading gate, and eject or load procedure. Yes, for absolute safety you must keep an empty chamber under the hammer, but the three screw actually has the click match up to the ejector-something Ruger forgot to do when they replaced the traditional action with the transfer bar two pin model.
Lets not forget that transfer bar ignitions have will continue to fail. This does not mean they are bad, just that they are not as reliable as the traditional style of action.
Unless you intend to carry your SBH, I fail to see how cutting the barrel to 5.5" is any step forward. Generally speaking, accuracy is best with the longest sight radius possible. You only get that with the long tube.
I'm wondering about your laws, that they would be so tough on acquiring the weapon, and then disappear when it comes to modifying it? I guess politicians everywhere are little more than idiots on a power trip. Anyhow, if you're determined to wreck a good gun, go right on ahead, but before you do, just live with it a little while. You might get to like it.
I really appreciate this forum beeing able to discuss those things. And yes, I will not rush and modifications. And first try to come to terms with the 44 mag recoil, then start reloading but as You all know the most pleasurable thing with guns are plans, next gun, next modification, a new holster, a different calibre and so forth. But again then. Will a aftermarket bisley grip ( i e Brownell ) fit my old frame.
Widforss, if you haven't already checked other forums perhaps some of the answers you seek are there. The Ruger forum has quite a few Ruger experienced members who should be more than willing to answer your questions. Chris
Widforss, please don't stop visiting here though. Chris
Widforss, Why not do what you want? Its a collectable but its yours, enjoy it the way you want. And.....by doing that you made the rest of them a little more valuable???? Its not like your ripping a Babe Ruth trading card in half, you'll still have a fun working gun. Now, lets talk about the hunting in Sweden! I talked with an outfitter from Sweden last year that has Roe Deer hunts and I want to go. What else do you have to hunt there? How hard would it be to just replace the barrel so you still have the original? Just a thought.
I have owned a couple of Super Black Hawks and it might be a good idea to not shorten the 7 and a half inches. You really need the full length to help tame the recoil....
About barrel leght I simply have read too much Seyfieds articles and all the other gunwriters I think. They all favour the 5,5 inch. And beeing a newcomer in the 44 mag-field of course I want to follow in the fotsteps of the big boys.
About hunting in Sweden/ nordic countries there are plenty of moose here, annualy about 100.000 are harvested. They are a bit smaller than the canadian/alaskan variety.In sweden we shoot about 200-300 bears anually and about the same in Finland. Furter you can hunt reindeer in Norway and also seal (real precision shooting). The roedeer hunt is both driven hunts with shotgun (shotsize USnr 3 ) and with rifle, male throphy type of hunting. September and October are the best hunting moths. Wild boar is quickly becoming popular to hunt too.
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