Everyone will have their own answer to this question. But I know why I recently signed up for this forum. (Though I was a member years
ago of the old sixgunner forum). I like revolvers. I like to go into the mountain backcountry, and a revolver is a good thing to have up there
where you may run into big four legged critters - in addition to the rare unsavory two legged variety. I own some semi auto handguns, but
except for a few 1911s, - look upon them as just useful tools. I like wheelguns. - - I like this forum because as a 'middle aged guy' (whatever that is),
I have enough years on me to realize that I don't know everything - and that all 'new' ideas weren't neccessarily invented today. Yeah, a lot of it is just
recyled from notions tried in the past.
I come here to read the ideas of those who have 'been around the block' many decades when it comes to wheelguns. You may be surprised (or not) at
the fact that even many gunsmiths and shooting instructors have a very thin knowledge of revolvers. - - I recently took a class to qualify to get a concealed
carry permit from another state. This permit would expand my ability to carry in states without reciprocity agreements with the state where I live. The
instructor was a very nice young man. Very capable with his Glock. In one section of the course, someone asked about the way that a cylinder revolves in a
wheel gun & the instructor thought that they all moved as in a S&W. He didn't know how to tell by looking at a cylinder, which way it rotates.
For many (particulary big city) shooters, only the j-frame is the only revolver considered to have some limited usefulness - - maybe.
I look forward to visiting the forum and hearing the thoughts & experiences of those who have 'been there, done that'. Thank you.
Why Come Here ? . . . .
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...to the forum. We are 100% attaboy powered, and I think you just covered us for the rest of the year!
Al . . . I appreciate the Welcome. All the best, - - Rob
Some of us like to brag about our favorite sixguns. Chris
New Frontier 45 Colt
I just joined the Forum and this is my first post. Why come here? Well, it seems to be a forum to discuss just what I am interested in, revolvers.
Several months ago my daughter said she wanted to get a handgun. I have been a shotgunner (SXS) for many years but had no real knowledge of handguns. So, I went to the local gunshop and range and started asking questions. I rented a S&W at one range then bought one (S&W 686 357). While there one day a lady who works there showed me a Colt Python either in the bright stainless or Nickle finish, not quite sure. I then began reading about Pythons and soon enough I had one. I spent lots of time at my local shooting range shooting 50-100 rounds a visit until I finally started hitting the target where I wanted to (at least some of the time!). One day the cylinder lock broke. I ended up finding one (Colt did not have one) and had a local gunsmith replace the broken one. He also set the timing and explained to me that, in his opinion, Pythons were more of a collector's gun and that not only were parts hard to find but, people who could work on them even harder to find. I paid the $200 bill and meditated on that. That lead me to Freedom Arms and a Model 97 Premier 44 Special with 5 1/2" barrel. Love at first sight!! I am 62 and not into recoil much unfortunately as it seems many revolver owners push their loads to the maximum. Elmer Keith influence? Anyway, the 44 Special led me to John Taffin and from there to this forum. I am reading his book, Single Action Sixguns right now and love it. Great book and Taffin is easy to read. I have ordered a couple more of his books and eagerly await their arrival.
For now, I just like to shoot at targets, both at the range and on my Farm. Plinking is fun. I am not a great shot but am getting better. I am also getting a little better at handling recoil. I have Much to learn and, hopefully, lots of fun ahead shooting revolvers. I also hope to learn as much as possible from the members of this forum.
Wow, I have rambled on. Best stop for now. Thanks for asking!
Welcome to the forum Jim. I love Pythons and this is mine, I've had it since the 60's and it is still going strong. There are still a few good Colt smith's out there and the Python is as good as any of the Colt DA guns just a bit finer fit when it was put together. Usually the reason for a Python to fail is too much heavy load use. I shoot mostly 38 special level loads and relegate the hot 357 loads for hunting or defense. Now as to your other guns, it sounds like some good choices. Good luck and stick with the practice. Chris
Welcome to the forum, Jim.
Don't worry about rambling on, we'll provide all the bandwidth you need!
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