What's your favorite sixgun caliber?
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..I forgot Al's 454 oops! You can edit it if you want Al. Chris
P.S. I added it for you.
Ain't nothing in the whole wide world more fun to reload and shoot...the .44 special! Dennis
After you have tried the others you will come back to the 44 Special--------------
Looks like the 44 Special is taking the lead, I can't say I disagree except I love my Colt New Frontier in 45 Colt. I guess if it was a 44 Special I'd love it too. Chris
that's a tough choice, but i'd have to go with .44mag as my overall favorite. i also really enjoyed shooting 9mm in a Ruger convertible a few years back (when the russian wolf stuff was dirt cheap) and i'm betting i'll end up with another one in 9mm somewhere down the line
I voted for the .44 special. Does everything I need in an easy packin', accurate piece.
I shoot a lot of .22LR but my heart is with the special.
45 Colt
Thats kind of a tough question. I like my .357s for small game and self defence but I also carry a 29 loaded with .44 special in town and magnum loads out and about. I have to admit I have a soft spot for the .500 magnum although after shooting a bunch it gives me a headache! HAHA
I would say if I were allowed one caliber to rely on for everything I would choose the .44 magnum. With the choices available in .429 bullet weights I can load it mild for light duty and small game or I can load it HOT for larger animals. There are also good factory loadings out there for the two-legged threats.
I am mildly surprised no one has voted for the .22 as a favorite revolver or handgun round. I voted for my 45 Colt because it's my favorite revolver and I had wanted one since I was a kid and watched shows on TV like "Colt .45", nostalgia is a great inducement to making one want something. But, all that aside, I shoot my .22 revolver (Colt Scout) and semi-auto more than any others handguns or rifles combined. I think I tallied up my .22 useage somewhere on here once before and it runs into the thousands of rounds. For all around plinking and practice it's hard to beat the .22. I find it no problem to go through 100 or more rounds target practicing whereas I would never put a 100 rounds through my .45 at one sitting. I suppose I should have phrased my poll as what cartridge do you shoot the most. The .44's are definitely most everyone's favorite big gun! Chris
As much as I love the .44 Magnum, the .357 is really my all time. I can do more with it, and the gun seems to be much more fun to play around with. I will say the .44 is a close second.
Although I have revolvers in all calibers listed, except 454, I'd have to say my FAVORITE is 45 Colt. My most used working six guns around the farm are a Single Six w/magnum cylinder, and a Uberti Cattleman in 357. But the 45 Colt floats my boat.
Those of us who prefer the .45 are lagging behind the number of those who prefer the 44's but they will see the light eventually. As someone once said "I like a 45 because they don't make a 46". Chris
I have 44 Specials in both single action and a S&W 1950. It works great in everything. I have 45's also in both styles. I like them fine, but I don't think anything hits like the 44 Special with 429421 and 16.5 gr. 2400. I had to demonstrate once to some fellows in Cut Bank, MT. My linotype 250 gr. sailed through a 14" power pole like it was cheese and bounced across a wheat field. I have used 44 Mags, also, but I always come back to the Special.
Skeeter's writing hooked me on 357
Skeeter hooked me too Pmeisel. I almost registered here as "Jug Johnson", but "cowdog" is really my nickname and I use it on other forums. I treasure my copy of Good Friends Good Guns etc, and a tattered old Shooting Times compendium.
I have many close to my heart on this one. And I shoot others sometimes more often. But m y"go to" calibre is my 45 AR . It's in my weathered old 1917 smith trimmed to 4in with a wondersight. Of all I enjoy, 200gr swc down range at 850-900 fps it will handle most all the chores and is quiet about it.
...vote for the .454? Mr. C and I are bummed.
Al's vote counts for two or three! Chris
Although I enjoy all the other listed calibers, I prefer the .41 Mag as my favorite round. Can load it very hot when needed, and can also load it down to special for more mild and personal protection..Just my two cents!!
My favorite six-gun cartridge is the .44WCF. It is a very historical cartridge, accurate, powerful, fun to load(it's kind of relaxing to lube cases & take your time reloading) probably the one I choose to take when I'm just out to have fun, relax & enjoy the hills.
.357 for me, followed by .44 mag, and then .45 Colt.
The .357 just suits this old man. Easy and cheap to load and shoot, and we hardly have any grizzlies in Ga. any more!
Shucks folks there's no place to mark for the .41 magnum. I want to say because of my .44spl flat top it would be that cal, but so far I have yet to match the accuracy of either my S&W 58 or Blackhawk .41s. I suspect I may need to firelap the bore, but I gotta say it's going to have to improve or I am going to have to find the right load before it comes close to the .41. That .41 Ruger is absolutely scary accurate with 220 SWCs.
Just vote in the one marked "other". Along with your comments it should be enough to show your pride in the 41 mag. I have never shot one but I have heard they are quite nice and pleasant to shoot compared to a 44. I almost bought a S&W model ?? but couldn't quite swing the price at the time because my infant daughter was demanding my time and money. Kids, Hey..........gotta love em. Chris
Fixed the poll, and added your vote. Now Mr Casull and I are not alone with our one little vote!
(edit) dang, that took me from 5% down to 4%.
As I said I am a .41 guy, but I really don't see the big difference on the back end, especially hand loading. A 240 gn .429 diameter bullet going at a handloaded 1,200 fps feels pretty much like a 220 gn .410 diameter bullet going 1,200 fps. I just happen to think that the .41 with a 220gn bullet has a ballistic coefficient ( hence flight, accuracy, and penetration characteristics) that aren't available in the larger cals until you do get up to a weight that is something you would notice on the back side of the gun.
...if you can't rig a poll!
I suppose? 30 votes-454- Yeah Right, Al....... Let's see, what other calibers did I forget, 38 special, 38-40, 32-20, 460, 475, 500................................I think the 44 special boys showed what they think already. Chris
I only see one. Better check your glasses.
What's this?
This isn't Chicago, one man, one vote, and the voter has to be living. Geez, Grandpa was right, "You get more than four people together and a politic will break out."
OK AL, got me, but I'll be watching! Chris
I am a fence rider on this subject but have a number of .44 mags and .45 Colts. I have done more with the .44 but as of late, I find myself carrying my .45 more as I use it in CAS shooting and in my Marlin carbine with 300 grain hot loads and one of my non cowboy guns (adjustable sights) with the same load are just damn good and are easy to pack in old Nelly Belle. My vote if limited to one right now would be the .45 Colt. I also carry a Bond arms with .410 / .45 Colt.
I can't stand it! My second favorite caliber has not received even one vote! I have to appeal to Al to rig the poll and at least put one vote in the .22 slot so it doesn't feel bad! Please Al! Sad Chris
Hands down, my favourite round of all time is the .22 Long Rifle. I suppose admitting this puts me in a different category from those that choose magnums first. I grew up with few extras in my life, and I learned that flexibility and adaptability were extremely important. If these two characteristics don't characterize the little rimfire, then I don't know what will.
While I like them all, the 44 magnum was one of my first and I have a soft spot for it.
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