Read that Colt was showing some New Frontiers at the SHOT show. Anybody have any info on this? Chris
Colt New Frontier Re-Introduced?
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The Colt New Frontier will be available some time this year. Have yet to behold one in the steel, but from the photos I've seen, looks to be the spittin image of the examples from the 2nd generation-case color receiver, royal blue cylinder, barrel, hammer & trigger group. Calibers are 357 magnum & .45 Colt.
I'm certain it won't be cheap, but I want a 4 3/4" .45 Colt! Hopefully, Mr. Taffin will get a crack at testing one, and give us a write up.
I would love to have one. Heard it may be in 44 special also but will wait and see. Thanks Mak for the comments. Chris
Colt certainly has a long history with the 44 special, so it would not surprise me if they included this round. We will most likely find out later this spring. My guesstimate is that Colt will be filling distributor orders the same way they always do-spreading it thin across as many distributors as possible. This means that your local shop may not have much choice in regards to caliber, or barrel length.
From what I have heard, the N.F. will be a regular production gun, not a special order, or a custom shop piece. If I'm correct about this, it means Colt will not set an upper limit on numbers produced, it'll all depend on how well they sell.
On an unrelated note, the rumor mill churns that Colt will bring back the Mustang. If so, it certainly is the right time for Colt to revive this pocket .380, IMHO.
I hear the New Frontier is going to be reintroduced. I really hope it is & the quality is up with the new 3rd gen. SAAs (which right now is great) I also hope it sells really well for them. Rugers are nice, strong, accurate, & affordable, but a Colt is,,,,, well a Colt!Frank
1980's vintage .45. If I bought a new one I would prefer a 4 5/8 .44 Special. Chris
5-1/2",AND 7-1/2"
Sixgunner, thanks for the update, I would opt for the 4 3/4 or 5 1/2 in .44 special. Either would make me happy. Chris
Borrowed this pic off the net.
Not sure what caliber this one is but???????? Looks good. Chris
Chris, you should buy 2 and donate one to the cause.
I can't afford the first one, just dreaming. Chris the second one then
One in the bunch. Chris
I don't have an official MSRP, but it will most likely be +200 USD over the fixed sight SAA. I have every faith that these guns will be up to the Colt standard. In my opinion, much of the bad press about Colt in the recent past had more to do with incidentals than actual shooting. Colt might seem like its not as tight as USFA, or as strong as Ruger, but when all this is said and done, the proof is in the shooting. In real world type shooting, Colts that I have had association with always prove their mettle. This includes a 3rd generation 44 WCF SAA 4 3/4" that would make plastic water bottles dance at 60 yards-with factory and hand loads. A 1991 Government that would out shoot a Kimber Stainless Target, and a Woodsman that would hit anything within 30 yards. This is not dressed up on a fancy bench, this is real world shooting.
Hell yes these guns are expensive! Colt guns have always been expensive. Frankly, I don't know of any other gun that has the combination of history, real world accuracy, and just plain beauty the Colt SAA has, and the N.F. has those easy to see adjustable sights.
There are less expensive guns that are good-the Rodeo, the New Vaquero, but there is only one Colt. God willing, I will have mine-a 4 3/4" in .45 Colt.
The ones I've shot performed that way too Mak.Frank
Had my money down and order placed for 2 1/2 yrs with colts distributor. I talked to colt and was told they have two gunsmiths working on the new Frontiers and single action army's. They were putting out two Frontiers a month. I got my money back as I imagine the list waiting would wrap around the globe at least twice. Unless you were promised a couple lifetimes thing are pretty slim. I know of no one that has gotten one. Shame about the Ivory. Roy Fishpaw did a set for me on a Ruger Flattop that was worked over by Hamilton Bowen and color case by D. Turnbull. Got two sets done by Joe Perkins at Classic Single Actions before the deadline.
That president really knows how to think things out. The biggest bull elephant known of was recently poached in Kenya. Probably on its way to china for the carvers knife.
I sometimes see them listed on various online auction sites. I can't vouch for the security or the honesty of the sellers there, but some have been at it for a while, so maybe are pretty trustworthy. Last one I saw was a 7.5" 44 Special starting at $1,600. I don't know if that's MSRP, but its close to what I figured they'd go for. Read Mr. Taffin's review, you'll want to put your money back in.
Mak, the 1600.00 is spot on.Msrp was about 1575.00 when I had my order in. By time you add on all the other costs they seem to come up with it will prob. be close to $1700.
I like Reading J.Taffins stuff,but we all know the gun-writers get there's when they come out of the gate and the rest of us salivate for three yrs.
Have been casting for my Flattops .44 and 45's so if I have any powder left I'm going to fill some brass today.
Still no powder on the shelves. I guess the hoarders are still at it if you can believe thats the case. I wonder sometimes. With that Obama in there you never know.
I read JT's opinion on it and sounds like they are doing a good job on them.
Rem. when a ruger Bearcat was 49.99? Now they are $649.00. I rem. when Ruger 10-22's with walnut stocks were 39.99 take as many as you want. Hell in those days I couldn't afford 1.
Have a good day!
I got tired of waiting too so I simply shortened the barrel on my 45 and installed an Elliason sight. It ain't a 44 but it works. Chris S
Sixgunner, how long did you wait and what dealer did you use? You should play the lottery with that kind of luck.
Which auction sites do you use where you have seen the New Frontier? I'm looking for a 51/2" .44, but won't be picky
If Colt ever loses their military contracts they'll be falling all over themselves producing for the civilian folks. Their nose won't be so high in the air.
That looks nice!
Folks, no one understands frustration and lack of justice, we all just have to live it.
Regular folks who have no inside connection are left out in the cold over those who do. It ain't right, but it is the way it is.
Colt is a small company, certainly by the standards of Ruger, or S&W. There have never been a glut of Colts anywhere in my lifetime, and I highly doubt that will change. I dunno if Colt is arrogant, or full of themselves, but marketing is essentially lying, and lying ain't right, but like body parts, its spread around pretty evenly.
Single6, I've never bought anything from, but they are the #1 go to site in terms of availability of stuff. Gunauction has been around for a while, and they have a few sellers who have been at it for a while. I have bought some ammo and things off Gunauction, and find you pretty much get what you see. The other sites are usually linked to auction houses, or antique retailers, and the such, but the first two is where I would go.
There is another option to getting ahold of a new New Frontier, and that is getting a used one. They do pop up here and there, like all Colts, you have to be ready to snap them up or they will be gone. Its sort of funny, I'm pretty good at finding Colts, just really rotten at affording them.
Nobody knows for sure what is going on with the lack of ammo and components. Once again, its best to have an inside track. I can guarantee you this much, no government, no military, no police wants an armed civilian populace, and if they tell you different they are talking out of another orfice.
Thanks for the info. Always appreciated. Your last sentence is solid gold. I worked for 32 yrs. for a gov't entity as a welder/fabricator which kept me involved with the pd officers. The last generation of officers ,some were hunters and would come down to the shop to bs and talk guns and hunting but the bulk of them down in there soul did not want us to have guns Not one belonged to the NRA. The new Gen. of the last ten yrs. there was no doubt that they would take our guns away if they could and Don't doubt if they were given orders by the Chief to knock down our doors and take our guns that they would hesitate. My next door neighbor is a retired cop and I have known him for close to 40 yrs. and when it comes to guns I don't trust him a second. Anyway thanks again and good shootin'.
As a retired cop I have always taken the attitude, Citizen first, LEO second. I will always be a US citizen but the LE career only lasted 22 years. Your neighbor might be of the same mine. It would be worth investigating. JW
Thanks for the comeback,a little confused as to what the message mean't,but no matter. I have a cousin that retired from sheriffs in Laramie about a year ago. We grew up together in Montana and both went into the Navy after H. school. We both are gun guys.
As I don't like the attitude and politics in Calif. towards guns I have most everything done out of state.Dustin Linebaugh in Cody did a set of grips for a flattop for me and his workmanship was tops. Be willin' to wait for them. Milt sparks in Idaho just finished some holsters for me and their work is perfection.
I realize what the pd officers are up against here in Calif, but I think the country needs to open it's eyes and see the transition of pd's all over the country and the change that has taken place in a short time in their appearance and equipment. Where I live there is no reason for the militarization of the pd taking place in all of the surrounding towns in this area. The municipality I retired from just received a new armored personnel carrier. It is very sinister and intimidating. They have m-16 on the motors. This is a quiet area with little happening in the crime area. I can't help wondering who it is they are planning to go to war with. The constitution clearly states that civilian law enforcement is not to resemble a military entity. I worry what freedoms will my children and grandchildren have left and who took them away.
You should not have to fear the police as long as you respect them,in return as a law-abiding taxpaying citizen I expect the same.Enough of that.
This is a gun blog with a lot of info and nice guys to talk to.I find the friendliest people at the gun club or in a hunting camp. That's the way it should be.
For you guys that have an interest. Navy Arms is building 1873's in .357 ans 45 colt. They are using Winchester bbl. receivers and Doug Turnbull is doing the color case on the action and hdwe.Navy Arms is putting Missouri no. II/III grade walnut on them. They will be shipping soon with Lipsey's being the first dist. to get the first 25. I have one on order with GAT guns. With any new gun I can't wait. Good shooting to you all and pray for a real President the next time around.
As a retired cop I have always taken the attitude, Citizen first, LEO second. I will always be a US citizen but the LE career only lasted 22 years. Your neighbor might be of the same mine. It would be worth investigating. JW
My point, is that you are a citizen of this country first and foremost. Your job as a Peace officer is secondary to that. When you retire, you will once again, just be a citizen.
As it should be.I hope the wind will let you keep your hat on today. Everytime I return from hunting Montana and come over the hill looking down at Sheridan I always feel that it would be a nice town to live in. There is a hardware store there that I order things from and the folks are always nice to talk to. If you hunt Antelope you are probably getting ready. Antelope is my favorite game animal and the best table fare. In calif. Boar hunting is my favorite. Take care and good shooting.
Not planning on hunting this year. Have to take the wife to see the daughter and grandkids. But I am still getting some trigger time in.
They can sure get in the way of a bbq of fine steaks.{said with tongue in cheek]. Have a good time as they are precious moments spent.
I personally wish more officers had your perspective. It is reasonable and sensible.
However, today we have a much different world, where the police have morphed into the standing army James Madison fought so hard to prevent. My own state is slated for a 2+ million dollar "gift" of military hardware. Now really, the terrorism card has been way overplayed. We suffer through endless false flag attacks. All of our communication is attacked and stored by a government that now lives in fear of its own people. Lets be honest, this is exactly what this military hardware is about, keeping the citizen away from the terror stricken government, the players who hold all the cards, and the police are the tool to accomplish this.
I observe things in reality, and I do always hope there is someone like you with sense out there, so thanks for being human.
Hence the persistant push by the eletist left for more gun-control and types of guns the citizenry can own and push for documenting where those guns are and storing of that info. I'm as concerned about their motives as I am about our immigration policies. An example would be Dearborn Mich. which has been taken over by a large community of Somali Muslims. That's where the two traitors that were killed fighting with ISIS came from. Minnisota also. It is Armed Americans that will keep the peace at home and the Bloombergs and his money followers Bill Gates etc. are spending their money to dis-arm us. If you have been following the I-594 bill in Wash. state you have to wonder what are their motives. If you haven't read it it will open your eyes to what is going to happen to our 2nd amendment if this passes in Nov. Right now it has a big lead. I have sent three checks to help the I-591 opponents as I believe this is a dangerous progression against the 2nd. I'm retired and have only so much loot but I feel this is an important one. I think we have a president that is hiding his true feelings about America,and that includes his wife and Eric Holder.
You'll get no argument from me about the pervasive drive for government to legislate America into slavery. I'd just add that its both a left and a right thing. The best kept secret out there is that the repubs have done just as much damage to our rights as the dems. Gotta think its because they both serve the same master, and their master ain't the people, no matter how much it might feel good to think that way.
This whole militarization of the police is transparent as well.
Its ok, though. When things do fall apart, it won't be the "authorities" to fix things, they who ain't worth a hoot. Just like always, they'll just be the buffoons who get in the way. It'll be the people who will roll up their sleeves and work, and when we do, I hope a few of have saved up a good overhead right to the face for those sellout pieces of garbage who have made the mess.
You are spot on. It's getting harder and harder to tell the diff. between the Dems and the Repubs. The Repubs. seem to have their head in their keister when it comes to picking good candidates. So far the only one running that has some sand is that gal that knows how to cut a hog. I doubt any of those cheap suits has ever thrown a hay bale or threw a silage fork of silage feeding the cattle in -35 in a Montana morning with the wind freezing your eyelashes together. It's pretty sad to feel you just voted for nothing.
Immigration has taken this wonderful country past the point of no return.A president that admits he doesn't know what to do.
I say let all those Somali Muslims go back. They have been nothing but trouble since we let them in. Just don't let them back. After those ISIS have cut off a few of there heads they are going to say a big UH-OH.
Hope you have a good week-end and get in some trigger time. Lets all make sure we put out our colors.
I worry who's side the police are going to stand with when the stink hits the fan. If they follow the Chiefs orders to take away our guns it will be hell to pay and a divided country forever.
Looking to pick up some new leather and a couple guns tomorrow. That will sweeten the week-end. Dove opener Sunday. Hope I can still hit a few.
Seems every few yrs. someone gets shorted on their welfare check and hell breaks loose. The only thing that counts then is cash in the gunsafe;ammo;stock-up of food and water.
I never could understand when folks get mad why they burn down their own house. Then I'm just a simple country boy.
Glad for you that you found a couple of pieces to add to your collection. It seems for me, every time I think have enough coin to make a purchase, something else comes up, and well, it winds up being a priority. Maybe some day, I'll be in the buying market again. A few years back I snoozed when it came to a Colt Trooper, and have regretted it ever since. Maybe I'll get the chance to rectify this situation, who knows.
Its getting to the point where fewer and fewer folks I talk to believe this is their country anymore. They think the winners running it into the ground are serving another agenda, not the one for right here.
There used to be a simple rule-mind your own business, but "our" government doesn't, on any level. They really act as if they live on a different planet from the rest of us.
Well, enough of my rant. We both know how troubled things are today, and we still have to find our way through. I still think we can and will, but it s going to mean toughing some stuff out.
I hope this younger gen wakes up because we will need the help and they don't know what they will be losing. I think gun prices are going to drop as the buying frenzy is slacking off and all those distributors and gun dealers want to stay in biz. Maybe its our turn.
Have a nice holiday. Remember a whiff of ole' Hoppe's #9 can lift the spirits and memories of hunts gone by. I wished they made that in after shave.
At the risk of being pounced on for this I will simply say, "Every gun owner in this country should be an NRA member! Period! If the NRA had 25 million or 50 million members things would be a lot different than when there are only 3 plus million now." Chris S
Chris, You are right. I have been preaching that to my fellow gun-owners for years.They are the ones that can afford a 900.00 handgun,but can't afford 35 bucks for Nra. They ride on the backs of the rest of us writing the checks. If one-half of gun owners joined the Nra and one state level org. there would not be a politician that would speak the word gun-control. Except a couple twits like PEEELLLOOOOOSI,who is probably clinically retarded,but money talks.Can you imagine being married to that. Makes me shiver just thinking about it.
One the brighter side . California SB53 {Ammo registration and no on-line ammo buying was defeated last night] Even 6 Dems voted against it. Almost fainted. They are a little nervous since 3 Dem. were re-moved from office for corruption this passed year. LeLand YEE senator ,the most prolific anti-gun senator was busted in an FBI sting for taking bribes and gun-running with the chinese gangs. He will probably spend the rest of his life in the Graybar motel.
Have a good holiday. I'm heading to the post office to pick-up some new leather work by Milt Sparks and the guns they were made for. Those guys do some top shelf leather work and a good bunch to do biz. with. Here in communist Kalifornia the land of gun-control we are seeing a few rays of sunshine. We may be seeing a ccw law and a fed. judge the other day ruled the ten day wait was unconst. except except. for 1st time buyers. He told our anti-gun AG to change the law. She's tying knots in her hair. She should spend her time down in the ghetto telling her bro's and sista's to knock off the shooting and get a job and pay for all those kids they make.
Every time the NRA calls me up and offers a payment plan way to bump up my membership a notch, I do it. But honestly, I think I probably ought to be donating that money to the NRA-ILA. Anyway, NRA isn't a perfect organization, but without them we'd be busy hiding our slingshots.
You are sure correct. Every time I hear someone slam the NRA I think boy without them we'd be lucky to be able to own a table knife!
Amityslim, We all only have so much loot to throw around. I think that contributing to the NRA-ILA and NRA-PVF are real important due to all the money needed to fight litigation on anti-gun laws and that all the ILA $ can be used for. The Nra-PVF is used to elect pro-gun candidates which is equally important.Right now I'm contributing to Washington state to defeat I-594 which has been heavily funded by Bloomberg and Bill Gates. I-591 is the grassroots measure to try and defeat it. If I-594 wins we will all be affected,and our 2nd rights will be turned back years.There you have my 2 cents.
I'd love to have one in 44 special !
The big funds for the gun grabbers seem to always come from people who have enough money to surround themselves with bodyguards and have the latest security around their domiciles. Reminds me of Bill Bryson's comment about homes of the wealthy in his book about Australia. He said that evidently money and a sense of style are rarely found together.
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