I know John Taffin has done alot of work with the .41 Special, and I have kind of adopted the little cartridge because I find that it is alot of fun to shoot especially when I had my 4 5/8 Blackhawk and now my Smith Model 57. I was wondering if he had ever tried to get the ammo companies to do anything with it. I have written a few, got some favorable response but for the most part it seems that they all think it is a dead end cartridge, especially since alot of them have even written off the .41 Magnum. With the high cost of .41 Magnum factory ammo, I think this would be a great cartridge not only for the fullsize guns, but think of a Ruger Flat Top .41 Special like their Lipsey's .44 Special, especially since they are coming out with a limited edition .41 Magnum Flat Top. Think of a .41 Special Vaquero or 5 shot S & W L frame like Taffin's converted 586 that he had Bowen make. An ideal personal defense gun with a cheaper round than the fullhouse Magnum, but a practice round for the Magnum shooters. Maybe it would give the .41 Magnum its needed boost. Maybe we can get some of the other gun writers on the bus, a little name sometimes goes a long way with the ammo companies.
The .41 Special
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I am with you 100%. I think it borders on tragedy that no one has "made it so". I think that a gun, such as the Ruger SP101 could bring the idea back up and indeed revive the .41 mag. I think it is obviously a hole in the the spectrum.
All this .41 talk brought to my attention a gaping hole in my avalable calibers right between .405 and .429!
I totally agree, we need more factory ammo options for .41 mag. I love my OM Ruger 4 5/8 barrel .41 mag and of course am a reloader. Working on a .41 special load right now, having .41 mag cases cut down to .44 special lebgth so as to relieve some of the empty case syndrome with more consistant low powered ammo for self defense as well as cowboy action shooting. As far as other guns in .41 mag, I would really love an SP101 in that caliber as well as a anniversary flattop .41 similar to lipseys .44 special. Hey Ruger, yoohoo...!!!
Whats that? I admit, I do buy it from time for my 22's.
I like a gun with fully adjustable sights. That is my big grievance about the SP101. I load all my ammo. The only time I use factory ammo is when I buy a new gun in a new caliber and buy a box to test fire the guns until I get the right loading tools/components together.
I don't see the advantage of a .41 Special in a short, 4 inch or less, barrel. The guns originally built for .41 Magnum are almost all unnecessarily heavy for a carry gun. A .41 Special built on such as frame isn't going to offer anything a .44 Special would not have on the same size frame. As a defensive gun the .44 Special will do it at lower pressures and with less noise and for shooting whitetails and pigs the larger diameter and heavier bullets are an advantage.
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