So here is my question. I have a wide target trigger with serrations on my model 29. I wouls like to replace it with a narrower smooth combat trigger. Does anybody have any suggestions? Thanks, Paul
Smith trigger
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Smooth triggers aren't that hard to find on the 'net. and it should be no problem to locate a wider trigger to cut down. Since you will have to take the gun apart to remove the trigger for "smoothing" you might as well just swap out. There is very little "fitting" required with a trigger replacement, if any at all.
I say this having done and seen a lot of attempts at what you want. I have seen the "do-it-yourself" method get botched and it's not pretty. I never assume someone I don't know is someone I should advise to grind away on parts by themself. IF you can't find a narrow "N" frame trigger buy a wide one and work it down until it i"just right" to your specs then swap out. Some of the grooves run quite deep on the triggers and people tend to "chicken out" after they get started and then see how much they really have to take off to get to "Smooth".
Also, taking a look at your pistol, you have the"'Case hardened" hammer and trigger. Grinding on the trigger will ruin it's collector value, besides ruining the look.It will also expose the raw steel to corrosion (rust) at a higher rated than if left "case hardened". The Stainless Smiths with the case hardened innards ar my favorites, as opposed to the stainless innards, hate to see one of those triggers mangled.
...or any gun for that matter, I find a replacement part to use and save the original. then thing can be put back to "Like New" later.
Thanks to sixgunner, countrygun and admin for the advice. The reason I'm asking is that the serrated trigger is pretty abrasive on the finger. I guess I shouldn't be such a baby about it. It would be a lot more fun to build up a callous from shooting than replacing! Anyway it's not that big an issue and it's definately not somthing I have to do. Thanks and Happy Easter. God bless America!
A semi-temporary fix would be to cover the serrations with a bit of 5 minute epoxy to just cover the grooves, you can even color it to match with a bit of model paint and it's removable later on with a teeny bit of heat to soften it. The extra trigger is still a must. Chris
...44 Special for a while to toughen up the hide!
We all have our preferences but I find the trigger on my 29-2 really nice. The action was smooth from the beginning and has like good wineimproved with age (and use). The widder trigger gives me a feeling of a lighter trigger pull. It also make it easier to get a good full tip press rather than a 'squeeze'. Just my personal preference.
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