After reading several postings I get the feeling that most of the forum members like the big bores. (might be an understatement) I carry my Hi-Power because I shoot it very well left handed. I am left eye dominant. I can't hit squat with it right handed and I am right handed. But with my Smitty model 29 I can shoot just as well with either hand. I don't get it but I don't question it. I know the 9mm is a mouse gun compared to the .44 but if I can put six rounds downrange accurately in the same amount of time it takes me to put one round of .44 downrange I don't feel at a disadvantage. I have shot Glock, Kimber and Colt .45 and I seem to really wrestle with the recoil. But for some reason I don't have a problem with the recoil from a revolver. I took a competitive pistol class with a Glock .45. We shot 600 rounds in the span of about three hours and I was wore out.( that's when I learned what dominant eye meant) I have been shooting left handed ever since and it's still very awkward. When I shoot a semi-automatic I have to shoot left handed but when I shoot a revolver I can hit with either hand. I guess I'd better start carrying my big Smitty. Two hands are better than one, right? I really do like my Hi-Power it's easy to shoot and fits my hand like a glove. What to do, What to do.
Ok I get it
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Paul, I don't think you have to apologise for using the Browning or the 9mm. The Hi Power is one of the classier autos out there, & in the last 10 years 9mm ammo has come a long way. Check out the Buffalo Bore 9mm ammo, the WWPDX1 124gr +P, the Black Hills 124gr +P, & the Speer 124gr Gold Dot +P. these are pretty good 9mm loads. Carrying what you shoot the best is a very smart decision, you don't have to justify it to anyone.
Good shooting
I carried a 9mm for a while, a high cap plastic pistol. It wasn't a Hipower, so I'm not comparing guns to guns exactly, but I found that for someone whose lifestyle is 9mm friendly, it'll do the job. I won't speak for anyone else, but for myself the 9mm is more of an urban weapon. It works well on people and domestic 4 legged attackers. It does not, however, have the penetration or stopping power needed to qualify as an effective rural weapon. Now, I'm not interested in igniting a debate. This is my conclusion for my purposes only-yours may well be different. When I gave up and got rid of the hi-cap 9, I also realized that I gave up an advantage when dealing with multiple human attackers. This may or may not be a critical factor in your life.
If you find the advantages of the Hipower are important, then get yourself comfortable with the idea and reality of using it. A gun causing a delimma, either mental or physical, is not what you need.
Again, speaking only for myself, I find big bore sixguns to be about the most comforting handgun to have around. They digest all kinds of different loads. They function as a tool as well as a weapon. They have the potential to handle loads that will devastate the meanest adversary. Working with 5 or 6 rounds means a different approach to working with 13 or 14.
Really, it all depends on your needs. If you don't live rurally, you will probably never need a 44 magnum-or for that matter, a 357 magnum, either. If the S&W "N" frame works well for you, it is available both new & used in the 45 Auto and the 44 Special. Finally, there is nothing at all wrong with being good at both big bore sixguns and your Hipower. You may want to stick with both, as the situation merits.
I'm not going to debate the pros & cons of different weapons either. I agree a big bore six-gun is probably a better 4 legged defense weapon. If a person has a 9mm with him at the time though, he can carry a magazine full of military ball ammo & quickly swap with an administration reload. Ball ammo will penetrate very deeply, & usually in a straight line. Just a suggestion.
It seems like there is way more than one way to skin a cat. I thank all of you for your input. That's why I like this forum so much. Good, intelligent, and thought out experience. I live in central Florida about 25 miles west of Orlando. I am in a rural area and the Hi-Power is easier to carry. I have tried and owned the tupperware guns and my wife owns and carries three of them.(Ruger LCP, Glock 17, Ruger LCR) I just love wood and steel. I'm old fashioned that way. I like my .44 because I can shoot it well with both hands and as I'm a big guy it's not hard for me to carry concealed. I don't hunt here so I don't have to worry about the big 4 legged predators. We do have our share of black bears and of course gators but I don't go in these woods. I don't know anyone with a bunch of private property to hunt on, I can't afford a lease or guided hunts and finally there are way to many unsafe hunters in the public woods.
Anyway I'm just rambling. Thanks to all of you for your input. Have a great day and God bless.
Paul, good shooting & watch out for the ' gators.
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