Lets see some SA's. Heres the only one I have a picture of right now. Its a SBH .44, with a '73 Sinlge Six grip frame. The old super frame is now on the SS, a change I actually love. The feel is totaly different obviously, but its a change I like. I feel like the old frame is as hefty as the rest of the gun. Balances pretty good for my offhand shooting.
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OK, this one needs no introduction.
A Ruger Blackhawk in 38/40 with a Randall Knife
This one is mine!
Beautiful grips on the SBH!
How about my Colt New Frontier 45. Chris
I'll add them to the "big Slide Show" when I get some time. Fixed Border Ruffian's contribution. Looked like the "dang image picker" claimed another victim!
Thanks for posting, I'll clean up the broken images anytime, except when I'm trying to earn a living!
Gotta Go!
How come no one has commented on my new knife? I think it's a real beauty. Chris
How big is it? my guess is about 8-10 inches overall?
I put my single actions in a wheel formation. I need to update this pic as I've added a 3rd model Dragoon to the fleet. My SBH has stag grips I put on many moons ago!
Border Ruffian: The knife is approx. 10" long, blade is 5 1/4", it's a Gil Hibben design patterned after an Elmer keith style. If you want one talk to Albroswift on this site or at the elmerkeithshoot.org site. Chris
the image picker is behaving some what today, nothing I did. If you have some red X's I missed, PM me and I'll fix them in the AM. Out working in the field during the day.
A 3rd Model Dragoon.
Just got this Simply Rugged crossdraw today. That's my Colt 45 NF in it. Chris
And thank you for supporting one of our supporters! Rob donated two $100.00 Gift Certificates
to the cause this year. Too bad you didn't get a chance to get in on that drawing!
No worries Al, I would rather someone else gets the free pass, not me, I don't need it and I don't mind paying full price for a quality product. I would however recommend this product so anyone interested should check it out. Chris
Al: I also would tell you that Rob was extremely punctual, he estimated 2-4 weeks but in this instance it was just around two weeks and I was extremely happy with that, I passed on a few other custom makers because the wait was several months or more so I was very pleased with Rob and the service. Chris
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