Some Leather
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When I was younger I made some holsters for some of my guns. The middle one is my first attempt and dates to the 1980's. The right one is not a sixgun but I'm showing it anyway as I feel it is an example of how I improved a few years later. The fancy one is a holster and belt that I got from a Sear's store about 40 years ago, I don't know if this was a popular seller or not but it has served me fine all this time. Chris
Nice work.
Ace has made a lot of holsters over the years, maybe he will post a photo or two.
Like your neighbors photo. Looks like .22 range
Yeah, about 30 yds. but I gave up popping caps at my neighbors a long time ago, now I jest capture them on my camera and enjoy the memories. Would love to see others pics of holsters or guns, wether homemade or store bought. A side question, what do you think of an El Paso Leather # 44 holster? Looks alot like the one in the Shootist for my Colt NF 45? Or would the Tom Threepersons be better, I'm thinking of splurging on a nice store bought one. Chris
I like a little more drop, gets the muzzle clear before the grip is in my armpit. Just a personal preference, however, they are all well made holsters. Have you thought about having Barranti make one for you?
My Southpaw rig for my 7-1/2's, custom made by a nice lady (who's name escapes me) 10 years ago in the Kent Kangly (WA) area
I think this is my last one that I made and it is at least 25 yrs. old. I see what you mean about clearing the holster, I have worn them both ways, but lately am kind of fond of crossdraw for some reason, maybe age? I did look at Barranti and they look good, I still haven't made up my mind. Chris
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