I have been reloading the round for quire a bit now in various guns but I have a "special" project on the table now (watch for a thread about what's up in the near future) but I have to admit that I am pretty much a "Unique/2400" old fashioned kind of guy. In doing some research on "newer" powders I came across an article, and I checked it out in the factory data which agrees. The claim is that 8 grains of Power Pistol powder can deliver a 250 KSWC at a good bit over 900 fps while staying at the old standard low pressure .44 special level. Has anyone tried it?
.44 Special loaders
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I have not tried this load, but now that my wife shoots my/our ROA with the KIRST 45COLT conversion and I am back with the old SBH, I am always looking for new 44 special loads to try. thanks for the tip. WASATCH CHARLIE
I haven't used 2400 or Unique for my 44SPL reloading. I've used Bullseye, Titegroup, and GreenDot. Haven't shot my GreenDot reloads yet but I am hopeful they turn out good in my 44SPL Vaquero.
I have had good luck with Green Dot in my 44 Spl's. It burns well and gives enough push to obturate hard cast bullets. However, I use Unique and 2400 for almost all of my 44 loads. Unique for standard loads, and 2400 for high power loads. My only 44 bullet is cast from a Lyman 4-holer 454424. I had to look a long time for it, but is has proved to be worth the weight. It has the square bottomed lube groove. I tumble lube it anyway with liquid Alox. Not sticky, and it doesn't lead. I use the same bullet and AA #9 for 44 Mag loads in the Ruger SBH, and I don't get any leading there, either.
I've had really good success with 7.5-8 grains of unique out of my 44 specials using 200 grain Gold Dots and berry fmj's
I've had really good success with 7.5-8 grains of unique out of my 44 specials using 200 grain Gold Dots and berry fmj's
I like the old Skeeter loading of 7.5 grains Unique under a Keith 250 grain slug.
I've been looking for Power Pistol for months and months. It seems pretty rare in these parts. I'm eager to try it out for the .45 Colt, which, interestingly enough is the same powder charge, but with the Scoville bullet.
It's a tough bullet to find in anything above .452", but I might have a lead. Seems Montana Bullet Works is back up and running with new ownership.
I have enough bullets to test out the combination, but until some P.P. surfaces, I have nothing to report. If you try this load, don't forget to post it here.
If we don't find any W 231/UNIQUE/BULLSEYE SOON, it will be GOEX 3f for 44spl. and 45Colt. several local stores always had ''some'', now its down to rifle powders only......have W296 for my .357 but I'd rather punch paper with .38/.44spl or .45 colt!!! I'm above the 49th. parallel. WC
Does anyone know what the appropriate .44 Special loading would be for Hodgdon Triple Seven FF with a Keith bullet? As with the post above, some smokeless powders have been in short supply, but Triple Seven has been generally available. I've heard that it is a decent black powder substitute and thought that I should give it a try. I'd probably be safe to just load it for light compression in the case, but was curious if anyone here had any experience with it?
Hank;I have used 777 in some big bores, but not 44 Special, my favorite handgun caliber. I always stick with 7.5 Unique or 16.0 2400 with that. However, I have used it extensively in 577 NE and 3-pounder Parrot rifle. I did a bit of research before I stated using it. Hodgdon says do not compress it. Otherwise, you can use it in any straight wall cartridge. I would always use a full load, however. And a magnum primer wouldn't hurt since most fake black powder is harder to ignite well than the real black. I don't think I would use it in a revolver, though, because it is very corrosive. Your cleanup time would be too long.
You can use Red and Blue Dot, or even SR4959 in 44 Spl. Just go find some sort of smokeless rather than any of the corrosive stuff. Ihat stuff is for real muzzle loaders and cannons.
Triple 7, Everything Mike said is straight up.
Just don't ask him about controlled round feed!
.........that a CRF rifle was necessary for BP or Triple Seven???? Learn 'sumtin' new every darn day!!!!!! Chris S
Interesting. I had heard that Triple Seven was an easy cleanup that was nowhere near as corrosive as BP or Pyrodex. That's mostly what made me consider it for plinking style loads.
Black powder cleans up easily, soap and water and a brush. It does stain brass, but no biggie, 777 won't
I'm working on my latest invention-it's secret, but I'll give you a hint...It involves a toothbrush and a long extractor. I'm fixing to interest oral surgeons...
MAK has invented a controlled round feed dentifrice. I slap myself.
Mak: I was always warned not to reload brass that had been used with BP for smokeless reloading. Consensus was BP somehow weakens brass? Anybody know for sure? Chris S
When I was into black powder I found it sensible to keep bp and smokeless brass separate, not because the sulfurous fouling weakened cases, but because it darkened them. Some claimed if you cleaned the brass right away, this could be minimized. I never experienced any weakening problems with my bp brass.
So.....I loaded up a bunch of Triple Seven .44 Specials just for kicks. I used a 240 grain RNFP over 20 grains 777 FF by volume. Shot from my 5.5" revolver at 10 yards I was quite impressed with the accuracy. I did about five 6-shot groups with them all achieving "ragged hole" groups of about an inch. Many rounds cut through the same hole, so I'm figuring this load is more accurate than my ability to shoot it. Overall, it was a fun trip to the range.
Now, the clean-up. The revolver sat about eight hours before I could get to it. I used a rag with Ballistol to wipe it all down, then a brush and bore snake through the cylinder and barrel. Not a bad clean-up. Frankly it looked worse than it ended up being.
Now, a question on cleaning the brass......I tossed the cases into a jar of water, do I need to do anything else to neutralize the 777 residue before just tumbling them and reloading as normal?
I had plum forgotten about ballistol. Haven't seen it f or so long it just escaped my recollection.
I should mention that I haven't personally used 777. What I know about it comes from an acquaintance who loves his muzzleloader hunts. Something about hating getting shot at by yeehaws with push feed actions and all has caused him to abandon centerfire hunting.
Anyhow,muzzleloaders don't use brass, so I dunno about that. However, you can call Hodgdon, and see if they have any recommendations.
I have to say that all you guys must have flunked Kibitzing 101 in Gun School. I was just going through this thread and saw that, in 2013, I staed that all mt 44's are cast with Lyman 454424. I think I'd be cleaning every five shots. Really I cast 44's from 429421.
I caught your mistake the first time, but didn't bother to mention it. Guess I should have...... 8^)
Figured that was probably what you meant by your description. I really like that 429421 bullet as well.
Like many others most of my six gun reloading is with Unique. A favorite 44 special load,that shoots well, even out of my S&W 629 mountain gun, consists of a hard cast 215 gr SWC ( Moyer bullets) over 7.5 grains of Unique. It is very accurate, light recoil, and brisk. Probably 900-950+ fps from a short barrel. I was told not to expect accuracy with the bullet beyond 25 yards. My Marlin 1894, not only cycles the cartridge well, but shoots tight little groups out to at least 70 yards with it. I hope your project load worked out.
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