Thought ya'll might like this pic. Chris S
Barred Owl
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Man that is a great picture long as they are not blocking the cutting of millions of board feet of timber!
We have lots of kinds of owls here in Swamp City: barred, great horned, barn, screech, but there is one I can't identify by his call. I just call him the shoutin' owl because he sounds like old lady Feinstein when she don't get her way. I have been through the Cornell site, but don't seem to find a call like his. Makes you jump out of your socks when he lights up.
...has been trimmed a few times and the owl didn't interfere, but I was watching my little pup so as to not have an owl-dog incident. I don't think this bird was big enough to mess with my dogs but a Great Horned, maybe.....Chris S
Great Horned owls are nothing to mess with. In Montana, I went to see my veterinarian one day, and he was sewing up in injury on a large Great Horned owl the the power company had brought him. It had flown into a fence and torn a gash in its skin under one wing. He saw me walk into the surgery, turned around holding it with its wings spread and said, "Here, hold this while I stitch it up". It was facing me and trying to get its talons into my gizzard while making ugly popping sounds with its beak. I sure wished my arms were longer and my pants were drier.
We see one once in a while here in the U.P. but not too much, I've seen one in my lifetime. I do, however, have several bald eagles nearby that often sail above the house so I tend to keep my little one in sight at all times when she is out in the yard. Chris S
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