It seems that we have a large number of new members, but a small number of new posts. In order to encourage some others to contribute, I thought I'd write a little about the bolt action.
Its pretty easy to come up with something interesting concerning Lever action rifles, especially since leverguns and sixguns seem to go together like peanut butter and jelly. But bolt guns? Well, why do we not associate bolt guns with our sixguns? Is this a simple prejudice? Is it convention? Or is it because today the bolt gun is a specialized piece of machinery?
Thinking back to earlier days, it was pretty normal for bolt guns to come with open sights, and even peep sights. Today, it seems that open sights on bolt guns are considered superfluous, since the owner is expected to clamp on some type of telescopic sight, and go shoot animals hundreds of yards away.
What is bizarre about the no sights thing is the number of scope failures that regularly occur. After all, hunting rifles are exposed to some pretty extreme conditions, and some pretty rough handling. Right about now, I almost expect someone to start lecturing about how grand modern optics are. When it comes to real field conditions, if you are one of the over privileged class who hunts with someone else changing your socks, then perhaps this doesn't matter, but if you are the one who wakes up when its still dark, clutches that freezing cold gun in your hands, and sets out in the best direction you can imagine-risking falls, stumbles, and hard knocks along the way, then I daresay the time will come when that thunk will get you to wondering if you are still zeroed. I still know a couple stubborn hold outs who hunt with Remington 700s, .308 caliber, and iron sights. I can't help but admire their fortitude.
Maybe the Levergun can still be a fun gun, rolling cans and knocking over targets, which in many ways is the backbone of recreational shooting. Can the same be said of the bolt gun? Maybe. Personally, I can't imagine a fun shooting session with an overbore magnum bolt action. I mean, how many guys do you know who go out and roll cans with their 7mm magnum?
None of what is today was always what it was. I used to own an aged Savage bolt gun, with open sights, and I relied on it enough that it hung on my wall. I remember another wilderness trekker, whose name escapes me now, whose rifle of choice was an 03 Springfield with a peep sight. I don't belong in the world of five figured hunts, and slaves changing your socks, and I wonder what happened to the bolt guns that those I knew relied upon. I'd imagine they all disappeared in the flames created by an insane yellow bellied government.
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