Any one buy a firearm recently from Cabelas?
I understand the take a number, that's reasonable, first come first served, do some shopping while you wait for help. I had #72 counter was on #52. There were 2 0r 3 behind counter, 20 people in line. Fortunately 50% of the customers gave up waiting so there were a lot of numbers skipped, took about 45 min to get help, not a big deal-- understandable with Christmas shopping and all. Selected a firearm, good price, sold. Filled out the paperwork on an Ipad, gave my WDL and CPL to the person behind the counter, he double checked everything, all good, kept credentials and sent me over to "Firearm Check-out" That's when hell came to breakfast. There were 12 or so chairs, mostly full, plus 6 or 7 people standing around. the check out procedure appeared to be as follows: 3 checkers standing around, occasionally looking at paperwork, occasionally calling someone's name. Even after name called people were going back and sitting back down again. Because I was born in the same city that I reside, that was a red flag, had to get that abnormality cleared up. Gentleman next to me saw the counter person with his firearm and paper work, walked up with out being called, counter person told the gentleman "Another 45 min" He claimed to have been there for 3 hrs so far from the time he took a number. Others were attempting to get their credentials back and cancel purchase. My total wait, from take a number to walking out the door was 2:45, but I knew what firearm I wanted and can fill out a background check pretty fast. Most I spoke to were in the 3:30 range. Even without the big crowd, I don't see it going much faster, the check the paperwork, have someone else check the paperwork, re check the paperwork, re check the credentials, etc and having to call the purchase in seems to take some time and they were moving like they worked at the DMV. Anyway, did end up with a NG, so all is well!
Cabelas firearm purchase
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Al: Seems like we were all better off when local gun shops were the place to go, now it's like going to another country to exercise a "God Given Right" and I can understand now why the libs are so ready to get rid of God! Chris S
"Al: Seems like we were all better off when local gun shops were the place to go, now it's like going to another country to exercise a "God Given Right" and I can understand now why the libs are so ready to get rid of God!"
And that's what grinds my gears.
My wife and I stopped at the Gonzales, LA Cabelas killing time on the way to New Orleans. She had never been to one and we had a nice look around. I spotted a little ruger in the gun cabinet that she might be interested in. Well 15 minutes, and multiple 'I will be right with you in a minute' one of the four doing absolutely nothing employees finally came over and allowed us to see/handle the revolver. Our local Academy Sports went through this a few years ago, lost my business for several years. You think the future Toyota plant managers in AL will put up with such employees/service?
Made you wait for 15 minutes? That's just ridiculous, totally a bad service.
By your (?) I must assume you are being sarcastic? If so, my comment wasn't about it taking 15 mins.. It could have been 5 or an hour. There was no one ahead of us, no other customers, and no one dealing with a phone order. Just multiple employees chatting about who was going to the super bowl, etc. But here is supposed to be how it works. I just retired from 30 years with the US Department of Agriculture, as the 'State' Economist. My job involved multi million dollar project and statewide analysis, no 'direct' public' interaction. But occasionally a member of the general public would wonder into our staff area, lost and needing directions. And either I or another member of my, very busy staff, went directly to that individual, and not just give them directions, but found out who they needed to see, and led them to that person. It is called professionalism and service. Something that is becoming more rare in our society. So Bo, if you are not being sarcastic, ignore the aforementioned rant. If so, well you probably wouldn't understand.
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