lol, It did snow in Kabul a couple times this year and I can still see snow on the mountains from my Hooch,
But, my wife went me this picture this winter when it snowed in Mississippi, We had the first "White Christmas" that I can remember and I missed it!
They're my guard dogs and the little one is such a little smoocher. She only goes after squirrels and bunnies but an occasional mouse isn't ignored..... Chris
cowdog, the tall one, with the mostly brown face is one heck of a squirrel dog, He thinks I'm a rock star with the boom stick. He Loves to Hunt,
The short one, is gun shy and thinks he's a lap dog, he acts nothing like a typical Jack Russell. They are totally opposites, but I Love 'em both, Don't tell my wife but I'm not sure who I miss the most!
Chris, we aren't used to THAT much snow! Ours is usually gone in a day or two. Then it shuts down all the schools and factories, so its kinda like a mini vacation down south!
Mine were originally kind of gunshy, especially the bigger one, until one day a pesky red squirrel was trying to get into my eaves. I shot it without paying much attentiion to the dogs and when I looked they were both jumping around trying to go after the dead rodent. From that time on whenever I take a gun out they think it's squirrel time! The gun has never bothered them since. Chris
Chris, My one dog does the same thing, whenever I get a gun he gets excited,he starts looking in the trees, but the shy one, he runs to the house. I think my wife has spoiled him.
Mr. Mike
Who did your scrimshaw? My wife is wanting her dogs picture done on her handgun grip. Also if you don't mind about how much was it?
That is awesome work. What a great way to show off your dog.
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I expect the same from them." John Wayne
Thanks, the artisr is Mike Hasbun, aka "the Presidential Scrimshander", he's done scrim for both Bush's, Sarah Palin, Vicente Fox, Chuck Yeager, etc. His prices are reasonable and he does the best work I've ever seen.
These two guys are the ranch alert system. The black one can see in the dark, and the brown one can etch glass with his bay.
These are Red and Bowser. They are the interdiction branch. Bowser has blinding speed, and Red can 'sic balls' with one twist. All the dogs are foundlings since in MS nobody thinks it's bad manners to just ditch a dog.
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I expect the same from them." John Wayne
This is Grace Jones. We found her in the pole barn one morning in January. She had been sleeping in a hay pile to stay warm. She was caked with mud and had a raw nose where she had been rooting for food. The other dogs took to her right away, so I took her to the vet for a bath and a checkup. We advertised in the paper for an owner, but I didn't think we would get an answer since she was very shy and would cower if I raised my arm. She has turned out to be the sweetest little girl I have ever met. She doesn't bark, and she stays right with me when we walk through the woods. After her bath and a week or so of regular food, she has been the easiest of all the dogs.
Her name is Grace Jones after one of my favorite women.
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