The other day I was searching for info on my quest to shorten the bbl. on my Ruger SBH. While perusing the many sites I came across John Taffins book "The Book of The .44" in Amazon. I opened Amazon just for the heck of it to check it out. I looked at the cover; now I'm thinking, do I have this book? It looked famliar but, I wasn't sure.
Since the book is out of print a listing of the various dealers are listed along with the prices. Here's when I crapped my shorts. I couldn't believe it, the bucks they were asking for it. Now, I've followed all the great gunny authors (Keith, Skeeter, Nonte, Ackley, O'Connor, etc. since I was a kid and now its John Taffin; please LORD keep him healthy. I'm not sure who else is out there but, as far as I'm concerned JT is all that's left.... my apologies for getting off track.
I got home and checked my library...there it was, a bit dusty but there. I go back into Amazon just to make sure I wasn't having a senior moment when I initially check the prices, used books range from $75.00 to a little over $300. New, they range from a little over $100. to just under $600. The condition of my book is well above the top end of used-very good too somewhere in between new. Its in great shape.
In my excitment I called my wife and told her, now she the kind of gal who doesn't like a messy place, believe me my library is not messy, being that she not wholeheartedly into our sport she'll say "why don't you get rid of some of those books" I'd say, "no there probably worth a few bucks and it took a long time to find and collect them" that would be the end of it. This time when I told her the possible value she said, "sell it" does this sound familiar too you guys? I then told her I'd sell her first, thank GOD she has a great sense of humor...thats my gal.
Now, I'll go through my library and check my other gunny authors, maybe I have a fortune sitting there......rrrright.
Stay safe fella's........Carl
I can't believe it!
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...thanks to the generosity of the author!
I get about the same treatment. Every time I talk about or do something unapproved I get the, "I'm going to sell the Sharps." treatment. Last week I told her I was going to sell it so that I wouldn't have to hear it anymore. I didn't, though, because then I suppose it would be the "I'm going to sell all your precious sixguns." treatment. I'd have better luck trying to win the wheel of fortune in Reno.
Grouch, I understand your situation. Most women don't appreciate our sport, although down here in Florida I've met several gals who are just the opposite; they hunt and shoot with their husbands and from what I see they have a very good relationship from the words they use when we talk. While living in NY I never came across any gal who shared the outdoors with the husband/boyfriend. I belonged to several gun clubs over the years and never heard anything positive from the members about their ladies.
A quick story, many decades ago I lived with a gal (educated & liberal minded) during our year and a half together she on two ocassions stated "you'd get rid of your guns for me, wouldn't you." I told her, I worked hard and long too get my meager collection.....NO I wouldn't. She didn't say a word, but I felt the chill. Approx. 6 mos later she pulled the same routine; she got the same answer....and she was gone..... back to mama.
Grouch, if I had to do it all over again I'd find a gal who/we shared some of the same interests....not all, but some, because we all need out space. I firmly believe that it strenghtens the relationship.
Just my opinion......Carl
That's right. There are too many women in the world to worry about just one sourpuss.
Mike, you're absolutely right....there are a whole lotta fish in the sea. But, I hope everything works out for the best for you and your gal.
New poster here.
I have a habit of browsing used-book stores when I have time to kill. (It's cheaper than browsing gun stores.)
Several years ago at a metro area about an hour and a half away, while my stepson was getting tutored, I wandered into a 2nd-hand book store and strolled straight to the "Hobbies" section. There were several good books there and my pile grew. One was a copy of Elmer's "Hell, I was there!", which I grabbed because I didn't happen to have a copy , it was marked at $8, and I think it was out of print even then.
That night I was finally able to sit down and page through the new additions to my library (extensive). I was in my reading recliner with an adult beverage at my elbow. All the books were great, including several books that were collections of reprints of vintage gun company catalogs (Sharps, Remington, Colt, S&W, Maynard, Smith, Spencer, etc.). I'm pretty sure all those books were out of print. Then I got to my prize acquisition, "Hell, I was there!". The dust cover was a little ragged and worn at the top and bottom, but no large pieces torn off or missing, and with no stains, marks or fading. Unfortunately, the whole book was a little bent or curved, as if stored poorly, but I thought it might be straightenable. Then I opened it and inside the front cover was a "Hello, my name is:" sticker. Guess who's name was on it? I snotted bourbon and water out my nose, luckily missing the book. I jumped up and went to my references and found a book with an article about Elmer or the birth of the .44 Mag or something, that had a reprint of a letter from Elmer, with signature. Bingo. I had an autographed copy of "Hell, I was there!"
Once in a while I get lucky.
Think it's worth more than $8 to a pistolero?
96wa6, that's a great find. I went into Amazon, have you? The used section for "Hell, I was There" lists conditions from Acceptable $52. to very good and like new and anywhere in between up to $1000.
No matter what the value, its the book and author that count. If the book was in better shape that would be great, but, if you're like me I'd rather have the book than the money.... don't get me wrong I'm not well-to-do or anything like that, I just valve the book more.
Again great find 96.......Carl
Rare find in a room full of rare finds!
Welcome to the forum. Need any help with posting images or anything let me know.
I will be trying to post an image or two in the near future, but work demands have that on hold. I'll let you know if I run into any trouble...
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