Ok guys, we talk about them all the time. Lets see what all the talk is about. Post a pic or two of your SA sixguns. I just can't get enough of reading about and viewing all the fine specimens. Alas, I only have one Vaquero in my stash but that will hopefully change with the addition of a Ruger Bisley Flattop in 44SPL in the near future. So anyway, post a pic or two and tell us a little about your collection of SA sixguns.
Pics of SA Sixguns
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How about a single shot?
Here's a brace of USFA 44 Specials by Turnbull. Smooth as a baby's butt.
And, here's a 45 Colt Beretta Stampede after I carved out a one piece ivory for it. I make my own snake loads and pack it in the summer around here in the Swamp. I have since added a nice fitted base pin custom made for it by Ron Power. Tightened it up nicely. It's fun to shoot.
Next, I think I will look for an original Ruger Vaquero in 44 mag. I have a Super blackhawk, but it is cursed with adjustable sights and a 7 1/2" barrel.
Been a while since I've been on the forum. Surprised to see no additional pics in this thread. Oh well.
Those are some nice looking sixguns and a dandy rig you got there. Love the rough out leather.
Well, I need to take some more pics (and sense some new SA6's coming my way in the new year). But for now, here are my 2 lowly Uberti's (same pic as avatar, need to dig out the cowboy rig and shoot). Planning to order a couple CCW rigs in the next few weeks (Mernickle PS6-SA and D.M. Bullard Combat), and will def. get some pics of those up with the two Italians.
T Bone,
Welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing a picture of your Italians.
I've had these two for quite some time, actually not even sure if I've fired them (had an earlier Uberti Premier model with a black powder frame from EMF that went to the range once or twice, had to sell it many years ago). I've handled these plenty, and now that the itch has returned, will be getting out to shoot them very soon.
Ordered a Milt Sparks Summer Special concealment rig yesterday (said they don't do the II for SAA, but some web pics I've found now make me wonder... I'll be calling as soon as my confirmation letter arrives, want to be sure it sits low enough in the holster to keep the hammer spur out of my er... spare tire.
Still going to order the Mernickle and Bullard too (OWBs). And I've got a really nice Galco cowboy rig (model long since discontinued/renamed and changed), strong-side (left) and cross draw. Would all make for some more good pics (and also hoping to step up to a genuine Colt at some point in 2014 if work goes as planned).
FWIW. I experiment with "misapplication" of holsters to see what fits unintended. I found the Ted Blocker "DA2" for a 4" "K" frame fits a 4 5/8 SAA almost perfectly. It is a semi-high ride pancake type that can be used strong side or crossdraw.
That's a great idea, and I'd do it as well, except my ONLY other wheel gun is a Charter Arms Bulldog Pug in 2 1/2 inch, .44 Spl. I have lots of flat sided pistols including 5 1911s, a few Tupperware guns and some mouse guns. But none of that leather is a potential candidate for a doner home for the SAA/clones.
No problem there, I like holsters, have many and enjoy getting more. Started here with Milt Sparks as I have more of them than any other maker (around 15 I think). Galco is next (about 8).
After I get those listed above, I'll probably order a Speed Scabbard from Thad Rybka (wanted one of his rigs since I first heard of him in the early 1980's, this seems like the perfect start with him, though I'd also love a Rhodesian for one of the 1911s). Just got to get back to work so I can afford all these things!
Not sure if you have checked out the Mernickle PS6SA holster yet. I have heard great things about it and I plan to order one in the near future.
Here is a pic from the Mernickle website:
Oh, I like that holster,
"Dear Santa Claus,..................."
Taffin is a fan of the PS6SA holster too.
Picture from Mernickle webiste:
Yep, very familiar (mentioned the Mernickle PS6SA in my post above). And the Taffin article that pic accompanied (can't recall where I saw it) is where I heard of them. Planning to order one (black) in late January or early February (just got some good news on the job front). Mernickle as I recall can take awhile (bought an SOB for a 5 inch 1911 from them quite a few years back). And Milt Sparks is currently quoting 12-16 weeks. So, I thought those two first. Bullard is at 2-4 weeks. I won't be carrying much mid Jan. through April (going to work major hours in a nuclear plant, and will have to have all weapons and associated items removed from the vehicle, locked up in a hotel while at work). So I won't really need them until after that (job may even make enough extra to cover that new Colt I've been dreaming of).
Hey guys, if you're reading this... this thread needs more pics! Irelander started it as a pic thread, so post 'em if ya' got 'em!
Anyone know what turn around time is For a Thad R. speed scabbard?
Have used a Milt Sparks modified Tom Threeeperson style for old model Vaquero. When I started buying New Flattop .44s i called them and they said they don't make that style anymore and have shifted to conceal style only.Has that changed?
Like the Bullard Crossdraw and have called several times but always get an answer machine. I would order one but have some Q's and he is never available to talk to. Anyone have any success getting a holster from him? Anytime I get a call back the giggly girl doesn't have any answers.I have a suspicion the holsters maybe being made across the border. Can someone tell me I'm wrong and is the quality good.
Ordered one for my New model flattop 4 5/8 bbl. .44 spcl. Had it modified with one slot to accomadate forward cant. Very comfortable to wear all day. Only complaint is bbl. sticks out bottom a bit leaving muzzle unprotected. Have heard that mernickle is having someone else make them. If that is not a concern to you it is a good value. I would buy another one.
WRT Milt Sparks holsters for common single action revolvers, you basically have three choices. The Summer Special (IWB) as I've just ordered, and for OWB either the HSR, or the very similar 200AW (which none other than Elmer Keith had some input on, as he requested a shroud over the hammer to prevent wearing holes in his jacket liners).
WRT Bullard, he's not big on phone calls, as it takes away too much time from his prime function of making holsters. The "Cowboy" Crossdraw (there is a "concealed" model also, quite different) does look great, and reminiscent of a Threepersons. I plan to order one of these as well. I have ordered a belt and holster from him in the past, delivery was actually a bit sooner than expected at that point. Pretty sure he is still doing everything in house, though I can't swear to it (what is your source for the farming out of work you mention?).
Ah, Thad Rybka holsters. The stuff of legends, and leather addicts dreams. Wanted some leather from Thad for as long as I've owned guns (a bit over 30 years now). Well, I've got enough quality leather and have gone through enough waiting periods that I suppose it is time to get to it. Want a Speed Scabbard for SSA's and then a Rhodesian for the 1911. Need make it happen in 2014. I have no idea what his backlog/wait time is, but I would guess it is substantial. As I learned over the years with Milt Sparks (when they were at 6 months), it goes by fast, but won't start until you place the order. Even if Thad's were a year or more, is there any doubt it would be worth it? I need to drop him a letter requesting the info, will share it when I hear back. In the mean time, I found this site that stocks his Speed Scabbard in RH for 4 3/4 inch Colts if that helps any (I'm a Lefty, so no go for me).
I talked to peacemaker Specialties and asked if he stocked speed scabbard for Ruger Flattop and he slammed the phone down. At the present time I have an order with Mike Barranti for leather work that is a year passed delivery date.
Hamiltom Bowen does most of my action work and Doug Turnbull color case and then off to Roy Fishpaw for Grips. Also "Outlaw Grips" in Tucson has done some beautiful work for me with beautiful Ivory to finish the gun off. Right now I have a flattop Having grips by Dustin Linebaugh. Hamiltom bowen did a conversion using a .44 flattop to a .327 Fed. Mag. A Rolex. D. Turnbull did the color and Roy Fishpaw put Montana Dall Ram Horn Grips on it.An heirloom i will pass on to my son.
I'm going to order a bullard crossdraw. They look clean and well made.
Thanks for the contact T-Bone.
FYI, I Talked to the Sparks guys about having A holster made and modified to my specs for a flattop. Although they don't have a pattern cast they will make it if i send the gun. They took my info and will let me know when to ship the gun. A minor inconvenience to get another Sparks holster.
would like to send pics of my flattops just to show the beautiful work that Hamilton Bowen,Doug Turnbull; Roy Fishpaw and Joe Perkins at "Outlaw Grips" have done for me. Problem is I'm not a computer techie and don't have a clue how to do it.
I had Joe make a one piece ebony grip for my USFA/Turnbull 44 Spl. He truly does nice work, and I'm glad you discovered him. He's very quick, also. I recently made a one piece grip out of ivory for my 45 Colt Stampede, and I admire anyone who can do good grips.
Photos buffaloed me for a while, too. It's really easy once you get the rhythm.
First, you have to upload your photo to the sixguns photo bank for your account. Click the little photo button second from right.
Click the Browse button. This will send you to your library. Once you upload some pictures they will show up in the list at bottom. Since you haven't sent any yet, you will need to locate the photo on your computer. Click the Choose File button. This will bring up Windows Explorer. Navigate to find your photo. Click on it, and click open.
Once the name of your photo shows up to the right of the Choose File button, click the Upload now button. that will send it through the ether to your library.
Click on it in your library, and click on the insert button to its right. Then click on the Insert Image button.
It should be in your post. Voila.
Payton lounging in her penthouse
I think I'll stick to open-heart surgery. Joe does nice work. I'm sending him another flattop to do the full Monte on with Ivory . A.45colt to match the .44 spcl. he did for me. He had it high polished blue and color-case with bark ivory grips. A heirloom piece. On top he' a nice guy to work with. i just got the Bowen Rough Rider sights in today for the gun I'm sending him
Thanks for the instructions. I will study them and see if i can make it work.
mworkmansr: wished usfa was still producing. They could put colt out of biz on quality.{so I heard}
If you have trouble with posting the pictures there is a great "how to" in the "Tips and tricks" section. http://www.sixgun-forums.com/sixguns/node/180
If I can figure it out from it then it has to be well written and simple to understand. (and even then I still screw up)
Happy to post them for you if you just want to email them to me. Al@ ... .com
Have two I am waiting for and should be coming soon. Both touched by Hamilton Bowen and D. Turnbull and waiting for Roy Fishpaw who is doing Ivory grips. The second one the same except grips of exhibition grade walnut coming from Dustin Linebaugh which I expect anyday. Would want to have both of them included in the pics. Very nice of you to offer. It is appreciated. When I get them all photo I will e-mail you. Thanks Singlesixj
For all interested,Belt Mtn. is still alive and well. I just got two #5 Bowen base pins from him yesterday. Took about three wks. inc. mail time.
Recently,someone asked about who is making punch bullets.
Grizzly Cart. Co. 503-556-3006 Mike RinToul
From our friends at Sandhills Engraver
32 S&W top break have hade this gun for awhile
needs trigger spring, not much nickle plating left.For sale. not sure what its worth. I could fix the
trigger spring if I had the part. Still looking for other engraving work.
Thanks Dale
Gun Parts has one for the 38 size revolver, perhaps it would fit, maybe a bit of smithing to make it work. Chris S
Trigger Spring
Buy Now
I recently replaced the trigger spring in my wife's 38 S&W Hopkins and Allen top break. The part that Chris shows looks right. The most you would have to do would be a tiny bit of filing. I got my spring from Wolff. They kind of hide them, but if you are nice, the good peoplr there will help you on the phone to get the right part.
Here is a photo of my Ruger Blackhawk. Its a Three Screw .357 Magnum converted to .44 Special. Holster is by Graveyard Jack.
This is my first post here, incidentally.
Well, obviously I don't know the secret of posting photos. But ya'll sure would have liked it if you'd seen it!
Bob Wright
I don't know how either but I am going to e-mail Al some pics as soon as a couple more flattops come in fr0m the custom guys and Al said he would post them if I e-mail pics. So stand by I have some eye candy coming soon.
I finally got my leather order in from Mike Barranti and it is 5 star. Immediatly ordered a couple more pcs.Will send pics when a few more guns come in. With pics of leather. He has a great website.
Leather always looks the best.
Wish I could say that I've always been able to choose leather, but that would be wrong. Kicking around in the mountains of the Southwest is tough on person and gear, but surprisingly, the rather indistinct nylon polymer holster can actually absorb much of the punishment aimed at the revolver, and with far fewer tears than one's premium leather gear.
No, you won't be able to outpull Wyatt Earp out of the holster, and you certainly won't look as good as the gents sporting quality leather in the above photos, but useful is as useful does!
I went to Graveyard Jacks website. He has some good looking leather. I've always preferred the Tom Threeperson style. What is his turn-around time ? Who did your grips? Thats a nice looking rig. Fit right in around a BBQ.Who did your conversion? I can't tell if the holster is lined,but if it is and stained do you find any of the stain coming off onto the gun? Some leather makers claim that can be an issue with stained lining. Like the belt also. I have a hand carved belt made by Rocky Mountain Saddle Co. in Bozeman Montana. It has had a lot of use. Unfortunatly they are out of bis. or I would have them make me a new one. It carried my Vaquero on a lot of hog hunts.
Keep shooting
To Bob Wright
Who made the carved belt for you Bob?
Can't argue with you on your point about nylon holsters. They can take a lot of abuse. I've carried in a modified Milt Sparks holster
for years and slid down a few shale hillsides with it and it shows. Hunting in southern calif. hills for hogs will do that. Being an ole' Montana country boy I can't give up my leather. The Milt Sparks guys are making me a couple of new ones modified to my specs. I had to send them a flattop to fit them. They do great work and are good guys to work with.
Just received one of my flattops back from Roy Fishpaw. He put a set of beautiful Ivory grips on it after Hamilton Bowen and Doug Turnbull finished with it. That gun won't be slideing down any hills.
Nice to see some new stuff on the website.
Take care
Yep, if I could I'd sport leather for everything. First, its traditional. Second its got an unbeatable feel. Third, its stiff without being too stiff. However, I've never been blessed with the budget to reflect my taste, so that means I must find other ways. Nylon won't turn any heads, but I can attest to the fact that it works.
I know what you mean, sliding down hillsides. Never hurts until one hits those sharp boulders-or that Cholla patch!
Shoot, managed to stick myself with enough cholla to never want to repeat that experience, but even so, the mountains are in my soul, so I'm there regardless of the chance of repeating that memorable experience.
Best wishes!
Probably the biggest abomination in Ruger SAs - Maurice (because some people call it The Space Cowboy) the FrankenRuger:
Magazine-fed with automatic ejection of empties via tapped muzzle gasses. There's a shell deflector on the hammer (brass pin). Loading gate has been cut in half with a hinged upper section that folds down after the first shot (dry gas pulse) to allow shell ejection. Full conversion to 9mmPara - barrel has a Douglass Premium core but is attached "Dan Wesson style" - there's a muzzle nut that compresses an outer shroud tube (7/8ths seamless stainless) back against the frame. On top of the muzzle nut is the gas trap which doubles as a sight base and can be rotated for windage adjustments. Cylinder is a Bowen chromoly blank, "special order" unfluted (they do fluting as the last step and had some that didn't have it yet, they agreed to ship one sans that step!) cut with a Dave Manson reamer and "long throats" cut with a .3555" chucking reamer. Barrel is 3.5" counting the rifled part; gas trap adds a bit over an inch.
In this feed cycle the gas pulse from a firing shell doesn't eject that shell, but rather the previously fired shell (if any). So on the first shot it retains the empty, but after that it's going to spit shells :).
The magazine system is tubular, pushing rounds forward into the back of the cylinder. Once an empty chamber passes in front of the magazine it inserts a new round one position left of the hammer from the shooter's point of view.
I normally carry with five in the cylinder and the short 2-round mag inserted, for seven out of the draw. Reload mags are a foot long, 9 rounds each. (Hammer-on-empty carry is so that the first shot doesn't auto-eject a live round on the first shot.)
I can, if I want, stack 9 on top of five in the cylinder for 14 rounds with no reload.
This feed cycle has never been used on a personal arm. It was however invented by the Nazis for a prototype 20mm autocannon, the Mauser MG 213:
I'm using straight-push springloaded tubes and direct-gas shell ejection but...it's more or less similar. Turns out to be very, very reliable feeding, too - straight push, and it doesn't care about shell OAL at all. It'll feed empty shells just fine; Penn Bullets has some 100gr wadcutters that can be ordered .356 that should be short enough to get 10 rounds into the spare mags, maybe 3 in the short.
Sight is a homebrew variant of a Goshen Enterprises Hexsite, full length tube.
I tried to figure out how many SASS rules this critter violates...best guess is "all of 'em".
I know...it's sick and twisted and the gun version of a "rat rod" (google that) but I love it.
I would love to see a video of it in action. Question inevitably is why? Or as mountain climbers answer: because I could?? Chris S
It's not very good because the range didn't allow open video use, so I had to use my cellphone on the shooting table...
I improved the mag latches for the 9rd mags since then. It's not easy working out a system that holds the bullets in until it's plugged in...
As to "why"?
I like how SAs feel in the hand but I don't like the sights or the low firepower. I fixed the sights first over a period of years and then worked on the firepower and this is what I came up with...it's like a Colt SAA and a Glock loved each other veeeeery much...
Sorry Jim, says video was removed, must be those censors protecting us from bad vids. Chris S
I went right to You Tube and searched and watched it, not sure why the link said it was removed? anyway, you have to be kind of left leaning to avoid getting hit with the empty, that was not a pun and no inflection on your politics just how you have to tilt your head to allow the empty case to fly by which it seems to do quite rapidly. Job well done Jim. Congrats and you put the old Webley-Fosbery auto revolver to shame. Chris S
Link works for me. Odd.
I built the mag/gas system in stages. First stage was to test gas-ejection in the stock 357 barrel and cylinder. I just cut the loading gate in half, built a hinged upper half and added a gas trap to the factory barrel. I retained the ejector rod at that point. Took some tweaking but it worked. I didn't bother with a shell deflector because the shells were dribbling out in 38 and bouncing gently off my my goatee in 357.
I realized that 357 shells were too fat to be pushed in past the pawl on the left side of the frame. So that meant a 9mm conversion. Once that was done but with no magazine system yet, I test-fired it and found 9mm shells (even standard pressure) were coming out with a LOT more heat, enough to sting my cheek. Owch. I finished two cylinders full with my left hand blocking my face, just as a function check. Got back to the shop, installed the deflector pin, just guessed at length and angle and next test it worked fine. I think the shells are clearing my head by about a foot to the right, and because I'm right-handed and left eyed I'm lining the sights up behind my left eye, so I'm NOT ducking out of the way of the shells.
Figuring out how to drill the frame out was the nerve-wracking "can't go back now!" part. But I nailed it.
It's....an oddity, for sure :).
I am in awe somewhat over the amount of experimenting and effort you put into this project. I understand why you followed through with it. I have done similar exercises, though in much smaller degree, and know what it's like to want to see an idea work, no matter how long it takes or how silly it might seem to someone else. I built a muzzleloading caplock pistol from scratch once simply because everyone said I couldn't and also because I wanted to see if I really could do it. Keep up the good work. Chris S
I only found out about the Nazi gun about halfway through the build when it was a gas-shell-ejecting 357 with conventional loading.
Wow Jim, a heck of an entrance there. A unique project, and a contraption worthy of the fictional Artemus Gordon himself! Glad to see someone creating such a unique piece.
I have to admit, one issue is that we have all these westerns where the hero's sixgun never runs out of ammo and I just couldn't figure out how they did it.
Now we know!
Awesome piece of engineering, makes me proud to be an American.
Improvements/ Suggestions:
Why doesn't it automatically cock the hammer while you are at it?!? And a semi/ full auto selector. Maybe a belt feed option!
Grabbing a SBH out of the safe and heading out to the shop right now.
>>Why doesn't it automatically cock the hammer while you are at it?!?<<
Because Hughes Amendment to the 1986 Firearm Owners Protection Act, and federal prison. Can't make any new full-autos after 1986.
Now *theoretically*, I don't know if there's enough gas pressure in 9mm to drive the cocking stroke. I suspect not, unless I used very high pressure, high gas volume rounds like 115gr 9mm+P+ which Underwood and Buffalo Bore do sell and both the frame and cylinder are easily able to cope with.
Remember, I have to tap gas for both auto-ejection (which I have *plenty* of!) and the theoretical auto-cocker.
A switch to turn the autococker off would be pretty easy...just build a switchable waste-gate into the gas line for it.
Again: I do NOT know if it's possible at all and I have no intention of trying.
Leave it to the rules and regs peeps to dash our hopes at having a fun project and of course, Al, who always wants more. Chris S
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