Posting photos.....

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Bob Wright
Joined: 04/29/2014

Seems to be some unknown trick, to me, for posting photos here.  Could someone explain the process?  I do use Photobucet.

Bob Wright

Bob Wright

admin's picture
Joined: 07/07/2010
Photo bucket

Welcome to the site, Bob
If you post using photobucket supplied links, (any copy and paste address for that matter) it will show up as a link until I come along and clean up the tags, set sizing, then they will show as images in your post. Just part of the many behind the scene services here at Sixguns. I usually notice post right away, but go ahead and PM me when you post if you like and I'll get to it ASAP. If they are on your computer and you have trouble with the image uploader, go ahead and email them to me an I will post. There is a page that details the image uploader procedure with some user tips.