Hello All!
Guess you could say I have been re-born.
For years I have wandered the barren wasteland of faceless plastic pistols.
My only bright spot has been looking at the shiny pictures in the gun magazines.
All the while I have been a spectator.
Then I got a hold of the February issue of "GUNS" magazine and everything went sort of weird and fuzzy when I opened it up to page 36.
Dang, bells, and whistles and sky rockets popped off in my head. I got dizzy and sweaty. That article pretty much wrecked my life. Because it was then I realized, I would have to have, "The Talk" with my wife.
We all know what "TALK" I am referring too. It's the one where you spend a week making lists with all the good reasons to spend a lot of money.
And boy I tell you my list was a dilly.
When I was ready to spill it, my wife was folding laundry.
I didn't sugar coat it or try to out flank her. I walked in and sat down on the corner of the bed, and it spilled out of me like cold milk on a red checked table cloth. Here's what I said, "Hon, there's a new gun I'd like to buy, my birthday is coming up in April And I have been waiting a long time for a gun that I could take when we go camping in the mountains, and this would be a good gun for that, and I know it expensive but my birthday is coming up in a few months and this is what I really want, but if you really look at it they already put all the cool stuff on it that I won't have to have done on a cheaper gun, Mr. Taffin said it was a good gun and so if we can't afford it that's OK, maybe I can sell a couple of guns to buy it or maybe..."
Then she interrupted me with the answer that will probably come back to haunt me. She said, "Ok." "Ok." she said.
It wasn't so much what she said, but how she said it. She used the tome she uses on my 5 year old son when she is on the phone and he wants a snack.
So, I started over again with my list. She interrupted, "I said it was OK, Hon."
I was silent, waiting for the hammer to drop.
Then it was her turn. "I know you have been waiting a long time for this, and if it's what you want then I will make room in the budget for it. Do we have to talk to Ron?"
I nodded. Ron is our gun guy.
She smiled at me, "It's ok, Hon. We can make it work." Next time we are down there, ask Ron if he can order it." she encouraged.
I talked to Ron last weekend. He is looking to order one for me, so it'll be here in April.
Even though i have to wait for a while to officially be a FiveShooter, with a wife like mine it ain't hard to be patient.
Thanks for your article, "Out of the Box", Mr. Taffin!
My gal even gave me permission to order a chest holster from Double Diamond.
Life is good.
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