Hey fellers, Name here is Jeff and I'm new here. I'll make this my first post so here goes. I traded off the last of my plastic pistols today, a Ruger SR9c, being a fine pistol, autos are not my thing. Traded a gentleman the Ruger and a TOPS knife for a real nice Super Blackhawk in 44 mag. 1980's manufacture, and here's the kicker, it has a Leupold m8 2x eer scope mounted on it. Needless to say I'm a happy camper with my modest collection of sixguns.
Have a good'n
Last of the plastic pistols.
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Lets see some photos!
Welcome to the forum.
Hey Jeff.C, it is kinda funny..I traded my Ruger SR9C just recently for a 3 screw OM Blackhawk .41 mag, bullets, dies, shell casings. I just thought it is funny we both traded the same gun for a Ruger Blackhawk. I am very happy with my trade as well..I do not hunt with a handgun, but I love to reload and play with ballistics, and besides I have other guns to CCW. I am new here as well but I think I will like it here. I want to get into SASS and so does my wife. We are senior citizens but we love to shoot. God Bless!
I, too, am an elder statesman and due to illness I don't get out to hunt but I am fortunate to have a small range in my back yard where I plink and target shoot. Mostly I use my .22 Colt Scout but I love to shoot my Colt New Frontier in 45 Colt. I also do a little plinking with the Ruger SBH 44 but use mostly 44 special loads, the big magnum 44's are not necessary for target work. Hope you guys post some pics of your guns and accessories, we love looking at old gunbelts and holsters too. Chris
I like autos, as long as they are 1911's of some sort. However, they are not as pretty as single actions. I bought a SBH in August 1967 in Havre, Montana on the way to my radar site. Great gun. I got rid of it, though, after I shot a hole in the Officers' Club floor. It was my fault, but I blamed single actions for it. Then, I went to S&W N frame 44 Specials. They are great, too, but I have recently returned to single actions in 44 Special with a Cimarron Bisley and a pair of USFA Cowboy Classics from Turnbull. Besides tht, you can't beat the beautiful leather available for single actions.
Congratulations on your liberation from the bang-bang bunch and you entry into single action land.
Guess I ain't got the image picker under control yet. Oh, well.
mworkmansr: don't feel bad, the picker here and on the Elmer Keith site are both screwy. Al has been working on the peeps that run the server and they don't seem to know how to fix it. Anyway I routinely try three, four times once in a while before I get my pics to upload. Just keep trying and see how it goes. Chris
1892 Winchester rifle 32-20. Love it for armadillos and wooly mammoths.
I find that if I try to upload and I get the fearsome red X I delete the picture and preview then when it shows the image picker again I start all over. Usually after deleteing the pic three or four, sometimes five times it will finally upload the pic, then you can insert it into the post. Try that and see how it goes. Don't worry about messing up the post or anything, practice until it works, that's what I was doing on the upload topic a while back. Chris
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