These are a few of my knives that I have carried off and on over the years along with my guns. The top one is an original Navy knife, circa 1940's, the white cord is for tying deer tags on, not to hold the sheath together. The one folder is a Buck (made in China) and the other is a Schrade Old Timer, I guess, which has field dressed many deer over about thirty years. The smaller fixed blade is a Bear Cutlery, not sure where it was made and the other is an Elmer Keith give away from an old magazine promotion circa 1970's.The last one on the right is a Marble Arms late model since the company was reopened. Just thought they might be interesting. Chris
Knives I've used
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Appreciate the post. I enjoyed your picture of your finest cutlery. I'm not sure my camera could take a picture of all the knives I have. I may have to break out the wide angle lens. Currently, I am using my Buck 110 folding hunter. It seems to be just what the Doc ordered.
Thanks jdamos, I was hoping someone would see the pic. I probably have some more stashed around in my desk and in my hobby room, but these are my favorites and the most used and treasured. You don't have to show us all of them, take some pictures of your favorite ones and post those, I like looking at anything interesting like that. Chris
I love my CRKT knives! They are tough as nails and look good too. the only complaint I have is the dang pocket clips on these knives. the screws come loose with time. a little lock tight and no worries.
10/4 on the clips, but after deciding I like a sheath better, even for a folder, off came the clip anyway!
I also prefer the sheath to a clip. I just can't bring myself to trust a clip holding my knife if I have to do some strenuous or acrobatic task out in the wild. I know it's probably just a phobia but I still want my knife fastened securely to my person. I had a Buck knife with a loose strap snap on the sheath and several times I almost lost the knife, so I tied a leather boot lace around the handle to insure it wouldn't come out until it was needed. The knife on the far left of my picture has no strap so if I wear that outside it will also be tied somehow. Chris
I just had to post a picture of my Elmer Keith knife. Chris
These are my three favorite knives. My Blindhorse stag knife is on the top, in the middle is my Uncle Henry I have had for about 10 years, and on the bottom is my grandfather's old Western States Cutlery Knife that doesn't get out as much anymore.
There are quite a few cheap folders and a few schrade pocket knives, but these are the three I enjoy the most.
Speaking of knives, I will have to post some of mine, both store bought and made in my shop when I get a chance. For the moment however I have an important question and this being the Forum it is, it must be the right place.
Many years ago 'Guns and Ammo" had an incentive deal for subscribers. It was an "Elmer Keith skinner" I remember him writing about the original and from what I can remember the G&A was a copy. Does anyone have a Picture of one? The reason I asked is that I just developed a chance to buy a knife, that is close as I can remember to the G&S model (That is if my memoty is correct. Chris, as I remember it was a bit different (and certainly cheaper quality) than the one you pictured (above). The one I am looking at lacks the raised portion on the spine and has a "stacked" handle of some sort. I have had one of those on my wish list for a long time and the source for this originates with a .44 shooter, rreloader, from many years ago. even if it is only a cheap copy (The sheath is professional and nice) it is unused and would be nice to add to my "Keith type things" collection.
Thanks in advance.
Country, there were a couple for sale a while back, one was on the Single-Action forum.
I think there was another too but not sure. Wish I could help. The ad below is the one I think you are looking for. Chris
Thanks so much.
My memory still works. that is the one I had in hand today. It is set aside for me and I trust the guy beyond question. Seems silly to make so much over a subscription premium knife I guess, but what the heck? If it makes me smile that's a good enough reason in my book. I just picked up an old Lawrence 120B Keith/Threepersons basket weave holster that fits my Flat top .44 spl.
Country, no thanks needed as I am glad to help out if even in a small way. Hope your knife is a gem and that you enjoy it. The holster is a great catch. I have a new Threepersons model from Simply Rugged for my Colt and I love it. Chris
A few year ago my Dad and I set up a woodworking shop with a seperate area for metal working and knifesmithing. Before I could get it in full swing Dad became ill and that pretty much took care of most of my time for the intervening years. His altzheimers made taking him to the shop a bad idea. Now I am trying to set things back up again and would love to make as close a copy of the "Keith Knife" as I can to kick things off in the "reborn" shop. I remember Mr. Keith writing about the knife way back when. He admitted that it was a bit big and heavy and the blade a bit wide from spine to edge, but to me it is like some of the mods to his firearms, they represent more than just an object to be dryly compare to other similar objects. The intangible qualities they represent are their true "value".
Elmer remarks in one of his letters I think if I remember correctly that he had a prototype made that met his specifications and one of the details was the tang pummel and hilt should form a kind of inward bend so the knife would actually hang in his hand if he relaxed his grip when his hand got tired during a skinning job. He thought it was a feature that was needed when it was cold and hands became numb etc. The reproduction knife in my one picture has such guards and it does stay in the hand quite nicely. Chris
It looks like I may end up making a cross between the two "reproductions" with a nod to the points of EKs that I remember. I do remember his mentioning the guards but I can't remember the picture of the original. I think I have the image in my files in the shop. I amd thinking of a convex edge with a substantial fuller, perhaps with the "stacked handle material of the "G & A" repor and the guards of you later model which is more in line with what I remember.
I looked this over with a feeling of-well, I have a few knives, but most are solidly in the utilitarian camp, and not all that photogenic. They have earned the usual scratches and chips that years of outdoor use deliver to both man and his implements.
I like a knife that is both beautiful and useful. Since Marble's came back into being, I've had the pleasure of handling a couple of their offerings, and from what I can tell, they are first class all the way. Buck has a couple of fixed blade drop points that I've eyeballed, and of course, the custom makers can really do exceptional things.
In terms of EK's knife, I believe a thick blade with a full tang will cut better and stand up to abuse better than lighter, thinner blades. A small knife is great for skinning and boning, but if you need to section a carcass, or cut through bone, or fashion some kindling, or make like Crocodile Dundee, a big blade is the way to go, IMHO.
I believe, for general carry and tasks, that a small folder is about the most useful of knives-especially if it has a lock back feature. For outdoor use, some of the new folders work, some don't, but you will rarely go wrong with a good fixed blade. I've been looking at a couple folders from Ka-Bar, and Cold Steel as possible additions, but if I could get anything, I'd get a Damascus steel Bowie-beauty and utility all wrapped up in one!
I'm scanning through older theads as a good newbie should.
I remember some gun writer years ago saying someone should invent an expandable gun safe, so wives would always see a couple empty spaces if they decided to check. Doesn't seem Mr. Taffin would need one, since from his comments it appears Diamond Dot has brought quite a few pieces home to him herself. A gem indeed.
Anyway, I suffer from a chronic knife deficiency. Stayed pretty close to U.S made though admittedly the Asian lines have some very good pieces, plus affordability is such a factor.
I have a couple big handfuls of pocketknives but have come to trust only lockbacks for the pocket or as sheath folders. Hard to beat the charisma of the Buck 110 or the slightly smaller Ranger but for use in winter rainstorms here, especially dressing out animals, I've come to like my pair of Gerber Gators (U.S.) with a slightly sticky rubber-like handle material, or rubber or some of the checkered polymer type scales on fixed blade jobs. A fairly recent acquisition is the SOG Seal Pup. I prefer the beauty of wood and brass, or leather disk-type handles, but sometimes utility reigns. Same deal for good wood and blued steel as compared with stainless and synthetic stocks on long guns.
And I'd much rather have a medium to large folder in a sheath than hung on a pocket clip. Even if the clip is secured well, seems like the darned thing is always in the way, and access is already pretty good with a sheath. For a tactical guy ready for blade combat it may well be a different story, but I'm more a fainter than a knife fighter. Figure since I'm pretty big, if I faint, maybe I'll fall on the guy and smother him.
Nice pictures, fellas.
Is that black K-Bar knock-off up there with the compass in the handle and the whetstone. If I remember right, (from when I was a youngster) mine opened up for match storage...
[edit] and the beer opener...
[edit] and the two key rings for the cable saw
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