Hey Al: Maybe we need some bait to attract more posters, they seem to be quite a quiet bunch. It must be the summer doldrums! I was out shooting the 22 Scout before but the heat and humidity up here is driving us nuts! Gun still shoots though, heat or not. Chris
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The upcomming Elmer Keith Hat Raffle might stir some up. These things take a while to take off.
Shootin' Plates tonight! Side by side double elimination action.
Ok, I was just getting restless here!The hat deal sounds good. Good luck on the plates, wish I could watch or join in but........... Have fun. Chris
Some of our string challanges include:
Trading guns
Shooting weak hand
Shooting one hand
Shooting Tuco (homey) style
321 (3 rounds in the first mag, 2 rounds in the second mag, one round in the third mag, fill up the 4th mag)
Standing on one foot
Swiching hands after each shot
Starting disasembeled
2 seconds: First clip has to be dumped in two seconds. That's one second to aim, and one second to fire six rounds, (or two seconds to fire 6 rounds if you don't aim!)
And as always the "Just shoot em" for those less adventurous.
Makes for some entertaining side by side competition!
Sounds like fun, way to much for these sore lungs though, so I'll just sit back and enjoy all the details described. What gun(s) were you shooting by the way? Chris
All of 'em
Thursday night I was shooting my Kimber Ultra Carry and my Glock 34. I also reguarly shoot my S&W 629 Classic (Moonclipped), My Ruger BH's and SBH's, Glock 24 (.40 limited), Glock 24 (9mm open), Para P14. Depends what pile off ammo I have the most of loaded.
Great selection! My auto inventory is limited to my 45 and some 22's. I,ve been concentrating on my SBH and my Colt NF and my little Scout. I go thru enough 22 ammo as it is. Chris
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