My Revolvers
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My Revolvers
My first revolver was my Colt Scout .22 and I have put probably thousands of rounds through it over the fifty odd years I’ve had it. It is a scaled down version of the full size SAA with an alloy frame. I have posted stories and pictures of it on this forum so it is a familiar topic to anyone who has read my posts. It is still one of my favorite handguns and I shoot it regularly.
My next revolver is my Colt Python .357 magnum and I’ve had this gun for many years also. I had wanted a .357 magnum for a while and decided on the python because I liked the Colt brand for its quality and craftsmanship. I’ve shot informally with it and also hunted small game with it and it is a fine weapon. Over the years I have changed its grips several times and modified the sights on occasion but it is still a superb handgun and very accurate.
My big Ruger .44 magnum Super Blackhawk I bought mainly to hunt whitetails with. I carried it on several hunts but soon realized it was a heavy package to tote around on the hip all day. I don’t hunt much with it anymore but it is now being put to use as a plinking gun using .44 Special ammunition. It, too, has been slightly modified over the years with grips, new front ramp sight etc.
Two of my favorite revolvers were inherited from my Grandmother and are .32 caliber. One was her Dad’s gun when he was a deputy sheriff and the other was her purse gun and yes, women did carry guns in the old days so we should not think of this practice as a new phenomenon being encouraged today. I have shot them both but only very sparingly, preferring to keep them as heirlooms. I used to be allowed to handle them and clean them as a boy and when I was given them it was an honor.
My last revolver, my Colt New Frontier .45, may be my most treasured but it’s hard to say for sure since each of my other guns has its merits and is not left out in the cold when it comes to my adoration. I like the feel of the Colt single action and I also love the nostalgia associated with its history. I grew up in the fifties watching cowboys on television and have longed for the Colt for what seems like forever.
When I got the Colt New Frontier I felt as if all the dreams I had as a kid had finally come true. I had a gun that was patterned after the gun that was part of our history and frontier heritage, and in the caliber that all my cowboy heroes had used. Well, maybe they used all different calibers, but on TV it was the Colt .45! I use mild reloads for plinking and target shooting and the gun handles like no other.
So my love affair with revolvers continues and I still marvel at how long we have had these great weapons to hold and shoot and remember our past. That’s not to infer that revolvers are antiques, quite the contrary, they are still a viable weapon for both defense and hunting and plinking. I cannot envision a time when I won’t have a revolver in my life.
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