Hazards of Outdoor Living
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Buck velvet on my tree Gaurd. This was my little oak that has been growing for 4-5 years. >
HI AL: Not sure what I did but lost some pics I had inserted with the buck velvet. I tried editing it but lost whatever I did, Zheimers again!!!!!!! If I had elk around here the poor tree would be tootpicks. Chris
Chris, I hate seeing that and we must protect the trees.I'm loading my stuff and am on the way. Don P.S. Can I borrow gas money?
Don't think you did anything wrong, seems like the file permissions were screwed up on those uploads, maybe the server. ?Quien Sabe? Think I got it cleaned up, did I miss any?
No, none missed. No problem, my laptop has been screwing up lately too, so I guess it's time for a vacation?????I hate to tell Don they seem to only be around at night so he would be pretty lonely sitting out in the dark. I guess I just won't send the gas money and then he won't know what he's not missing. Chris
Chris, I don't want you to worry. I took a small amount from the sons college fund for gas money and I do some of my best hunting at night.To save on the gas money I'll be riding a moped with a scabbard.Leaving tonight,be in Montana by friday.Should see you by the late season.Don
HI Don: After Montana keep heading east toward Dakota Territory and on to Minn-ah-sota where you'll have to strap the moped to your back and swim the headwaters of the Big Muddy. From there point NE until you come to a large sign that says "Welcome To God's Country-Upper Michigan". There's only a couple of people livin up here so just ask anybody you see and they'll point you in my direction. By the time you get here it should be December and late deer season, but it will probably be 30 or 40 below with acouple of feet of snow so dress warm. Best wishes, Chris
Chris, I know your making fun of me just cause I'm taking a moped. But us out west are real smart.Al loaned me a GPS thingy from his friend in New York and if you send me the number things that go in it, it would help.Thanks, see you around Thanksgiving. Don
I would never make fun of anyone's mode of transportation but I have no idea what a GPS thingy is, since the few of us in the U.P. seldom get lost. We long ago figured out how to check the tree moss and other things like sun direction and all those technical things so anything that needs batteries or electricity isn't needed here. The only number I can think of is 4, the number of things we need to get along up here, a good handgun, a good rifle, a good knife and some matches. Hope this wasn't rambling on too much and was of some help.Figures Al would be into all that gizmo stuff. Chris
Up here in the Great Northwest, moss grows on all sides of the trees, as well as the cars and boats and rocks, rolling or stationary, and no sun to get a fix off of (well, sometimes the clouds are a little brighter in one area or another)... We go by the direction the sattelite dishes are pointing and mud slides and flash flood sirens and stuff like that.
Boy Chris, You had me feeling real stupid till Al chimed in.I'm coming a long way to help a brother in need.I'm getting about98 MPG in this thing and the chicks dig it. Ran into some foul weather near Pendleton but, still making good progress. When I get to Durkee I'll be having a Chivas as I face Lookout Mtn.Then there is alot of uphill. I'm sure I'll have to push again but its better on fuel.Gonna hit at least 47 mph on the downhill slide.Now,I'm a manly man and I just noticed the hog as I call it is rated for individuals of 175 pounds or less????Do they make people like that?Anyway, gotta go using the wifi at a Starbucks in LaGrande.Don
Don: You guys are sure teaming up on me. I feel bad all the problems Al said you guys out in the Northwest have to deal with, I guess that's why we call the U.P. God's Country, no problems like you poor guys have to deal with. Anyway, I have a new problem now, the curse of the "striped kitty" is plagueing my yard. Those black and white things seem to be digging grubs or something around my trees now so I fgured I'd just wait for you to get here and you'd know how to deal with them better than me. They tell me the pelts make a pretty decent cap, a lot more colorful than them old coonskin ones. I should have been a forest ranger with all the tree guarding I'm doing lately. You'd think that with all the trees in the surrounding forest these critters wouldn't even notice my few yard decorations. Oh well, back to the lookout for now. Best to ya'll, Chris
Chris,Oh yeah, I got experience with them.No joke, I was once asked by my girlfriends mom to stay the night! I had to sleep on the porch(alone)and get the skunk as it came from the feed shed to the porch.35 yards Ruger Super Blackhawk .44 mag 10 1/2 inch barrel, around midnite.I was thanked and sent home after I got rid of it.Now for an update,I have a problem....I never thought about all the wheelweights I was gonna find. It started on I-84 where I still am traveling.I stashed around 36lbs worth at the Lookout Mtn. exit last night.(Exit 338)Now with my luck a prison work crew will find em and throw them away.Also, as I was making a toast to Elmer late last night I had a small mishap and fell from the moped and broke the Chivas bottle. It was empty, I swept up the mess and am still making progress.Um, is Utah on the way to the U.P.?I gotta go think I made a bad turn somewhere.Don P.S. How long do you think Al is going to let us do this?
Don: I just did a massive post repeat on the open topics. I accidentally posted the same post 5 or 6 times by mistake, darn computer, so Al is probably going to be in a bad mood for awhile since I don't know if he can clean up my mess. I'm going to go into hiding for a bit until he cools down. Hope this doesn't rub off on you. Chris
If I wanted a bunch of computer savvy members I would start a Lady Gaga Forum.
Question, after you post, Don't you have an "edit" and "delete" option visible at the bottom of each post? Maybe I need to look at your settings.
I think we can find something better than Gaga, AL! I don't know if my settings are ok or not? Anything on this computer is alien for me. I'm just a tired old hunter whose computer skills are self taught and very minimal at best. I don't have edit in the preview mode only in the sent mode when it actually is posted.
P.S. Don, I think we slipped under the radar, but as long as Al is looking at Lady Gaga I'm still hiding till the coast is clear. Chris
The more you know, the more you know that you don't know jack.
Play around with post/ delete/ edit a little bit when you have some time. Also I think you should see a "New Poll" button at the top, just for you, se if you can finger that one out.
I was looking at the post /preview stuff. No edit or delete when I preview, I wrote a sample and to delete it I had to erase each word and the subject phrase also, I then get a warning saying I need a subject. Anyway I will do as you ask and practice some more, but do not see any New Poll button anywhere either, or did you hide it on me? I think I need to go shoot my gun a bit and settle my nerves! This computer stuff is making me want to be outdoors. Chris
Does she come in camo?????
Not you too, Brutus? If she was in camo you couldn't see her. We have to send you guys hunting or something to get your minds off this Gaga stuff. It's not good for your breathing control or your steadiness when shooting. Chris
Say that quite right. After you hit save, is there a edit and a delete button at the bottom of your post? Before you hit save, you can simply hit the back button on your browser if you want to delete unsaved. I'm talking about deleting posts after you save them, like when you double up on the same post, or editing them, if you want to add a second/ different photo or correct spelling.
PS, I kind of like the meat bikini. Two of my favorite things, steaks and blonds, all wrapped up in a nice neat little package.
I think that may be an Everly Bros song! Ok here goes. If I hit preview, I can backspace to delete things. If I save, I can hit edit but there is no delete. I tried edit to erase everything and it wouldn't let me. In fact I think the only delete button I get is in messages section and thats before save. The previous double post I had a while back I tried edit to ersae it and it erased both posts in edit mode. I had to repost the one again. I can edit spelling but I don't seem to be able to edit to post another pic. I had to do a new post to do two pics. ???? I might be wrong on that I will have to try it when I take more pics. I have some problems I think, well not me, my posting, I have no problems, cept too few guns and too few days to shoot.
Now as to blonds and steaks, I all ready told you guys I am married to a blond and yes, I like porterhouse and tenderloin a lot. I am not sure if Lady? Gaga is a blond, there is more to this hair color thing than what you see!! If you get my drift. Intense facination on one thing is not good for a well rounded hunter and shooter. Chris
Say that quite right. After you hit save, is there a edit and a delete button at the bottom of your post? Before you hit save, you can simply hit the back button on your browser if you want to delete unsaved. I'm talking about deleting posts after you save them, like when you double up on the same post, or editing them, if you want to add a second/ different photo or correct spelling.
PS, I kind of like the meat bikini. Two of my favorite things, steaks and blonds, all wrapped up in a nice neat little package. *edit*
Here I am traveling across country to help a brother in need and,hes looking at dirty pictures and talking about steaks???Is this one of those deliverance things in Michigan? Still in Idaho a wrong turn after a couple Scotches and you wouldn't believe how many miles went by.I did find 18 pounds of lead however.Should still be on schedule give or take. Don P.S. Using a laptop in a truck stop hope it goes through, these big burly truck drivers are soo nice to me.
Either I'm rubbing off on you Al or I'm delusional. I think you posted me the same post twice?? I do not see any Delete after I save an item in the regular sections, only in the private message section do I see a Delete. After I save a post I see edit but no Delete. I can redo stuff but if I want to delete it I have to backspace all including the subject header. Then a red banner warning says I need a subject. Is that what you mean by delete AL? I haven't tried to re post a pic once I have already saved a post but I will try it next time. Actually I did on the post in the beginning with the tree pics, I tried to post the pics but they didn't attach. That's what started my problem on this post topic. I think I amstillok just need to take more care when uploading pics etc. Chris
Don: That Gaga stuff was Al, he's trying to sidetrack you so you get lost. No we don't do deliverance up here. We pretty much stick to hunting and fishing and subsistance living, what with the economy and all.Hope all that lead doesn't weigh you down much, you maybe should haul it home and make a fresh start after you rest up. I seem to be able to hold down the fort here right now, we'll have to see if I can last with all my forest rangering and pest control duties. Chris
Think I have it set now so you can delete your own posts and comments. Let me know if it is visible and give it a test. Seemed to work for me when I logged in as an "authorized user". Usually my view has options not available to the typical authorized user, that's why the 20 questions about what you see on your screen.
You should be able to:
edit and delete your posts
You should NOT be able to:
edit and delete other members posts
Let me know, if this works I'll add it to the 6guns forum also.
Ok Al: I'll see what I get.
Right now I'm in preview and I see lower left, save and preview.
Al: In save I now see lower right: edit and then delete. Looks good. I'm in edit right now.
I guess it works. Whatever you did I see it now so I'm good to go. Now all I have to do is find that New Poll thingy? Chris.
I just saved that last post twice, now I'm going to see if I can delete one of them.
It worked! I am very, very happy! Thanks, CHRIS
Al: Did you vote on my "New Poll" question? Gotcha........ Chris
...and figured it out, Mr. Poll Moderator, but only 3 choices? Must be way to easy, I'll have to do something harder next time.
To do list:
Add poll module here
Add delete comment module on sixguns.
Anything else?
Actually it is worded a bit poorly, I should have asked for which front sight... Yes there is more to do. Convince some more of these members to chime in so Don and I don't have to suffer the embarrassment of riding mopeds, chasing black and white kittys and guarding our trees from those evil ruminants. Don is younger so he's game but I'm way too old to be out chasing skunks! Best to you as always, Chris
Al: Don't mean to keep dragging this topic on but did you see your Lady Gaga picture on the tv news the other night. Evidentally those silly "Peter" people are mad at her for killing a bunch of cattle to get the meat she's wearing. Personally, I don't see what all the fuss is about. First of all it don't look like she wearing much more than one cows worth, if that. Secondly, the stuff don't look like prime cut either. Thirdly, she don't look like much of a killer so I bet she bought that meat at a grocery store and didn't even kill no cattle. After all one man's steak is just another man's hamburger! I got to get back to watching the trail here, I am afraid that guy Don got lost on his moped. We do lose a couple every year, they are awestruck by the wonder and beauty of the U.P. and just wander off the beaten path. Later, Chris
P.S. I see some guy named Maves over near Shawano, WI supposedly shot a 736 lb. black bear on opening day, might be a record.
Blonds, Steaks, Pissing off Peta.
Probably time to start forming a search party?
Any idea what this is?
Looks like a ant/ scorpion kind of crossbreed.
Well, it's only got six legs so it's not a spider. Must be a beetle of some sort. You know, like those scarab beetles in Egypt... They eat the meat off of dead things, save it for your next antler skull mount.....
Yeah those petas are always after something! I'll leave Gaga alone now.
I already set out flares and such for Don, but no sight of him yet, in this rain he's probably washed on down the Big Muddy by now if he even got that far. He wasn't making very good time anyway, too many side stops for boolit lead and rest breaks. The skunks seem to be gone so he's not going to have much luck varmit hunting. I have a feeling that once he hit those northern praires he got to thinking he was headed the wrong way. They are pretty desolate and a bit scary at night. I think I put the fear in him when I said we should lay low. I should probably not lead him on as I'm liable to lead him astray. Chris
Chris, Last we spoke I had met a very friendly truck driver.He offered me a ride. I loaded the hog in the trailer and we were off.Next thing I knew he was offering me a tour of the sleeper! And he was wearing a PETA t-shirt.I knew where this was going, kinda like a bad dream I once had.I still see a therapist after that one. Any way still heading your way ain't taking any rides from strangers. See ya soon. Don
Don, When you were a little yonker didn't your mother ever tell you not to talk to strangers? I told Al I was afraid I was leading you astray. You have to remember that Petas are very good at camoflage (spell check?). Anyway, glad you got out of that mess ok. The pest problem has let up so now it's mostly tree watch duty, nothing very exciting. The trees are turning color already so fall is on the way and those pesky bucks are basically looking for any young tree to main. Silly animals don't seem to know the difference betwixt another buck and a dang tree! Oh, also forgot to tell ya'll I'm in the Central time zone so I don't always respond quickly. ???? Best to you, Chris
AL: I don't normally do this for just anybody but because it's you and also because I have lots of free time I researched your damn bug! It is a Rove Beetle, sometimes called The Devil's Coach Horse. It's display of it's up raised tail is a warning and according to the beetle experts it's bite is somehwat painful. It is normally found in Southern CA so I'm not sure how it got in your drive. It obviously didn't know who it was messing with. It feeds on slugs and snails normally so it is a real killer. I don't know if you want to know more or not but that's what I found. I sure am keeping busy lately what with steering friends back on the right course and id'ing bugs, next I suppose I'll be asked to lend money for plane fare or something silly like a holster or a new gun!
Best to Ya'll, CHRIS
P.S. Don't ask! I don't have any money right now.
Chris, After my mishap I'd rather not relive,I have got myself into a small jam.I, as you know got turned around starting with the Chivas.(I know why Elmer liked it now)Anywho,I thought about a shortcut/sightseeing trip through Yellowstone.Now, there are signs warning of the hazards of a Motorcycle or.......moped.And a sign about firearms.Anyway, a fine ranger spied the 505Gibbs in the scabbard. I might be a little later than expected.I have no clue why all the law enforcement personell were in histarics? Maybe cause I've been through a whole bunch in the last few days and I was crying?So now I'm trying to find an attorney and no one will help.They won't barter lead for legal council. Any ideas? Don
Don, no worries! I contacted an old friend out near Yellowstone and he used to work in the courthouse, a janitor or something, but he knows the law and he will contact you so it should be a piece of cake!
Now, back to my problems. As you know, I've been having some property invasion by some varmits who are trying to homestead my on my little acre! I thought I had remedied the situation but, Alas! I let my guard dogs (see photo) out on their nightly perimeter check and wham! The little one, led by her bigger sister, encountered a varmit using chemical weapons! The big girl whimped out and left her smaller partner at the mercy of the enemy. As soon as the little warrior figured out she was in deep doodoo she lept to the porch where I opined to my wife that her little Babes must have gotten sprayed. Before I could say any more she opened the door and let her little pet in, straight to the bedroom on my bed! I again said something utterly profound but was immediately quieted by "The Stare"! My next moves saved the night, I remembered the secret formula for de-odoring a pet and raced into action securing the necessary ingredients for the shampoo. Four parts peroxide, one part baking soda and a bit od liquid soap and a dash of warm water. I didn't quite have enough to whip up a big batch but enough for the little dog to at least lather up a couple of times. Any dog owner whose pet has ever encountered "Pepe Le Pew" knows it is a very pungent odor that penetrates everything it comes in contact with. This formula works! The little Babes was back to smelling more dog than skunk in a matter of minutes, although we all were quite soaked with suds and water from the task. I think every dog owner should keep some of these ingredients in their doggie med cabinet for emergencies! I am going on alert now for varmits in my yard so I can't really wait for you to get here, in fact I think with your luck you'd better head back once my buddy gets you sprung. Best to ya, Chris
Chris, How does one tame wild beasts such as those? You can see the savage nature in their eyes and you let them into your house? As for your friend, will I find him in a bar, the local reservation(shouldn't had said that)or what? The hog was seized along with firearms and wheelweights.I'm outta money and I wasn't allowed to have a Chivas even though it was for medicinal purposes, other than that a damn nice little place here.I'll keep you posted.Don P.S.What do you think a new member may think if they read this?
Don: They were a real trial and error but we finally got them docile enough to sit for the camera, normally you can't move in the house without them hanging on a pant leg dragging you down for the kill. That one does have an evil glint in her eyes! Back to your dilemna. He will find you, since you said you were immobile, right? Or were you just fuzzy headed from the Chivas? No worries though, I told him the whole story and he said they can't hold you for more than two years under some obscure law or such but he will post your bail as soon as he drives down from Livingston where he's working in some old closed down train repair shop as a night and day watchman. As for what visitors to this post may think, if they don't like it they can chime in anytime and holler or join the fun. Actually I've been trying to induce more participation anyway so this may just keep them reading or tuning in. Hang in there buddy, we'll get you out of this mess sooner, or maybe later. At least we haven't quit talking to you. Best to ya, CHRIS
Don, I know you have had some problems out in Yellowstone and my guy is kind of slow but hang in there. I think you'd talked about taking a few weeks off to meditate and hunt etc. and I know I said I would try to guide you along but I've had a little setback with my vehicle. I had to call a mechanic and several things seem to be in need of adjustment. Once I get this taken care of I'll be back helping you out as much as I can. CHRIS
P.S. Don't tell Al but my mechanic is blond and loves to go to OutBack for steak.
Chris, My wife has been wanting a BMW for some time now. And now I want her to get one so it can break down.And why are you sending this to an incarcerated man? Boy, even the mechanics have safety features.(air bags) Still no sign of your"friend". Don
Don, I thought you was out on bail, my friend said it was all taken care of, I guess he handled the situation a little bit less thoroughly than I had expected but you know, when it's for free what can you expect. I'll try to remedy the situation. Those foreign cars are a lot of trouble, I've seriously been thinking of hooking up the team and hauling the old Willys Jeep up to the garage. It is in bad shape but if anybody can fix it this mechanic can. I don't know about fixing your wifes car, she is so busy I think it would be a long time before she could get to your vehicle, perhaps you should buy a new gun instead of a car, just a thought. Whenever I have troubles I tell my wife I need a new gun and that makes everything better. I have been deluged with rain these past few days, seems like years! so my uplink and replies are sketchy at best so if you don't hear from me promptly don't give up, I'm going to get on line sooner or later!! Best to you, CHRIS
Don, I caught the little bugger out in the yard this morning going after another tree, yelled at him and he took off in the woods! I got a very fuzzy photo of him but I can't seem to upload it, just as well, it is a poor pic but he is a little fork about 1-2 yrs old and very proud of his little rack, showing it off like it's a crown. He is n't even big enough to go after, kids now days!! If he comes out again I'll try to get a better pic for his wanted poster. CHRIS
P.S. Third times a charm so I uploaded his other shot which I may have posted before, but it's him! No doubt about it, he's the tree maimer!!!!!
There! Finally got his pic from this morning up!! It's blurry and you can't see his pretty little antlers but he's the one who kills my trees! I'm putting his name on a wanted poster, haven't figured out how much of a reward or if he's a Dead or Alive yet. Still pondering his fate. Chris
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