Bike Seat
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I found this on the net, hope I ain't stepping on anyones toes but it's unsigned and it's neat so here it is. Chris
Looks like it comes with a bullet hole.
I'll take one! Don't tell the wife!
A bullet hole?
I wonder about the open carry laws in AZ, Just curious because of the cop in the background.
On the back fender.
Original opentop or replica?
Welcome aboard!
I was being a little sarcastic, EMK1161 said he would take one. I do realize he meant the bike seat but......
Replicas, 5 1/2 inch navy in 38 and a 7 1/2 inch army in 44. Both are really well made and shoot good, especially the 44.
Thanks for having me!
How about some photos?
AL what the cop is driving I see why there is so much crime in Arizona.The gun looks like one of those repros that look real good from 10 feet,but also looks like a good excuse to be pulled over. My apologies to anyone driving the same model vehicle I just made fun of. And to 1872opentop,the sarcasm here runs thick and deep be prepared!
EMK1161, I have a car just like that!!!!!!!! It runs on sunlight so that's why they use them in Arizona. Your Ole Buddy, Chris
Yes, they are Uberti's, I also shoot an engraved '73 45 that is marked Taylor and Co., a old model 3 screw 4 click single six and an old model bearcat. The 38 is my current "regular carry" choice. Although they all get to see some use. I will see what I can do for pictures this weekend. Hope all is welll with everyone.
Happy trails, Troy
1872opentop, Welcome aboard,BUT first off, All new members must pay dues.I will take any old single action big bore.Chris is similar in taste to me but you should check with him first.Al, on the otherhand enjoys cheap beverage of the southern persuasion( anything will do) the cheaper the better.And while we are on the subject of Al....He is the master of photoshop and not to be trusted when his stories start.As for Chris and I, our word is our bond and we can be considered the all knowing all trusting and can be called upon for any advice required.Oh..gotta go its last call I'm ordering a double and a six pack to go....
Welcome 1872opentop: Don't listen to anyone but me, Don can't always be trusted to stay focused. Al gets lost most of the time for days or weeks and then says he was on vacation. I, on the other hand, am here, even on rainy days, so I make sure the fire is stoked and the coffee is on. I don't care who makes them as long as they shoot, but I am partial to my Colt 45 and my little Scout .22. Chris
Chris,I'm always focused,sometimes that means seeing double but, still focused.Should we warn him about Al's infatuation with girls wearing meat? Or hanging upside down over the jungle? When you think of it we're the normal ones here right? I mean mostly normal.And yes I've been side tracked once. But yes, you are always there because your under house arrest and your firearms were "re-located" as you put it.Here I am trying to help you re- atain said firearms and you go get on your high horse....and rock back and forth. Awe sh!% Arizona state patrol is pulling me over gotta go...
... there in Arizona who takes care of those things, do you want his name? He's the same guy who makes the Hogleg Holsters for Hogs and he also has lots of beachfront property in Arizona. I can give you his name and # for a small consideration....Oh and he also has a solar car dealership, he's kind of a One Stop Shop if you know what I mean. How in the hell did you end up in Arizona now? I thought you was still in LaLa Land. And If I have to wait for you to help me I'll be freezin here for another winter. Sorry, I get a bit testy when I haven't had my coffee. Chris
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