Book of the Month, June July 2012
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The Col is back from the sandbox, and done with this one so it is being re-gifted as of June, 2012. Hopfully the next winner will do the same!
Slow getting this up, this will run till end of June:
Skeeter Skelton's Handgun Tales, "A Treasury Of Facts, Fiction. and Fables" 1985
put me down for the drawing. Skeeter was one of my favorite authous. His son Bart is a fine law enforcement officer, and an aquantance of mine. (on Facebook).
Put me in also, thanks. Chris
P.S. Make sure that EMK1161 is in also in case he forgets!!!!!
I refuse to sign up on facebook, I tend to be anti-social when it comes to sharing personal info unless I want someone to have it. Chris,19753/
There is a commercial first, then the story. Very interesting report.
......stick to talking about guns. The Onion must be closely related to Jon Stewart and the boys, so they are probably on to something big! Where's my holster? Chris
I also discuss guns with Sheriff Jim Wilson there on ocation. Bunch of GOOD people. You can pick who you deal with, ulkide families
OK Gunny what's wrong with your family? Sounds like someone is getting on your bad side, making you a sad boy ....... better just talk about guns, it soothes the soul........ Chris
......That if we didn't like gabbing with you we wouldn't be wasting the time to post all these biting comments to get you going.... We is just here to have fun...... so this is all good clean fun Gunny????? Now what family did you say............................Chris
just an old aying. You can pick your friends but not your family. Nothing meant by it.
I am reading Ned Roberts the Muzzle loading cap lock rifle. What a wonderful book. Lots of good info. Like venting a percussion rifle, why a sidelock rifle is more accurate than an in line, all things the same, ect. I have placed 10 shots in 1 inch at 100 yards with a cap lock rifle, cleaning between shots lke the book says. what an eye opener. Good way to make money at the rifle range, for the betting people.
I guess you are all trying to digest the info on the Smith and Wesson guns. Any questions I can answer? What ever happened to the Ask Elmer area?
lets get back to the books. Skeeter was a wonderful man, taken way before his time.We lost Skeeter, Elmer,Charlie, and Bill in a very short time. Not to forget Bob Milek. Miss him terrible. No one to replace all these fine men.
You are absolutely right Gunny, we will move on over to Ask Elmer on my next post...... Chris
...Ed Parry*, currently
*Lt. Col. Edward J. Parry*, will be "about as far out on the goat trail as
one can get" in Afghanistan next weekend. While our "Goat-Herder-in-Chief"
manages to supply his troops with the necessities to conduct politically
correct activities there, it's up to us to provide the little comforts of
home. Ed reports ample supplies of cookies, dry socks, briefs & sweaters.
What they're short of is reading material. Manly stuff. The dog eared,
HOMES AND GARDENS /were thoroughly consumed, possibly memorized, before Ed
Ed's been a long time supporter of our Elmer Keith Memorial Shoot, has bought many a raffle ticket, and I am sure if he wasn't out "In The Sandbox", I'm sure he would have entered the drawing, so, with the administrative powers vested in me, the Skeeter magazine went off to Afganistan. As most of our other books went at the shoot, If I don't come up with something qick I'll send the winner of the "Book of the Month" June drawing a copy of the Elmer Keith Tanzania Safari CD Set
Elmer Keith in Tanzania Audio Recording
2 disk set
John Northcote, Professional Hunter
Nicky Blunt, Professional Hunter
Bob Peterson, Peterson Publishing
Tom Siatos, Guns & Ammo and Hunting Magazine, Publisher
David Shane
Bob D'Olivo, Professional Photographer
The Col. is back from the sandbox, and done with this one so it is being re-gifted as of June, 2012. Hopefully the next winner will do the same!
Slow getting this up, this will run till end of June:
Skeeter Skelton's Handgun Tales, "A Treasury Of Facts, Fiction. and Fables" 1985
JWnWyoming! Anyone have a book to donate for the next drawing?
Hi Al
How about I toss Triggernometry back in for this month?
It is too good a book to just set on my shelf any longer.
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